Site not getting listed


May 27, 2010

I am trying to get my site listed in the dmoz directory for the last 4 weeks but getting no response. I have submitted my site twice under the category:
Computers: Computer Science: Publications: Journals
but getting no response. My site url is:
<url removed>

I have put everything right. Even, I have tried to contact category editor mungk01 a few times, but the page generates the following error:

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi.
Reason: Error reading from remote server

Hoping for a positive response.


Saeed Ullah
<pseudo-signature removed>


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
When you use the "Suggest URL" form on, you suggest that an editor take a look at the site and review it for possible inclusion in the directory. There are no time frames for this review. Many sites are reviewed within a few weeks after they have been suggested, while others have to wait for a review for months or years, and others again are listed without ever having been suggested for review. This is because of the volunteer nature of; editors are free to edit where they want to and how much they want to within the limits of their editing rights. Somebody will review your site suggestion, but there is no way of predicting when or who it will be, because several editors can edit in every category.

By suggesting the site for review to you have done all you can to bring it to the attention of the editors, and there is no way of speeding up the review process for any specific site. Because new site suggestions overwrite old ones, it can be counter productive to suggest the site again. Messages sent to editors do get through even though there is an error message, but editors are advised not to enter into discussions with website owners, because the site owners, quite naturally, have different proprities from the editors and such discussions do not tend to be very productive.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We know that this error can occur. No need to tell us. There is nothing we (the editors) can do to solve the problem.
As has been answered before the email will be delivered despite the errror.


Apr 20, 2010
We know that this error can occur. No need to tell us. There is nothing we (the editors) can do to solve the problem.
As has been answered before the email will be delivered despite the errror.

Thank you for clearing the error up. I was wondering the same thing as I have gotten the same error recently and I wasn't sure if I needed to resubmit or not.


New Member
Jun 30, 2010
sir how can i cotact with my editor.
I have submitted my site <url removed> in the chat directory but it is not listed their yet.but i didnt get anyresponse from the editor.
plz somebody please help me .How can i be listed?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Some 200 editors can edit in any category, including the ones to which you've suggested your website.

There's generally no need to directly contact any specific editor to plead priority and we prefer to let websites speak for themselves.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestions in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one. Do it too often and we might mistake you for a spammer.


New Member
Jul 23, 2010

I am trying to get my site listed in the dmoz directory for the last 4 weeks but getting no response. I have submitted my site twice under the category:
Computers: Computer Science: Publications: Journals
but getting no response. My site url is:
<url removed>

I have put everything right. Even, I have tried to contact category editor mungk01 a few times, but the page generates the following error:

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi.
Reason: Error reading from remote server

Hoping for a positive response.


Saeed Ullah
<pseudo-signature removed>

Same problem guys, maybe Robot lowbatt need charges


May 31, 2009

I had been listed in dmoz for several years and then apx. 2 years ago my site was removed. I have tried to contact the editor of that category maybe 5 times over the two years, with no response whatsoever. I have been exceedingly patient and will continue to be.

Im hoping someone here can shed some light on why this is? My site was listed in <category removed> and the name of my site is <company name removed>. I have been in business since 1999. Not sure what it is I did wrong, if anything. And is this something I can fix and get maybe get relisted? Thank you for all of your valuable, time consuming and sometimes thankless hard work! Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We don't discuss specific sites here so unfortunately we can't give you any information about your site. (That's why I've removed the category and company name from your post.) Typically, if a site has been listed in a category but subsequently is no longer listed, it's because the site: was found to not meet out listing guidelines (either because it changed or because it never was listable and was listed mistakenly); was deemed more suitable for listing in another category, where it has either been moved and relisted or is awaiting further review; or was unavailable for a time and was unreviewed temporarily.


May 31, 2009
We don't discuss specific sites here so unfortunately we can't give you any information about your site. (That's why I've removed the category and company name from your post.) Typically, if a site has been listed in a category but subsequently is no longer listed, it's because the site: was found to not meet out listing guidelines (either because it changed or because it never was listable and was listed mistakenly); was deemed more suitable for listing in another category, where it has either been moved and relisted or is awaiting further review; or was unavailable for a time and was unreviewed temporarily.

I appreciate you responding. Unfortunatly it's a somewhat vague and standard answer and doesnt actually help me at all. (No offense intended!)

>>>I have been trying to reach the editor of the glass pipes O.D.P for the past 2 years for an explanation with NO response whatsoever!!!<<< Thats not right!

I have been exceedingly patient with zero reward. Is there ANY advise at all anyone can give me? Why in the world does this have to be like pulling teeth!?!


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Thats not right!
Yes it is. We discourage editors from responding to emails from website owners because the ensuing conversations all too often turn nasty. Spam bombs, threats of violence and actual stalking are not unknown. This tends to demotivate our volunteers who's primary purpose is to build and maintain categories - not to argue the toss with outsiders.

