status of


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>you cut line in front of half the existing sites when your site was created

is not the same as

>it goes to the end of the imaginary queue

You're still thinking in terms of competition being other submitters. It's not. It's all other websites: the ones never submitted, the ones submitted wrongly to some other category that belong here, the ones submitted wrongly to this category and requiring time to move out, in fact, the ones that don't have any classified ads at all, but attract editor time and attention anyway! -- editor time and attention that might otherwise have been devoted to classified ads.

Bear in mind also that a site submittal doesn't so much put it in a pool -- it makes sure the site DOESN'T fall OUT of the pool (the pool of ALL SITES) without being reviewed. So in terms of GETTING IN the queue, site submittal is meaningless. SITE CREATION PUTS YOU IN THE ONLY QUEUE THAT MATTERS. Site submittal can do nothing more to make you ELIGIBLE for a listing. It is just another way of making it more likely that someone eventually notices you are in the queue.

As others have indicated, there really isn't an order to the queue. So it's perhaps not accurate, but at least less inaccurate, to think of yourself as "forever in the middle" of the imaginarily queued pool. But it's especially inaccurate to think that site submittal has anything to do with a place in the pool.

We can't talk about your "chances of submission." Submission has already happened. We can't even talk about your "chances for review." We believe that is "100% given sufficient time," but we don't yet know how long "sufficient" time is.

However, you can think about the chances for a listing, by considering what (if anything) the site has that makes it unique among all the other sites you found in the previous exercise. And you can improve your chances (if any) by making sure any visitor to the site knows what that unique content is.


Dec 16, 2004

Can you tell me why my listing was moved to another category queue even though sites somewhat comparable to mine (they have similar categories) achieve placement.
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