Request Status for


Jun 18, 2004
Obsessive compulsive?

Please correct me if I am wrong. I don't think most registrants need to see a psychiatrist or get some medication for mental illness. I think they are simply misinformed or under researched.

Apparently there is only marginal benefit to registering a site for review in the first place. Which I have just learned thanks to the past several posts.

You seem to suggest that those who have an interest in having their site reviewed should for the most part forget about DMOZ until the day (if it ever comes) that their server logs get a boost.

I hear what you are saying, and it is reasonable however I think DMOZ would be better served by being more up front with registrants about that. Maybe I have overlooked or missed something but I don't think that is commonly realized.

Perhaps the simple facts could be posted right next to the "submit site for review button". Editors such as yourself would probably then save a lot of time explaining this to those looking to get their site listed.

I have one question which I would appreciate an answer to.

As hutchenson stated in a previous post in this thread,

"Some of the most successful community sites were conceived as providing enabling tools for volunteers to do what meant most to them.

At such sites, you have no influence, other than as the content you voluntarily provide inspires other people to do similar work. People who are inspired by this (and thrilled by a lower level of the more brutal forms of persuasion) gravitate to these sites. Which leaves people with specific ulterior motives at an advantage (regardless of whether those motives are innocent or malicious.)

In your opinion if I have a "specific innocent ulterior motive" could I use this to the "advantage" of my site (and its chances for review) in any way whatsoever if I was to invest time becoming involved in these forums?

Thank you


Jun 15, 2003
Ogallala, Nebraska - USA
In your opinion if I have a "specific innocent ulterior motive" could I use this to the "advantage" of my site (and its chances for review) in any way whatsoever if I was to invest time becoming involved in these forums?
IMO, participation in this forum will have absolutely no affect on the chances of your site or any others being listed or not being listed before their time.
"Their time" meaning when an editor decides to edit a particular category, or how he or she may decide which order.

I would invest my time more wisely and be pleasantly surprised if and when you see your site listed in the directory.


Apr 15, 2003
obsessive compulsive

Just to clarify - I think it's perfectly fine and correct to ask about a site submission the first time around. But I think coming back on the dot six months later is spending much too much energy in the wrong place.

The correct thing to do is
1. Submit your site
2. Wait at least 30 days to give it a chance to get reviewed
3. Check if the site is listed
4. If not, ask here to make sure it's in the pile
5. Get on with life

I base this on what I used to do before becoming an editor - except back then step 4. was not an option.

Personally [and others would agree with me] I think we should not have an option to come back here and ask again in six months.


Jun 18, 2004


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
safdc said:
What do you mean -
Put a (manual or automatic) redirect to the new site from the old, and the editor will correct it on review.

Will the way it is set up currently suffice. My old domain name simply exists as a PARKED domain name at my redesigned site .
Maybe strange but when I look at both url's I see exactly the same site which both are working correctly. No parked doamin at all. As both sites state "©Copyright 2005. FitCare Products" and both use email addresses at Guess which url we will list (that is if we will list the site, which I don't know as I won't review this site myself).

As for the status. The last answer you got was on December 5, 2004 and you knwo you must wait a minimum of 6 months before asking again. Do your maths.
All other postings about your site are futile as questions asked at R-Z will never influence the review proces at DMOZ. You are just waisting your and our time. Maybe bobrat was right. :D


Jun 18, 2004
To pvgool -

I was just trying to do what I thought was the right thing - advise DMOZ that my website domain name is now .

It appeared to me that the Guidelines indicate that you should "update" the URL for a previously submitted site if it is changed. Which it was. Why imply that I am trying to expediate a review or ask for a status update ?

The "old" domain name that I originally submitted under last year is now simply PARKED at .

What is so "strange" about that? Is there anything wrong with that ?

Of course they look like the same site - because they point to the same site.
The PARK is in place to maintain continuity for visitors who may try to access my site via the old domain name. There are no alterior motives.


Mar 8, 2004
You use a different definition of "parked" than we do.

If you really want it made clear to us that there's a new site, you should implement a 301 redirect. In that case, if our automated link checker ever works again, it would flag the site for a rename.

If you redirect, using a <META REFRESH> tag, or just by replacing the old site with a like to the new one, we'll find it eventually.

What you seem to be doing is to do an IP redirect of the old name to the site hosted under the new name. That's not "parked", and could be easily reversed without bothering users.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
And I told you that because of DMOZ guidelines we will not list this url.
Looking at your site it will take more than just a redirect. You must change your company name and must change the way you receive emails. Until that all changes I see no other way as to list (that is if it is listable)

But this whole discussion is futile as your site isn't listed yet.
I can see that has been rejected several times before and the url changed to for further review. airfitbackrest won't be listed.


Jun 18, 2004
I just went to the DMOZ directory and saw instances of health sites that are listed with a domain name that reflects the name and nature of their product. Additionally, these sites also claim copyrights and provide email address that reflect their company name - in the same way that my site is set up .

Example: Please take a look at

Why is that OK for the above referenced site but not for the way my site is currently set up?


Mar 25, 2002
safdc, what has been done in the past with other sites can only muddy this discussion, I'm afraid.

Here is the situation - you have two URLs which display exactly the same content to the user. In cases like this, it is ODP editor's choice which one (if any) is listed.

The only way you can truly influence this is if you actually redirect the old site to the new one. Other posters here have talked about that. If you are not tech-savvy enough to do it (and that's ok), just edit the main page of the old site and say "this site has moved to "... and provide a link.

When editors review the URL that has been submitted they will make the decision as to which one to list. As the old one isn't functional, the choice becomes pretty obvious.

You might ask why we are so picky about this. Well, it's to protect the site owners - what's to stop someone from putting up the exact same content as you, and asking for an update - we change the listing, and then they change the site to something completely different, thereby effectively deleting your listing from the ODP.

So rather than debate other sites, and stuff like that, if I were you, I would put my energy into shutting down the old site, and providing the redirect.


Jun 18, 2004
To Allucard

Thank you for your polite and infomative response.

redirect the old site to the new one. Other posters here have talked about that. If you are not tech-savvy enough to do it (and that's ok), just edit the main page of the old site and say "this site has moved to "... and provide a link.

How can I "redirect" or place a "link" from the old site if it no longer exists?

Would using Mod_Rewrite_Rules in the .htaccess file that place a "301 permanent redirect" on the "old" domain name redirecting to the "new" domain name take care of it for DMOZ ?


Jun 18, 2004
To Bobrat -

Yes, but I was making that inquiry based on pvgool's last post.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.