Some simple suggestions


Mar 7, 2004
pvgool said:
We totaly don't care of competitors of a site are already listed or not. We determine of a site is listable purely on teh content we see at the site itself. External factors are of no influence.

pvgool said:
The site itself must give us prove why we should list it. If we can't find the unique content the site won't be listed.

Both of these statements were made in a single post, they sound a little contradictory to me.

If you cannot find unique content (which must be a comparison to other sites in that category) then the site doesnt get listed.

Please therefore elaborate what you mean by "External factors are of no influence" when you clearly do use "external factors" to help you decide if a site is listable.

As I run a computer sales website, does the fact I didnt start the business up 5 years ago mean that my site doesnt provide quality to the internet because i sell similar products to the rest of the guys in the category? Do internet users not want to find new small businesses where products may be cheaper and service more personable?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Well, yes, the presence of the same content on another site affects whether a site has "unique" content.

But ... I think the point was, we're not going to go to ANOTHER site to see what's on THIS site. If this site can't stand on its own with its own content, it's not listable.

>As I run a computer sales website, does the fact I didnt start the business up 5 years ago mean that my site doesnt provide quality to the internet because i sell similar products to the rest of the guys in the category?

I don't know, and it doesn't matter. We don't judge "quality".

>Do internet users not want to find new small businesses where products may be cheaper and service more personable?

No, obviously not. If the prices are cheaper and the service more personable, a rational customer would obviously prefer even a site belonging to an old and large business.

So that's two more factors that are absolute non-issues. And I should have thought those were all so obvious that ... one wonders ... if the best case that can be made for a business even by its OWNER is that it is new and small and offers a quality website, then it's pretty evident it ain't got much going for it.


May 26, 2002
posting delayed by connectivity issues

If Dell were to start an affiliate program and all your website did was to submit an order to Dell and they then shipped the goods, and there were a thousand other sites all doing basically the same thing, then we would not want to list any of those sites; not one.

But.. we would still list Dell as they do actually make the stuff, and they have a factory that could be visited. They really do exist, and things that exist might be listable.

If you have a physical computer shop, and people could drop in with money in their wallet and walk out with a box of hard drives, processors and computer cables, then you too do exist as a "real business" and that business could possibly be listed - but all the facts about that business would need to be easily findable on ... the website.
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