Status of


Aug 2, 2002
Your submission was rejected because you are a vstore affiliate, and we do not list affiliate sites.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Status of

I don't know what you think you've removed, but the fact is that your site is still affiliated to vstore, in that all of the products you sell come from vstore. We do not list affiliate sites, whether they declare their affiliations or not.


Re: Status of

As per information received from previous editor our site was not listed because a link to another affiliate site. We have already removed that link & we don't deal & sell any of the vstore or any other affliate sites products through our site
Pl. advice should we resubmit website to shopping/consumer_electronics/e/.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Status of

Can you tell your viewers enough about your business and the value-added services you offer to products you redistribute, that they can _tell_ the website is not just another [long sequence of expletives deleted mask for vstore?

If not, please do not resubmit.


Re: Status of

Thank you for your time and advice. We have updated About Us section on our website providing more information to Visitor about what business we do along with services we offer.
On home page itself there is brief info about our buisness with a link to About Us section for full company information along with BUSINESS REGISTRATION NUMBER.

Please suggest should we resubmit to category shopping/consumer_electronics/e/.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Status of

The 'about us' page you have added reads like an advert. It goes on for six paragraphs but it could be distilled down to "we're great, buy things from us". There's nothing there that explains why your site is anything but a simple affiliate.

As we have already said, we do not list affiliates.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Status of

I think dfy is right. There's still nothing there but smoke and mirrors.

Look, you need _unique_ content. If you copy someone else's product catalog, that's by definition NOT unique. If you offer products from someone else's catalog, that's by definition NOT unique.

Why is this concept so hard to understand?

Say there's a Walmart on the corner of 15th and Main street in Podunk, New Jersey. That's unique.

They design an advertising flier. They post it on their website. That's unique.

They pay $.03 to everyone who posts a copy of that flier on their own personal site. That's ... their business.

But we don't list every personal page in town under Podunk/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/General_Merchandise, just because they post a copy of that Walmart flier. This rule still applies even if they use Photoshop to draw beards and mustaches on all the models in the fashion pages. They're still advertising Walmart product, and that's not unique.


Re: Status of

Could you pl. tell me what makes you still feel that our business website is affiliate site. Yes we agree that we had a link to another website in our website earlier which was vstore affiliate, which is already removed. I am not sure if that impression still makes you think that we are doing affiliate business.

I do not think there is anything wrong written in About Us page on our website and it talks about just we we do.

I am surprised as everytime you are saying that I am doing affiliate business, which I am not. As per my understanding if any website deals in affiliation it shows links to other websites from where it has taken affiliation and directs traffic to them.

We are retail distributors of consumer electronics and involved with importing merchandise. We do not do any affiliation business and we do not direct traffic from our website to another. We sell products on our website and take all responsibilities of dealing with our customers.

This website is fully owned and governed by our company East West Imports & Services and we have included same information including Our registered business number in about us section on our website.

May I request you to reconsider our website for submission and pl. feel free to let us know if something still makes you feel our business is affiliate, we would like to clarify any doubts.

Thanks for your time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Yes we agree that we had a link to another website in our website earlier which was vstore affiliate, which is already removed. I am not sure if that impression still makes you think that we are doing affiliate business.

How could it not?

>I do not think there is anything wrong written in About Us page on our website and it talks about just we we do.

I'm sitting down here in Podunk, Illinois, thinking about where to buy my next technogizmo. I read your "about" page and see that you import stuff, and that you have an office somewhere in Asia where they DON'T make these technogizmos, and where I'm not going to buy one, and another office in the frozen north where they also don't make them, and where I'm also not going to buy them. And THIS is supposed to convince me that you're a retailer in MY country?

>I am surprised as everytime you are saying that I am doing affiliate business, which I am not. As per my understanding if any website deals in affiliation it shows links to other websites from where it has taken affiliation and directs traffic to them.
No, that's a "doorway." An affiliate business is one that collects orders on behalf of some other party who actually fulfills them. Many websites do collect the order by means of a tagged link to another site, but that's merely a bit of technical trivia in which we are not intersted.

>We are retail distributors of consumer electronics and involved with importing merchandise. We do not do any affiliation business and we do not direct traffic from our website to another.
We don't care whether the shopping cart is on your site or somebody else's!

>We sell products on our website and take all responsibilities of dealing with our customers.

>This website is fully owned and governed by our company East West Imports & Services and we have included same information including Our registered business number in about us section on our website.

