Status of


Mar 8, 2004
I'd like a follow up on this. The only Arthur Rubin I know on here is me, and I don't recall giving the advice that he says I did. Perhaps I did, and was mistaken. If so, I apologize.

If it was a PM here or an E-mail, could you please forward it back to me, so I can see where I went wrong?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'd like a follow up on this also.

prosenzweig, you may start by apologizing to oneeye for for an impressive attempt to misunderstand a friendly attempt to help by someone who has a demonstrated track record of helping. Then you may apologize to all of us for your insufferable rudeness, for your arrogating to yourself to judge the manners and customs of a community with which you have shown no evidence of either comprehension or sympathy.


Aug 2, 2002
you may start by apologizing to oneeye
LOL - I won't hold my breath! However, if it transpires that you did receive advice privately from an editor as to where to submit a site then I apologise myself for only considering evidence from the public posts in this forum. Nevertheless the same thing applies - the ultimate decision as to where a site should be placed is down to the editor that reviews the submission in some depth and no-one here would look at a site to that extent. If you do get an opinion it is just that - an opinion, never a guarantee, because we will just have skimmed the site - again the ultimate responsibility for the selection of category to submit a site to is still down to you.

Anyway, it would be appropriate that replies from DMOZ demonstrated a little bit a greater respect to the user community
It would show respect for the editor community who freely devote their time to giving update requests here to actually read the FAQs on the site and so save everyone some time that could be more productively spent! That would help editors here, other submitters who want our time, and of course yourself.
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