RBAuthority.com (was: Finally... but...)


Mar 25, 2002
Re: Finally... but...

As donaldb said a bit further up >> It'll take as long as it takes <<. This forum is NOT here to speed up listings or modifications of listings. At the time your site was listed, it WAS called RBAuthority.com - and until an editor goes back into that categories, sees your update request and IF they accept it, that is how your site is going to stay listed.

And anyway, it wouldn't do you much good at the moment to have the site name changed for the search results. If you look at the bottom of the search result page you'll see that it hasn't updated since 28th September - so you won't be in it anyway. (And, before you ask, staff @ ODP is aware of the huge delay in the search system updation and are working to fix it ASAP: there are rumours that they _may_ have eliminated the cause of the faults and hence are currently recompiling the search database - _if_ that is true, then you probably won't be in it anyway...)


Mar 26, 2002
Re: Finally... but...

but why should competing sites have an advantage in the search results?
It's a directory, not a search engine. If someone is going to search for the term "rackquetball", they're probably going to use a search engine, rather than searching through a directory. The search function at dmoz.org is only useful for editors, and is very rarely used by end users; additionally, the first two things that such a end user would see would be "Sports: Racquetball" and "Shopping: Sports: Racquetball", the second of which contains your link. Google Directory offers a search feature, but that's because they already have a search engine that they re-use for that purpose; someone doing a search for "racquetball" in Google Directory will find your site, regardless of what's in the title or description.

Re: Finally... but...

I see... so when will my site be listed in a search engine such as AOL or Google?

Re: Finally... but...

We have no control over when or even if downstream data users update their information (other than having a RDF available). They update when they want. I have seen google index sites that are not yet in the RDF/Google directory so that is dependant on when google crawls the ODP.

I might also add that it is none of our business - if you require that information ask Google or AOL or post on a forum that deals with those *search engines* .
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