Status on Colorado Web Pros ( )


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Then things aren't working properly. Someone who is an 'expert' in the field would find going through sites like that enjoyable and definitely a learning experience.
We've had experts in the field. I've never yet seen anyone manage to maintain their enthusiasm long enough to get through the whole category. After reviewing hundreds or even thousands of them, weeding through the designers who can't figure out where to submit, who thinks it's fun to submit every mirror they own, even the most enthusiastic editor starts to get a little burned out and either stops editing or moves on to something else less tiring.


Apr 15, 2003
I edit a letter in web site designers - and yes after reviewing hundreds of sites - many of which are sneaky attempts to get in mirrors, or incredibly badly designed web sites of designers, or filled with mispellings, amd sites that don't work in browsers - or are filled with time consuming Flash - one gets a little tired of seeing them.

It's not a place to put a new editor - it's too spam prone.

And in the end you wonder how many people are looking for web designers whose names begin a with a particular letter - or are going to spend the time weeding through hundreds - you wonder how usefull it is to the world at large - [the users of ODP] to add more listings there.

But I keep on editing my letter, sites that get suggested get reviewed in a few days, a number get moved as they are misplaced, some to another letter, as it seems several designers are not sure what letter of the alphabet their company name starts with.

But I'm not about to run around looking for more sites to add, or volunteer to take on another letter. I have plenty of other categories that are more interesting to work on.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Sorry for the confusion. I should of course have said something like "No site is obviously unique." and followed up with an explanation of an explanation of how multiple websites for the same webdesigner weren't unique at all, and therefore it couldn't be obvious that a website was unique unless we checked to see who actually provided the service it promoted. I hope it's clear now.

As for thinking someone with an interest in the subject would enjoy reviewing sites, I agree...eventually, the theory goes, all interesting subjects will have interested but disinterested editors. That hasn't altogether happened yet, but -- as you know -- editors get burnt out or move on to other things.
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