Site submission help


May 26, 2009
hi, can anyone tell me how long i have to wait before re-submitting website. i add my website a year ago and i' am just wondering if there is some problem with it. It's a website for cleaning business, and i am sure i am in the right category, as i checked all the websites before submit. I can see my friends site is added and she submit it 5 months after me. Is there any queue?????


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> can anyone tell me how long i have to wait before re-submitting website.
There is no need to suggest a site for a second time. Once it has been suggested it will mever disappear. It will either still be waiting review, been listed or been rejected. In all 3 cases we do not need a new suggestion.

> i add my website a year ago
Just to clarify. You can not add a website. Only editors can add websites. The only thing you can do is suggest a website to the editors. A small but very significant difference.

> and i' am just wondering if there is some problem with it.
I don't know. It is your website. That makes you the best source to ask if there is something wrong.

> i am sure i am in the right category,
Good. We always appreciate listable websites being suggested to the right category.

> Is there any queue?????
No, we don't work with queues. Editors can pick sites from the pool of suggested sites in random, or in any order they want.

Advise: we have a FAQ (link at top if this page) which will answer many of the questions you might have.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Just to add, that the guidelines that editors use to determine whether or not sites are listable are publicly available at So you should indeed be able to work out for yourself if there is a 'problem' with your site.

If the site is listable, then it will almost certainly still be waiting to be reviewed. We hope that a volunteer editor will get to it soon. But, we get lots of suggestions form the public, public suggestions aren't the only source of new sites to add, and adding new sites isn't the only editor task that needs to be done to build and maintain the directory.


May 27, 2009
pvgool said:
There is no need to suggest a site for a second time. Once it has been suggested it will mever disappear. It will either still be waiting review, been listed or been rejected. In all 3 cases we do not need a new suggestion.

Why no need to suggest again if rejected? Do you mean once rejected you will never be listed or if you are rejected you go to back of suggestion list?

I am interested in this as I have a site that I suggested years ago (3-4 years), this site would never have got into the DMOZ as it was, but since then the quality of my site has grown tremendously and is filled with useful content (when comparing to other sites already listed.)


Apr 5, 2004
IF you suggested your site before December 2006, and IF you have not suggested it since then, you are welcome to suggest it once more. However there is no "queue" of sites waiting for review, so don't be concerned about whether your site has "lost its place".
Editors are not required to use suggestions as a resource at all, and if they choose to do so, they can look at them in any order they like. :)


May 27, 2009
thanks for the reply, it was late 2005, cant be 100% sure, so will submit again.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
nobluff said:
Why no need to suggest again if rejected? Do you mean once rejected you will never be listed or if you are rejected you go to back of suggestion list?
Sites are only rejected if they do not meet the DMOZ guidelines. Which always comes down to "not enough unique content".
Unless the sites is totaly revamped the site will be rejected again after a new suggestion as it still does not meet the guidelines.


May 27, 2009
pvgool said:
Sites are only rejected if they do not meet the DMOZ guidelines. Which always comes down to "not enough unique content".
Unless the sites is totaly revamped the site will be rejected again after a new suggestion as it still does not meet the guidelines.

Ok, I think this is why people get confused. You seem to suggested that a site should be submitted again IF you totally revamp your site, while it has been suggested in this thread that you should only submit once.

Can an editor provide a straight answer to "what happens to a site once it is rejected?", or is it not question that has a simple answer?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Can an editor provide a straight answer to "what happens to a site once it is rejected?"

Once a website's been declined, we don't schedule a re-evaluation for some time in the future. However, some editor might independently find it again when building a category and might well list it if it's now listable.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
nobluff said:
Ok, I think this is why people get confused. You seem to suggested that a site should be submitted again IF you totally revamp your site, while it has been suggested in this thread that you should only submit once.

Can an editor provide a straight answer to "what happens to a site once it is rejected?", or is it not question that has a simple answer?

It is not confusing at all.
There is no need to suggest a site more than once (except when told so by an editor, like the end of 2006 crash we had).
When you build a new site (even if it uses an url of an old site) can be suggested once (ofcourse only if it meats DMOZ guidelines).

Revamp = delete the old site and build a complete new one
It is not about revamping your design it is about complete new content.


May 27, 2009
jimnoble said:

Once a website's been declined, we don't schedule a re-evaluation for some time in the future. However, some editor might independently find it again when building a category and might well list it if it's now listable.

