Site listing & mistake!

mr ninja

Oct 20, 2004
Hi I have submitted my web site to:

my site is:

and I was wondering how long it will take to show up in this listing, if it does or does not will I be notified via email? I have heard a lot of people say it can take years and not days, is this true? :(

Also I might have made the mistake of listing this site twice as the first time when submitting the page timed out and I don't think it posted, is this going to cause a problem? Kind regards, Rob. :confused:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>and I was wondering how long it will take to show up in this listing,
So are we all.

>if it does or does not will I be notified via email?

>I have heard a lot of people say it can take years and not days, is this true?

Yes. Or it can take minutes and not days. We don't know.

>Also I might have made the mistake of listing this site twice ... is this going to cause a problem?


Jan 23, 2003
I was wondering how long it will take to show up in this listing

From a few minutes, to a few years, or someplace in between. We really have no way of telling.

if it does or does not will I be notified via email

Nope, we don't do notifications. You are more than welcome to browse the ODP category where you made you rsubmission and hope that it appears; and once another editor gives you a status check, you are welcome to return here every six months for an update.

I have heard a lot of people say it can take years and not days, is this true?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. As I said, we relally have no way of telling how long an individual suggestion will wait.

Also I might have made the mistake of listing this site twice as the first time when submitting the page timed out and I don't think it posted, is this going to cause a problem?

Not really. We decided some time ago that "two submissions does not a spammer make." That decision disappointed our firing squad :eek: but they have since found other ways to amuse themselves.

Another editor who no doubt will have the right permissions will come along and give you the status check you requested. If, for some reason this does not happen and your requests slips to page 2, just post a reply to this thread and it will get moved back up to the top.

Hope this helps.

mr ninja

Oct 20, 2004
Thanks for the swift reply. On the same set of subjects I have had other sites that I have given up on as they never ever get to major search engines, a friend of mine started a web site and within two days his site was listed with every major searc engine out there! :mad:

Is this process pot luck or what? :confused:

Is there a way to make this happen quickly, like paying someone ££££££££ which will list your site in days? Once again, Thank you.


Mar 8, 2004
mr ninja said:
Is there a way to make this happen quickly, like paying someone ££££££££ which will list your site in days? Once again, Thank you.

Not funny. Accepting a bribe is one of the few things that cause immediate removal of an editor.

mr ninja

Oct 20, 2004
Yes I was joking I am skint as it is! :) Just read an interesting article that dmoz is the only way to go to get it listed with google and yahoo which you do have to pay for. Well I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed then I guess. :rolleyes:


Care to give a link to that article? Because it's, well, wrong.


Can you give a link to the article which says
that dmoz is the only way to go to get it listed with google and yahoo
because that's not true in the slightest. I would like to see the text of the article.

mr ninja

Oct 20, 2004
I did a search on Goggle and ran into a page that I'm sure said that to get a site listed with Google, there were two ways, either with yourselfs or yahoo and another which you had to pay for. I'm sorry I didn't take down the site which gave out that information, if I come across it again I will post the thread to you guys!


Aug 13, 2003
I suspect that Mr Ninja is thinking of

If you are having difficulty getting listed in the Google index, you may want to consider submitting your site to Yahoo! or Netscape. You can submit to Yahoo! by visiting You can submit your site to Netscape's Open Directory Project (DMOZ) by visiting Once your site is included in either of these directories, Google will often index your site within six to eight weeks.

These are simply suggestions. Google is not saying that the only way into the Google database is a listing in Yahoo or the ODP. As Google explains earlier:

Google finds sites through a process known as "crawling" the web. This involves robot software that follows hyperlinks from site to site. Google currently looks at more than 4 billion URL's during the crawl.
Big directories are a good place to start crawling. But Google crawls huge numbers of sites. A link to your site from any well-established site that is frequently crawled by Google will mean that Google can find your site.


Apr 15, 2003
I own several sites that will never be included in ODP, there were all in Google within one week of the site being created.


Jul 29, 2004
spectregunner said:
Not really. We decided some time ago that "two submissions does not a spammer make." That decision disappointed our firing squad :eek: but they have since found other ways to amuse themselves.
This quote is going to be syndicated...

Who appoints themselves to this "firing squad"? Remember, there are a lot of people out there with negative thoughts about ODP and PERCEIVED conduct of editors. In some cases the jaded may be correct but most of the time are nowhere close to the truth...yet regardless is the feeling of a "firing squad" as mentioned by an editor in this quote.

Now, I know that was meant in a humorous tone but how about the hundreds of thousands of webmasters that think ODP has strayed too far from humble beginnings? Doesn't this quote feed their negative image of ODP / Editors?

Of course, the first reply to this by an editor will most likely be "We don't care. If you don't like it you can leave and never be listed again. Now we are going to remove YOUR site and make YOU pay for our amusement". Unless that editor is not part of this firing squad :)

What's my point to this whole long post? There are a lot of people mad at ODP / Editors for one reason or another. Posts like that by editors, even in a humorous tone, will not be taken lightly by those put off by ODP. I'd be surprised if that quote doesn't make it to 101 discussion forums, 600 newsletters, and 15,000 blogs by Monday.


Jan 23, 2003
Well Chemo, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

If that quote appears in hundreds or thousands of forums, I say Good!

Why, because I'd rather the world see that we editors are not so totally self-absorbed (as we are often accused of being) that we have lost our sense of humor.

Humor is a wonderful thing. Embrace it.


Jul 29, 2004
I'm sure there are better ways of showing the world that editors are not totally self absorbed than saying things like that.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Aw, give me a break. The man made a joke. Seriously, if people can't see it in the humourous tone in which it was intended, they have far greater problems than whether or not the ODP will list their site. You need to relax a little.
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