

Jan 20, 2005
Well, I guess I didn't offer a real solution.

Unfortunately, I don't have any choice, do I, other than waiting for someone to volunteer to review a site in my spamorama industry?

Thanks for your input.


Apr 15, 2003
Thanks for your understanding. The way ODP works is both it's strength and it's weakness. Categories that attract the interest of an editor get processed in a more timely fashion than other categories, and as a result the sites that get reviewed do not reflect the pattern of sites in the real world. We do make attempts to post "help wanted" in areas that are not getting edited, but we force no one to edit anywhere.

If I was forced to edit in some category, I would want to be paid, but if were able to become a paid directory, then we would be no different that Yahoo, and ODP would have nothing special about it.


Aug 2, 2002
Those who wait patiently are clearly already disadvantaged.
No they're not, wait patiently or impatiently, it makes no difference at this end. Sites can take 2 days to 2 years, sometimes more, to be reviewed. As it was, is now, and shall be ever more.

what sort of wasteland is it for ANY OTHER legitimate interests that would benefit from your review and a favorable outcome?
I don't understand the comment - we don't edit to benefit webmasters, only our users, those who surf the Internet. I don't see them coming here and berating us for giving them insufficient choice - they can always go to a search engine for infinite choice instead.

when might a non-expedited review of a site such as mine be completed
Answered above - as volunteers our activities are completely random and beyond direction - what shall I edit tonight (if anything)? Maybe nothing, perhaps I'll watch TV instead.

Please keep in mind that, in the time it would take to respond thoughtfully to my remarks and proposal, you could perhaps review my site, if you were so inclined.
But why would I want to spend my spare, unpaid, time promoting your business? What is there in it for me? I don't get paid and I spend my spare time doing what I want to do - tonight I'm here in RZ. Perhaps I can tell you how best to spend your spare time? There is something in it for me actually... I enjoy editing and building the directory, there is satisfaction in contributing. But I'd rather be satisfied this week listing hotels in Australia, and cancer research sites maybe, or schools in South Africa. Who knows where the adventure will take me? It could take me to Naperville real estate - it isn't unknown for me to have such a whim - but the chances are not high.

Your error is in thinking of us as a commercial listing service like Yahoo with targets and directions and priorities and customer services and ... We're not, we're a volunteer project cataloging the best sites on the Internet. Time is not of the essence, it is a long-term exercise, and if your site is still going when someone gets interested enough to look at it, then they might list it. As a side bonus it might give you a minor commercial bump but that isn't our intention, it is merely the effect of the weight others on the Internet put a listing which is nothing at all to do with us.


Jun 15, 2003
Reviews are unneccesarily delayed in real estate (and a few other parts of the ODP) in a large part due to the activities of serial and deceptive suggesters of unlistable sites.

You'd be better to target your attempts to remove ODP "wastelands" by reviewing the initiatives you and your trade associations and respresentatives are involved in to remove this issue from your industry.

There are solutions to the issue. And they start with industry-wide codes of conduct. They don't start with berating the volunteers who are as much victims of the spamming as you, personally, are.

Good luck with your attempts to clean up the wasteland that is real estate SEO. We'll all benefit from your efforts.
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