I'm very sorry if I left the impression that we didn't think you owned the domain name. That was never in question.

>May I request you to reconsider our website for submission and pl. feel free to let us know if something still makes you feel our business is affiliate, we would like to clarify any doubts.

I looked for unique information.
I didn't find it.
That's really the bottom line.


>And THIS is supposed to convince me that you're a retailer in MY country?

do you mean if my business is based in calgary, canada I can not list my website in said category in DMOZ. If that's the case pl. advise. I am bit concerned about your above quoted statement. FYI we ship products to all over North America & we source electronics from USA & China some products from Asia but we stock them in canada and ship to USA/Canada. FYI Majority of electronic products are assembled in asian countries like china so it's probably not a correct assumption that technogizmos can not be from asian countries.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Is the business "based" in Canada? Or does it have an "office" there? Does it ship from its "office" in Canada? or the "office" in Asia? Or does it have a "warehouse"? Does either "office" have an address, or am I just supposed to walk the streets of Calgary looking for it? And now you ship from "Canada" -- but ... that is explicitly not where the website says you ship from.

This is not the way a real, legitimate business sounds. Do you expect every customer to engage in a round of half-a-dozen e-mails just to find out that you don't have a consistent story about what COUNTRY this product (if there is any product at all, which he must be beginning to wonder about) is going to come from? Let alone what State/Province, city, or street address....

Can you not see that you have done nothing to establish credibility, and a number of things to destroy it?
And can you not see that these things are visible to potential customers?


You are right, offcourse we are not doing anything wrong but we need to put more efforts on providing enough information on about us page defining proper workflow of our business activities.

Thanks for your valued suggestions. We will work on that and let you know again once we update our website.

Thanks for your time and guidance.


Hi There,

We have updated our website "about us" section as per comments from editor. We have provided exhaustive information about our business activities along with workflow involved.

Pl. advise if our website can now be listed under



Aug 2, 2002
It doesn't matter how much information you supply about your company, the fact is that you are still an affiliate store.

We do not list affiliate store sites.


Could someone pl. mention what makes you think we are affiliate. We have been working on this website for last 6 months and have put lots of efforts and money in building it. It's really disheartening when we are blamed of doing affiliate business when we are not. As I told earlier that in first place we had a link to another website which was Vstore affiliate but that was removed immediately after you commented. Why everytime you are saying that we are still affiliate.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Using a drop shipper is the equivalent of being an affiliate. Your site will not be listed.


I still do not agree with your statement that my business is affiliate. It's not fair to name a resellers business as affiliate business. I can name tons of website listed in consumer electronics category on DMOZ which are involved in reseller or distributorship business of consumer electronics. They also do not make and sell the products listed on their website. Do you mean only businesses who buy all products and sell them can only be listed on DMOZ. What about dealership, what about trading, what about distributors. Do you think that their business is not legitimate. If that's the case then probably on first place I should have couple of QUICK million dollars which is probably possible if rob a bank or win big in LOTTO to buy all the products which I wish to sell from my website.

Why you do not understand that a legitimate business can be website involved in online distribution of consumer goods. As well explained on our website that we source products from US,Austria,China & india and redistribute them in all over north american market. It should not be a concern if we ship consumer electronics from warehouse in Florida or wholesale products from our office in calgary or directly from manufacturer to customer. Anyway we are ligitimate registered business company and as a proof even our business number is also listed on website.

Let me know if our canadian domain name( bothers you and you would like us to submit our business in canadian regional category.

I would appreciate if once again you could review our website and consider it for inclusion. For God's sake do not claim it to be affiliate web business which I have built spending my hard earned money and lots of valuable time, energy and efforts.

Hope you won't take my statements otherwise but it really really hearts when all efforts seem to be going in vain as my business won't do very well if not included in DMOZ as major search engines like Google depend on dmoz data for page ranking and including in their directory.

Thanks for your time


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
You may very well be a legitimate business, no one is saying that you are not. To be listed in DMOZ you need to be offering unique content. When you offer the exact same content as numerous other sites you are not offering unique content. The bottom line is that your site does NOT qualify and will NOT be listed in shopping. It has nothing to do with originating from Canada, lots of shopping sites originate from elsewhere. The problem is that you do not offer unique content and cannot be listed. Nothing you say is going to change that fact. Sorry, but arguing the fact won't make your content more unique.
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