Revisiting the Gambling Directory

Appreciate the comments, Helper <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Let me put it this way. If my presence helps to get the category sorted out more quickly, then that's perfect. If it slows things down, that is not good and I clearly would rather stay clear.

Again, being an editor is not a priority for me unless it helps to speed things up. If the current editors feel they can do things right in a reasonable amount of time I certainly do not want to be in their way.

I don't think you can slow the process down - its pretty much been a stalemate now for months ... As I mentioned on the other thread, I had submitted my list more than three months ago and no action was ever taken.

I have had the opportunity to actually see what goes on behind the scenes. I have become good friends with several editors and one of them is a senior editor who's views are very much in agreement with mine and spears'. I have seen internal forum postings, and I have also seen editing logs.

Thus I know full well who added what sites and when. I also know which sites have had their descriptions changed to that sites benefit.

I am making no conspiracy claims - I encourage you to take my comments at face value and your own personal knowledge of the current state of affairs regarding the gambling categories.

Me current opinion is that the biggest problem appears to be one of "consistency" or lack there of. As I have always claimed - all I wanted to get accomplished was to have the submission process be fair for each and every submitter. I believe that each and every guideline should be applied to each site and editor discretion should be more closely aligned with those guidelines. Subjectivity is always going to be present, but if one is to be fair to all, the guidelines interpretation needs to be exhaustively stringent.
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