Ok, that's very clear now, thanks.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Can an editor provide a straight answer to "what happens to a site once it is rejected?"

Maybe it would be clearer to look at it this way.

PROCEDURALLY, site rejection means nothing, nothing at all. Our submittal policy allows a site to be suggested once, perhaps twice. Our public contract says we'll look at it once. So, once it's been suggested, and we've looked, that's all there is. Even if in flagrant violation of the submittal policy, it's suggested a dozen times -- there's no PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENT for the editors to do ANYTHING.

From that point on, we'll simply do whatever seems appropriate to find good sites, and whatever seems appropriate to keep other editors from having to waste time on repeated suggestions.

But there's a different way of looking at it. REALISTICALLY, if a site has been reviewed and rejected, it's almost certain (99% or so) to never be listed. Why? Simply put, the editor is usually right. No particular editor ever HAS to do ANYTHING, so we are free to focus on doing what we're sure is right. If an editor is not sure, he can ask other editors for help.

HOWEVER, suppose a site was created with no significant content, and suggested, and later the website owner realizes, "that was a pretty useless suggestion--everything on that website can be found somewhere else on the web..." So he adds significant content to the website, based on his own unique personal knowledge and experience.

NOW it makes sense to resuggest, not on the basis of "It's been nine-1/2 months now and no baby" but on the basis of "maybe surfers will be interested in this NEW content, even though it's on the same website as that old content that nobody really needed".

See, the whole process isn't about processing website suggestions. It's about doing whatever it takes, based on the editor's best judgment, to find significant repositories of unique information.


May 27, 2009
hutcheson said:
HOWEVER, suppose a site was created with no significant content, and suggested, and later the website owner realizes, "that was a pretty useless suggestion--everything on that website can be found somewhere else on the web..." So he adds significant content to the website, based on his own unique personal knowledge and experience.

NOW it makes sense to resuggest, not on the basis of "It's been nine-1/2 months now and no baby" but on the basis of "maybe surfers will be interested in this NEW content, even though it's on the same website as that old content that nobody really needed".

Thanks, that's was quite a detailed explanation. The above quote basically describes my exact situation. In hindsight there was no chance of my original site being listed, and now there is a much better chance (in my opinion).


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Well, that (like editor error) does happen but not very often, so there's no need for a special process for it. The "second site suggestion" allowed by the submittal policy can cover all the odd but rare cases.
Jun 10, 2009
Been waiting nearly 3 years to get listed

Hi can someone help, I have been waiting nearly 3 years to get my site listed, I have submited it around 3 times as I dont want to be seen as spaming.

The question is realy.
Is this normal for site submision to take this long. I have have looked at the forum to see if anyone else has been waiting this time but cant see any.

Any response would be helpfull.

Thanks in advance.

Yewan Armstrong :confused:
Astral Hygiene


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Astral Hygiene said:
Is this normal for site submision to take this long.
Normal. I don't know.
Is it common. Yes.
But to compensate we also list many websites before they are suggested to us.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It is normal for sites to wait forever for a listing -- tens of millions of sites will never get one.
It is normal for sites to be listed shortly after being posted online.
It is normal for sites to wait months or years after being published, before being listed. That also has happened to a million or more sites.

If you're asking about how long after the site is PUBLISHED, the answer is: it depends on how important the topic is (to surfers), how obviously valuable the site (to surfers), how easy the site is (for editors) to find. It also depends on chance -- which sites happen to be found first.

If you're asking about how long after the site is SUGGESTED, the answer is: it doesn't matter and nobody could possibly care. If the site is PUBLISHED, it can be listed even if it's NEVER suggested. All that matters is: is the site PUBLISHED now?

To see how silly it would be to care about how long it's been since the site has been SUGGESTED, think about this fact. We get lots of suggestions for sites, some of them years old, of sites that haven't EVER been PUBLISHED!
Jun 10, 2009
Still need help

This is a very important issue to me and I need to clarify where to go from here.

Has my site been rejected.
Has my site been lost.

I believe my site has unique information and products for consumers. All my main competitors have been listed so why not me.

My site is[URL removed]

My web site has high visits each day and consumers find content very usefull.

Can someone anyone add some helpfull advice of where to go from here.

Kind Regards

Yewan Armstrong
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.