Site deleted


Jan 23, 2003
For the third time I am asking ""how to build a hotels directory site or for that matter any directory site where that is real estate, furniture and so on so that it meets the " unique content" criteria?"

This answer is generic, it has nothing to do with *your* site.

The way to build a hotel booking site with unique content is to not copy anything from anyplace else. What does that mean? You write a fresh description of every property (no cut and paste), you have photos that are unique to your site, you have different rates from everyone else, you go off and find some properties that are not already being sold by everyone else.

That is how you get unique content. You create it from scratch.

I ask the dmoz editors to break away from the "editors' group support syndrome"

That kind of comment is counterproductive. You have volunteer editors volunteering their time and effort trying to help you understand how ODP works. Questioning the motives of those who are trying to help you is not the best way in the world to garner further support.

At any point, someone could have simply said to you: insufficient content, your site is rejected, now close the thread. The fact that this has not happened yet is a testimony to the effort that the editor community is willing to expend on your behalf.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.