Site not getting listed

Aug 1, 2010
Is there a way to determine what status a site is in? In other words, is there a way to determine whether a site has been rejected or whether it simply has not yet been reviewed?

Thank you,

Gary Springer
Perfect Health Institute

When you use the "Suggest URL" form on, you suggest that an editor take a look at the site and review it for possible inclusion in the directory. There are no time frames for this review. Many sites are reviewed within a few weeks after they have been suggested, while others have to wait for a review for months or years, and others again are listed without ever having been suggested for review. This is because of the volunteer nature of; editors are free to edit where they want to and how much they want to within the limits of their editing rights. Somebody will review your site suggestion, but there is no way of predicting when or who it will be, because several editors can edit in every category.

By suggesting the site for review to you have done all you can to bring it to the attention of the editors, and there is no way of speeding up the review process for any specific site. Because new site suggestions overwrite old ones, it can be counter productive to suggest the site again. Messages sent to editors do get through even though there is an error message, but editors are advised not to enter into discussions with website owners, because the site owners, quite naturally, have different proprities from the editors and such discussions do not tend to be very productive.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Is there a way to determine what status a site is in? In other words, is there a way to determine whether a site has been rejected or whether it simply has not yet been reviewed?
Sorry, there is no way to determine such a status.
But it doesn't matter.
If we told you it was still waiting, what would you do?
If we told you it was decided that the website was not listable, what would you do?
In a real world the answer to both questions would be the same. You would do nothing in relation to your website and DMOZ. Ofcourse there are still many other things you could do.

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