status update for please


Dec 3, 2003
It's not that I like paying for a site to be reviewed but if it would add some cash to the machine and solve some of those issues, I'd be willing to contribute. Maybe an idea just for commercial sites? Anyhow, thanks for the insight.


Apr 15, 2003
Don't even suggest it :) :eek: :) :eek: :)

The social contract for the ODP prohibits the idea of payment. And suggestions of such, though well meaning, will often get interpretated with a frown. :mad:


Mar 8, 2004
Well, it hasn't been touched by an editor since your previous status request. Normally, I would say that means it's still there, but there's been a swarm of bugs lately in our automated systems, so that it's conceivable that one of those could have deleted the suggestion and not left a trace.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Martin, your site suggestion is definitely still waiting for review. The idea is not for you never to ask for status again; we simply try to make the volume of status requests here at Resource-Zone manageable by asking all our submitters to wait 6 months between each repeat status request. As I think you realise, this has nothing to do with how long it takes for the sites to be reviewed; site review will still happen when it happens, and as with all other suggested sites there is no way of telling when.

Real Estate in Spain is one of the spammiest areas in the directory, and one of the results of that is that few editors want to edit in there - another result is that for the few who do there is a lot to do. It is also an area where we don't accept new editors, since it is an extremely bad place to learn how to edit in. This doesn't mean that we expect all submissions to be spam (if so we'd just close the place for new submissions) but you will have to exercise some extra patience I'm afraid.

You are welcome back by March 21 if you haven't seen your site listed by then. Thank you for your understanding. {moz}
Jul 20, 2004
gimmster said:
As far as not working I can see over 100,000 sites waiting for review just in the Regional tree. Any particular group of 25 or 250 sites are fairly much lost in amongst the total. We all work on what takes our interest at the time, eventually we try to get to all the sites, obviously sometimes there is quite a delay.

If the site is in the wrong place and gets moved it may have to wait just as long again. Sites may be reviewed 10 minutes after submitting, the suggestion determined to be in the wrong category, and sent off to a category that an editor has just finished listing every site in, to wait for another review, which may not happen for a year or more.
Just a thought - why can't the submissions be reviewed in order of date/time received - rather than by editors whim? Surely this would be fairer to all and easy to track? If acceptance is delayed because sites need to be submitted to another category by editor, isn't it their own fault in the first place for not submitting to the most appropriate category. I have a site submission waiting for some time now to regional (100,000 awaiting review -aaaarrggghhh!) and would be very concerned that the editor chooses the ones he or she finds most interesting. If mine is considered dull at first glance (and I don't think it is - but then I wouldn't!), I may never have my site reviewed. I guess having more editors would help - I will probably apply in the next couple of months when my current workload diminishes sufficiently to allow me some time to allocate to this. I've rambled on a bit here but would still be interested to know why reviews are not done in chronological order. (sorry for stepping on your thread Martin)


Dec 3, 2003
status update for please

6 months on and still waiting (patiently) .. Doesn't it seem strange though that the largest single collection of Spanish property at isn't featured in dmoz at all?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, of course it's not strange at all! Until all sites are reviewed, how could we possibly know which one has the largest collection?

Someday we're going to convince the world that ODP editors are neither gifted with godlike omniscience, nor drooling idiots -- just humans, working together to help other humans share the knowledge they have.


Apr 15, 2003
Lets say that is in fact the absolutely best site for that category - and the largest collection - and so good it deserves a DMOZ star [Cool site]. That means it should be reviewed and published ahead of everything else. But since nobody knows that until it gets reviewed, right now it's a nothing site.

Thing of it like this - you go into a room, and there are a pile of paintings on the floor - in fact thousands of them, you want to select the best paintings and put them on the walls of your art gallery - which has separate rooms for each style of painting. Should not be that difficult. Except that they are upside down and the only way to look it them is pick them up put them on a cart, and take them into the other room, turn them over and examine them, decide whether they should be put up, and wheel them into the right room.

So how do you pick up the best painting first?


Dec 3, 2003
But isn't that the objective of the ODP?

I though it worked like this:

1. I tell you my site is the best in the world
2. You check it out to see if I'm right

The bit that's missing is you taking a look, surely. I know you're a talented bunch of volunteers, too many sites, no set priority, evaluating stuff that takes your fancy .. etc But if sites aren't being reviewed in a timely fashion (within 18 months or so) What value does the ODP add to people finding quality sites on the Internet?

Now I'm no conspiracist but this situation smacks of either a faulty system or an abuse of a good one - which is it?

So, I'll ask again in September 2005, two years after submitting shall I?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
martindell said:
1. I tell you my site is the best in the world
Do you know that every webmaster does think his website is the best. And do you know how many of these sites realy are any good.

martindell said:
The bit that's missing is you taking a look, surely.
Sure :rolleyes:


Apr 15, 2003
1. I tell you my site is the best in the world
You are a very funny guy :) :p

You actually have the answer
abuse of a good one
The good system being ODP, the abuse is the real estate site owners [I'm not acusing you] that create and submit so many mirrors, fake sites, and lead generators that they clog the sytem up with so much junk

Personally - the sites that rate at the bottom of my list are real estate, hotels and car rentals. So when I have in front of me [I can only edit in certain areas] a choice of around 1,000 sites to review, I know which ones I will choose to review.
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