Sites submission status



Thanks for the fast reply.
> 1. Awaiting review.
>2. Couldn't access category for some reason.
Ok, we'll check again in a month or try to contact the editor.
>3. & 4. Will not be listed because of mirrored content.
Why is that? has a total different content than The last one doesn't have any mirrors while the first one has but we only submitted the main one. Can't they be listed???? I know about the mirror policy and we didn't submited another site. Please check them, they are not mirrrored sites. Thank you!


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Nobody said the two are mirrors of each other. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Only that the content is not unique.

The content of the second is not available on your main site right now, but I think ("Product Listings") still applies. I suggest adding content to the main site instead of setting up lots of single domains with no own content. That would be much more user-friendly.

Or in other words: We feel no need to list a single-product-page when we could list lots of sites selling this and many other products.

(Something that an editor does not check as an editor, I did just for curiosity: Quite a high price for that product.)


&gt;Nobody said the two are mirrors of each other. Only that &gt;the content is not unique.
Yes, I wasn't aware of that, but this is very reasonable, no matter if the sites look different if the text info is the same we're talking about a duplicate.

&gt;The content of the second is not available on your main &gt;site right now, but I think &gt; ("Product &gt;Listings") still applies.
The product is still on the main site, I checked, the reason was ok.

&gt;I suggest adding content to the main site instead of &gt;setting up lots of single domains with no own content. &gt;That would be much more user-friendly.
This is not our choice but the owners' Our duty was to inform them about this issue, but developing single-product stores is more suitable for them.
However, I agree to all you mentioned above but still can't see any reason why can't be accepted. I have been trying to solve these issues on resource-zone for a few months and for a few sites. So far the editors are very kind but still no results, none of the sites we enquiried have been listed.

&gt;Or in other words: We feel no need to list a single-&gt;product-page when we could list lots of sites selling this &gt;and many other products.
Ok, no problem. Please tell me if you can check
Do we have to resubmit?? oh, not another few months please <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

&gt;(Something that an editor does not check as an editor, I &gt;did just for curiosity: Quite a high price for that &gt; product.)
Well, can't help you with that, we're the designers <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ok, no problem.

&gt;Please tell me if you can check
It has been checked, and you should consider the answer final.

&gt;Do we have to resubmit?? oh, not another few months please
Neither few nor months: myriads, and eons.

Look, we can't tell your client how to build their site. We can tell anyone what kinds of sites we list on OUR site. We've told. Your client is welcome to promote sites in which the ODP has no interest wherever ELSE will tolerate them.

The submittal guidelines also warn that continued submittal of such sites will cause them and ALL RELATED sites to be removed from the directory. (This may include all sites related to either the submitter or the webmaster or both.)

So, no, you really don't have to resubmit. It really would not be a good idea to resubmit. That's what the submittal policy says.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
The product is still on the main site

Oh, your right. I did check the wrong site. It is a bit difficult to see clear in that heap of mirrors, affiliate sites and related sites. Whoever created this mess is not our business - lucky you if you can blame someone else. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Poor you for having to work through this network.

However, I agree to all you mentioned above but still can't see any reason why can't be accepted.

At the moment is listed. Since it conatains the same content and search engine optimization is not our business, this situation won't change. Unless you keep on resubmitting, as mentioned above. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


&gt;At the moment is listed. Since it &gt;conatains the same content and search engine optimization &gt;is not our business, this situation won't change. Unless &gt;you keep on resubmitting, as mentioned above.

Yes, this would have been a good reason but the Vitalife2000
site is not listed, at least I wasn't able to find it:;ie=UTF-8&amp;oe=UTF-8&amp;q=vitalife2000

What should we do? Any suggestions are welcome.


Nov 6, 2002
It's listed.

It had been temporarily delisted back in March because it was unreachable. The relisting may not have reached the public pages or the search yet, they're running behind because of our upgrade issues.

But it's listed in our database, and it will reappear.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.