Status request for


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.

I think that the *real* problem here is that someone has made an incorrect assumption as to the nature of the ODP.

The ODP is constantly changing and refining it's policies in reaction to the sort of content available on the net, and the level of similar content already listed. At one point there was only one Cherubs-n-Chocolate reseller and we happily listed them as they were the only one around. As time has gone on we've started to see more and more of them, to the point that many editors can now spot them instantly. Our decisions on these sites have evolved as they roll in in their hundreds. If there are currently some listed, that's not because they are being favoured over others, it's because they were listed ages ago, and they haven't been re-reviewed recently.

As editors we really aren't interested in the nature of your business. All we care about is listing unique content.


Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.

You misunderstood me. I was not referring to Cherubs-n-Chocolates sites. The sites I found were of a totally unrelated nature.


Jul 19, 2002
Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.

I'm curious to know why you think it would serve ODP users to have hundreds of sites selling the same product listed in the same category? And, would you really like to be number 450 in a long list of Cherubs-n-Chocolates distributors? Or if they were listed by location, how is that different than the consumer finding you from the company's site?


Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.

Ok. Let me start this reply by stating very clearly that none of the following comments are meant to be disrespectful in any way. I am just stating facts.

I'm curious to know why you think it would serve ODP users to have hundreds of sites selling the same product listed in the same category?

I am not saying it would. I only ask for consistency. There are directories on ODP that list multiple sites selling the same group of products and nothing else.

And, would you really like to be number 450 in a long list of Cherubs-n-Chocolates distributors? Or if they were listed by location, how is that different than the consumer finding you from the company's site?

The brutal truth here is that it would not matter what category I was listed in, what number of listings were before me, or how deep I was buried. I have researched the log files of sites listed in ODP and seen a consistant pattern. Minimal referrals. One site in particular was listed in a high level category in the first 10 and out of over 30,000 visits, 3 were from ODP. So from a traffic point of view, the ODP's significance lies only in the importance Google places upon it when determining page rank.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.

>I am not saying it would. I only ask for consistency. There are directories on ODP that list multiple sites selling the same group of products and nothing else.

And there are multiple sites selling the same group of products and nothing else, that were never allowed to be listed. And there are MSSTSGOPANE, that were listed at one time, and have now been removed never to return.

CNC has _already_ been made consistent. It is, in the judgment of the editors that have had to deal with them, this last group that CNC needs to be consistent with.

Greater consistency will come by identifying additional groups of such non-unique sites ... and removing them.
Be careful what you ask for. But enjoy it now that you've received it.


Jul 19, 2002
Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.

the ODP's significance lies only in the importance Google places upon it when determining page rank.
I see, so in truth you don't care about the ODP or what it's doing or not doing. You only care about Google's page rank and somehow the ODP is being placed in the position of being responsible for your sites ranking, or lack of it, on Google. And they are supposed to believe that listing your site, and the thousands just like it, will help their directory to better serve the consumer when your only concern is how your site will fare on Google?

If you want consistency, then offer up the inconsistencies, I'm sure it will be taken care of asap. If you don't want to be a part of the solution, then you have no real complaint, or better said, a voice without the drive toward action can not be heard.

But you don't really care about the ODP's inconsistencies, do you? If they happily listed your site you would go off and watch your Google rank increase and forget all about the ODP's inconsistencies, right?


Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.

I see, so in truth you don't care about the ODP or what it's doing or not doing.
I believe that if you read my earlier post you would see this is not true. As a matter of fact I do care about what you guys are doing and wish I could be a part of it. My statement was referring only to its influence on the traffic of a site. I'm sure this does not offend anyone since driving traffic to sites is obviously not the objective of this project. Sorry if the way I stated it sounded harsh. And by no means take my discussion in this thread as my complete feelings about the project. Through this thread I have gained a greater understanding of how the directory works, and there is nothing wrong with a little debate in my eyes, as long as it's done with respect for the other participants. And if you look closely, I'm sure you'll notice that when responded to respectfully I have always tried to be respectful in return. So again, aside from my frustration about this particular case have great respect for the project, and should I ever be given the chance to participate, I would do so with great integrity and pride.
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