Status of



One editor says I am doing affiliate business, another editor says that website about us section is not proper now you are saying contents listed on website are not unique.

What about walmart & kmart selling same brand name items, what about radioshack & futureshop selling identical consumer electronics, what about sears & bay selling identical merchandise....are they all UNIQUE?

Any comments why following website selling identical products as listed on my site is considered unique and listed in Dmoz/shopping but not mine.....

Bob's discount mart(


We know you're an affiliate. If we explained exactly why we'd just be giving you and others clues on how to better hide your affiliations from us. The amount of time we have to spend on sites like yours is very frustrating. Please, just forget about us. DMOZ isn't the key to making pots of money on the internet that everything seems to think it is. Look into Froogle. See if you can convince them you're unique. That'll take you miles further than anything we could do for you even if we were willing.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Trying once again to clear up some confusion:

You may use whatever words you wish, but in this forum you need to understand ODP editor terminology. To understand OUR terminology, use these three simples rules:
1) When we see this site, the word we use for the idea invoked by its conceptual similarities to many other sites is "affiliate."
2) This site is a perfect example of the concept we wish to convey when we use the word "affiliate."
3) This site give us exactly the kind of experience we recall when we see the word "affiliate."

You may use the word "affiliate" in some other sense, and you may have other feelings when looking at this site. I'm sure that, to you, "affiliate" does not mean "months of precious time and lots of money invested" or "great hopes of fantastic income rolling in without performing any productive action whatever." But you must understand that those are your experiences and emotions, not ours. "Affiliate" is intended to convey OUR experience.

As for bizarre notions of ODP editor prejudices: please feel free to do ALL of the following, and please be assured that ODP editors will not be concerned about any of them.

-- live in whatever city you wish
-- spend your time doing whatever you choose.
-- spend your money however you wish
-- want whatever amount of money you think you need for any purposes
-- use vocabulary and terminology however you wish
-- start and/or engage in whatever businesses you wish to engage in.
-- buy domains in whatever country you wish
-- build whatever websites you want to build

Your site has been reviewed. It was not rejected because you lived in Canada, or we did not like the domain name, or we didn't like the site design, or we thought your greed excessive, or because we didn't like your business model.

It was rejected simply because it had no unique content. We list websites with unique content.

Multiple editors made serious efforts -- FAR beyond what the site was worth -- looking for something unique. It isn't there, as you know, because you know where you copied the content from.

So, what exactly could we be looking for if we reviewed the site again?


Aug 2, 2002
>> Any comments why following website selling identical products as listed on my site is considered unique and listed in Dmoz/shopping but not mine..... <<

Bob's Discount Mart is no longer listed anywhere in the ODP.

>>my business won't do very well if not included in DMOZ as major search engines like Google depend on dmoz data for page ranking and including in their directory.<<

Your business plan is "Get Listed In ODP"? I hope you have a backup plan.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>What about walmart & kmart selling same brand name items, what about radioshack & futureshop selling identical consumer electronics, what about sears & bay selling identical merchandise....are they all UNIQUE?

Welcome to Earth! You have much to learn, and Canada is a good place to start: the natives are friendly, and many Earthling products and services are available there. On this planet, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears, and Radio Shack all offer unique goods and services; futureshop offers unique services, and eBay offers unique services and hosts unique content.


Patience. It takes the hamsters time to turn the wheel all the way around.
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