I suggest that you read our Suggestion Guidelines and our Editor Guidelines.The answer to your question might well be found therein.


May 31, 2009
Yes it is. We discourage editors from responding to emails from website owners because the ensuing conversations all too often turn nasty. Spam bombs, threats of violence and actual stalking are not unknown. This tends to demotivate our volunteers who's primary purpose is to build and maintain categories - not to argue the toss with outsiders.

I suggest that you read our Suggestion Guidelines and our Editor Guidelines.The answer to your question might well be found therein.

I can see that, its a valid point. Lots of angry people out there. I however, have never been inflammatory towards the editor or anyone else for that matter. I've been very patient. I still am.

I forgot myself and thought I could get some easy answers. But alas, its an onlne forum...nuff' said. Thanks for the advise on the reading the guidelines, it's a standard forum response. Gonna check those out now. Thank you!

If there's anyone here that has ANY other helpful information, it would be greatly appreciated! PM me!

Thanks in advance!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I can see that, its a valid point. Lots of angry people out there. I however, have never been inflammatory towards the editor or anyone else for that matter. I've been very patient. I still am.
It unfortunately doesn't matter how well-behaved you've been. (And keep in mind that you yourself started to get quite cranky earlier in this thread -- imagine someone not so well-behaved.) We've learned as a group that even corresponding with seemingly well-behaved site owners usually leads to problems.

I forgot myself and thought I could get some easy answers. But alas, its an onlne forum...nuff' said. Thanks for the advise on the reading the guidelines, it's a standard forum response. Gonna check those out now. Thank you!

If there's anyone here that has ANY other helpful information, it would be greatly appreciated! PM me!

Thanks in advance!
Please do not use the PM system on this forum for discussing your site either.

The point of my previous post was that there is really nothing you can do -- if your site was removed because it is not listable, writing to an editor isn't going change that; if your site was moved somewhere else or was unreviewed for technical issues, then it will eventually be re-reviewed. In all of those situations, there is nothing you yourself can do. Either your site will reappear in the directory or it won't. I know that seems flippant, but I say that in all seriousness. Consider that your site is now essentially in the same category as a newly-suggested site and the same standard responses from us are to be expected, though I understand that that is going to be frustrating for you.

Out of curousity, what would you do/say if you knew which of the previously mentioned situations applied to your site -- What would you say/do if your site had been removed as being unlistable? Would you argue for its listability or would you just accept things and move on? What would you say/do if it was temporarily unreviewed either because it was moved or had technical problems? Would you beg for someone to go take another look at it right now or would you just accept that things take the time they take and move on?


May 31, 2009
Out of curousity, what would you do/say if you knew which of the previously mentioned situations applied to your site -- What would you say/do if your site had been removed as being unlistable? Would you argue for its listability or would you just accept things and move on? What would you say/do if it was temporarily unreviewed either because it was moved or had technical problems? Would you beg for someone to go take another look at it right now or would you just accept that things take the time they take and move on?

Thats an excellent response! I very much appreciate that!....My hope was to figure what went wrong and fix it. As it is Im completely clueless as to what went wrong. If I got ANY reason, and I wasnt going to be re-listed, I would accept it and move on. I think I've shown I can be patient, it's been years now. I dont see me pestering anyone.

I apologize about the PM thing. It wasnt my intent to abuse it or go around anyones back. I can see how it might be taken that way.

Again, thanks for taking the time to give me a no-nonsense response!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Do you not see that your only real option, the option common to all of the scenarios I mentioned, is to just move on?

If your site was removed because it does not meet our guidelines for listability, there really is nothing you can/should do to fix it -- you presumably created your site as you want to create it; changing it from how you envisioned it just to suit a listing in the directory is really counter to your goals. You should be creating it for your customers or audience, regardless of whether what you create is listable in DMOZ.

If your site was moved or temporarily unreviewed for another reason, then it will be re-reviewed eventually. Again, there's nothing that you can or should do.


May 31, 2009
Do you not see that your only real option, the option common to all of the scenarios I mentioned, is to just move on?

If your site was removed because it does not meet our guidelines for listability, there really is nothing you can/should do to fix it -- you presumably created your site as you want to create it; changing it from how you envisioned it just to suit a listing in the directory is really counter to your goals. You should be creating it for your customers or audience, regardless of whether what you create is listable in DMOZ.

If your site was moved or temporarily unreviewed for another reason, then it will be re-reviewed eventually. Again, there's nothing that you can or should do.

Actually, I didnt realize your questions were rhetorical. Apparently Im very dense.... But Im sure you already knew that.

Guess what? Im still not mad! :)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002

My questions weren't rhetorical, but I did hope that my answers to your answers would make you think. (I'm sorry, though, if you thought that answering the questions would change whether or not we could discuss your specific site here or would change the advice given.)
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