status req:



Re: status req: http://www.botox-cosmetic-surgery

Thankyou for explaining how I would get a hit from DMOZ.

Well, I'm dissapointed and discouraged.

I look to other examples with the stamp of approval and try to see what I am doing wrong. I've looked at another site you listed on the same topic and see that its 8 pages of information, much less than our almost 200 page site. Im confused how this could be listed, but not my site. I see many doctors listed at dmoz with truly nothing but "marketing hype" and office hours listed, and really just a couple FAQ's listed, and wonder what I am lacking when they get listed, and I don't.

Perhaps I can address some of the concerns with my site.
While it seems you could only locate a couple doctors, there are 71 doctors listed in the doctor finder, at least 1 in every state, representing most major US cities.

The official site lists 10 FAQ's. I answer 28 FAQ's, not including the 10 questions answered in the forum, which is unique content and feature not on the other site as well. I did a review of my FAQ's to see if 'marketing hype' seeped in, but can't seem to find it. I attempted to be accurate and impartial in my FAQ, so if you could provide a link to the offending hype I would greatly appreciate it, and most likely revise it. I understand if you are to busy or if this is asking to much.

That said, I will continue to add more information and content created by the questions asked in the forum and emails, breaking news, etc, in hope of someday being listed.

Thank You
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