Site Status Please


Jul 7, 2002
If you want to prevent your site from being listed in our directory, you should remove your site from the internet.

But I don't really understand why you want your site not to get listed.


Jan 23, 2003
No. Since we don't depend upon suggestions in building the directory, we have no mechanism to remove suggestions.

The logic is impeccable. Since we encourage editors to break any reliance they have upon suggestions and to engage in exploration-based category building, a very good percentage of sites that get added are done so on editor initiative. People who have never even heard of the directory end up getting listed, and many of them go through life never knowing that they are listed. People who suggest a site (be they a site woner or just a fan) and then grow impatient are of no concern to us. We never promised a speedy review, so from our perspective, having them ask to remove a suggestion is a non-starter. The suggestion is there. We will get to it when we get to it. If it merits a listing, it will get listed. If it does not merit a listing, it will not. If someone chooses not to come back for a follow-up check, all it means is there is one less posting to read an answer.


Apr 1, 2004
A Matter Of Perspective...

The logic is impeccable from your point of view only, I’m afraid. From my perspective, it sounds more like “take it or leave it”, “like it or lump it”.

I realize it’s less than useless engaging in this type of rhetoric—it’s the result of frustration and does nothing more than waste your time and mine.

I only wish responses to valid queries would be of a more…responsive nature, and would actually help us determine our standing in queue; not to mention that in several instances, well-intended and well-natured questions have been replied to in a brusque and in certain cases down right rude manner. There is no plausible excuse for that, is there?

I am a small business owner hoping to enhance my market presence through a listing at DMOZ, as it would probably impact my livelihood in a positive way. Yes, I know—there are many, many others like me, but again, from my perspective, it’s much more personal and pressing.

In conclusion, since I’m apparently powerless to receive an informative answer regarding my listing, ditto having my submission removed (I choose to pass on the suggestion I remove my site from the Internet in order to be effectively removed from the DMOZ queue), I'll say no more on the subject—unless, of course, DMOZ rules oblige me to keep corresponding? Just kidding, I’m sure…


Apr 15, 2003
help us determine our standing in queue
The problem is that everyone thinks there is a queue. As long as you maintain that view of ODP, you are guaranteed to be disappointed, and nothing we do will keep you happy. Ther is no standing in the queue because there is no queue - just think of it a giant pile of suggestions that we might look at.

Queues imply that:

Sites are reviewed in order - they are not
We give some kind of priority to sites submitted first - we do not
Sites will eventually be reviewed - probably but not guaranteed
When you get served someone will talk to you - we don't
After you have been served - you are aware of it - we don't send out any notifications
Nobody can jump in line ahead of us - yes, they can, and we actually go and grab people off the street and serve them first
If you leave the line you will not get served - you can't leave the line

Well-intended and well-natured questions have been replied to in a brusque and in certain cases down right rude manner.
After five thousand people post the same question - which is answered by either the FAQ or the posting guidelines - because they don't spend enough time looking for the answer - I'm not sure what the answer is supposed to be. Hang around the internet for a while, and you will find in most forums - questions like that get heavily flamed - with RTFM

as it would probably impact my livelihood in a positive way.
That may or may not be true, but the cold hard brutal facts are that we are not here to help your busines survive, we are not a listing service. In fact, if you are depending on a listing in ODP to help your business - that would be a good reason not to list your site, since you will be defunct, bankrupt and out of business and an editor will later on have to go and spend the time removing your site listing.
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