
Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
We don't discuss the actions of any one particular editor here, regardless of whether s/he's been abusive or a model editor. Postings discussing particular, named editors may be moderated. The privacy of our volunteers is important and we take that very seriously.

Larry Wall

ishtar said:
Last night I went through every site listed in this directory and I found 19 sites that were not listed in dmoz and possibly should be. The others were either listed or were total crap. As soon as I find the correct categories to list these sites in, there will be no point in listing the directory. And it will be deleted. This will probably happen sometime today, but no guarantees.

This is an extremely disturbing post.

What it says is "If you submit your site to DMOZ, a DMOZ editor may simply decide to copy all of your content and throw away your submission."

If this is not considered an ethical violation -- then I have no idea what could possibly be.


Jul 19, 2002
If this is not considered an ethical violation -- then I have no idea what could possibly be.
You can't be serious. Editors mine links all the time and from many resources. If you think it's an ethical violation than all search engines and directories are in violation .... sheesh!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Larry Wall said:
This is an extremely disturbing post.

What it says is "If you submit your site to DMOZ, a DMOZ editor may simply decide to copy all of your content and throw away your submission."

If this is not considered an ethical violation -- then I have no idea what could possibly be.
No, we will never copy any content. But we (as any visitor of a site can do) will follow the links that go to other sites and if we think the other sites to be any good we will list them in ODP. And from those other sites we might follow the links also and find many more sites to list. For me this is a very common way of working. The result: 1 suggestion processed and maybe several dozen new sites listed.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
This thread has more than served its purpose in alerting us to this situation. This forum is not here to discuss specific instances of suspected abuse -- general discussions of types of abuse, yes, but not specific sites. Thanks.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.