Please remove my listing


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
bobmutch said:
Keep in mind the number of sites that are SEO'ed are a huge minority compared to the sites that are out there on the internet. So I don't think this is an issue where Google is trying to tone down the SEO'ed titles. Google is working toward a better visitor experience and I think for the best part a DMOZ description is going to be better than a machine generated snippet.
The nice thing is that you can force Google to use the DMOZ description instead of any text on the site. The only thing you need to know (and every SEO-person should know) is which part of your site will be indexed and used by Google and how Google will connect your site to certain keywords.


Aug 21, 2004
pvgool: "The nice thing is that you can force Google to use the DMOZ description instead of any text on the site. "

Most SEO types are not interested in doing this. Some SEO's and Webmasters are more interested in producing a self-promotional hyped description that will product better click through than the factual non-promotional DMOZ description.

I am not sure you can force Google to us a DMOZ description. It has been reported on the SEO forums that Google appears to be more likely to use the DMOZ description when the pages Meta description is short. Personally I don't think there is any sure fire way out there that will cause Google to use the DMOZ description. And even if there was who would want to do that.

Why would I ever prefer DMOZ description of my site "Offering articles, internet based tools and optimization services. Aylmer, Ontario." over the one I have in my Meta description - "519-636-6636 - SEO Company provides Canada, US and UK clients with professional optimization and marketing services. We drive the market to your site."

While the DMOZ description shows when I do a it doesn't show when you do a search for "SEO Company" and I am very thankful for that!

"The only thing you need to know (and every SEO-person should know) is which part of your site will be indexed and used by Google and how Google will connect your site to certain keywords."

Not sure what your point is here?


Mar 25, 2002
I think that this conversation has tipped over into the realm of SEO and Google, which makes it mostly off-topic for the Resource-Zone.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.