requesting staus on



"(Emphasis mine). In fact, "accusing" editors of bias is probably one way to slow down the review of your site - I know that I'm personally going to avoid the categories your submitted to like the plague in case I start being accused of something: therefore that's one less editor available to review your site.

Civil, polite and understanding messages MAY get your site reviewed just that little bit faster - whereas allegations will make editors loath to assist you."

How so? So you are claiming that I should just keep my mouth shut or else there will be ramificqations? Trust me I just started. YOU people taking up for this person as though he is on "your own" is also disgraceful. There is REAL legitimacy to my claim and I know it and you know it so spare me. You are definitly a "PRACTICED" bulletin board posters. But I also take this post as s threat and I will be sure to save it for my attorney.

"(Emphasis mine). In fact, "accusing" editors of bias is probably one way to slow down the review of your site - I know that I'm personally going to avoid the categories your submitted to like the plague in case I start being accused of something: therefore that's one less editor available to review your site.

Civil, polite and understanding messages MAY get your site reviewed just that little bit faster - whereas allegations will make editors loath to assist you."

Excuses for over a year of waiting is not exactly endearing me to anyone here either especially when they take up for the crud managing that category. I will be sure to avoid DMOZ like the plague when doing searches.

If you insist on being upset because I am upset so be it.


May 26, 2002
You really "don't get it" do you?

We don't care about your business model. We don't care about Google PR, backlinks, or anything else like that. We just list web sites that are useful to surfers, and categorise them by subject. We don't want to list every site that is out there, and we don't want to fill categories with loads of sites that are all the same. We add over 5000 sites to the directory every week. You do not get priority just because you asked in this forum. As Ettore already said, in this forum, you get the status, and the status is that "it is waiting to be reviewed".

Calling an editor a "low life" does you no favours at all. If you have an allegation of abuse, that you have evidence for (not heresay, happenstance, supposition or guesswork) then pass it directly to a Meta editor by private message. Editors in four different countries have given you their opinion.

You will have to wait.

>> But I also take this post as a threat and I will be sure to save it for my attorney. <<

Just be sure to remind your attorney where he needs to serve papers to: AOL/Time Warner.

Remember "no one is guaranteed a listing" (You might also want to re-read the Guidelines, especially where it talks about submitter threats of legal action; that is the quickest way for every listing of the site to be dropped like a tonne of hot coals).


Why are you avoiding the question about where am I in the que instead of making it seem like I am attacking all editors. I am not. Just this one yet it seems that every editor or response I have received seems to point to wanting to take this personally.

"If somebody in the world doesn't come along and volunteer to edit in a category then it doesn't happen magically by itself. So instead of being part of the problem, why don't you be part of the solution. Why don't you volunteer to edit with dmoz. It seems to me you are expecting other people to volunteer and take care of things while you just sit back and rudely complain that the volunteers aren't making you money. Somethings really wrong with that picture."

I did. I was turned down for the wigs/fashion category because my business related to it yet there is a guy that owns a wig company and doing the editing of the main category. Thought you had me huh?

Anyone else?


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There is the proof I need. You should be able to look it up.


Mar 25, 2002
Nope, all I'm saying is that I wouldn't touch the wigs category now - and that I personally doubt that any other editor involved in this thread would go out of their way to help you now. Of course, if a "third party editor" (i.e. one that hasn't seen this thread) wanted to review your site, we wouldn't stop them - but...

How you can interpret it as a threat I dunno - but I can only speak for myself and look forward to any papers from your attorney as all posts that I make are my responsibility and not those of AOL/Time-warner (see this forums guidelines where it states "Editors do not officially represent Netscape, its parent company, or ODP Staff").

Oh, have you got a link to "XYZ Wig Makers Inc" on your site? Nope. Ok, you never say on your site that you'll list every wig maker on earth - but neither did we...
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