Submission Status: Blueskyboris' Love of Wisdom Debates


Jan 5, 2005
the map and the reality
I do not know what matter is, or even if there is a true division between the map and 'reality', but I do know that the basic ontological essence of DMOZ is to list (taxonomy) the best sites in cyberspace for the general public to access.

between the link and the content
My links ARE the content. Again, how could people access my work without a centralized listing of links (website) to that work?

between the name and the thing
? (you must be getting so deep that even I look shallow, because I dont understand)

between the person and the personal website
Hey, passion is a good thing, not a bad thing. If you do not like my zest, then you are working with the wrong crowd, because I am sure you get some rather aggressive business people submitting sites.

between fantasy and reality.
Philosophy is not a clump of unravelable knots. Please explain what you mean clearly.
I think those distinctions are important, if only because they help me to remember that what I think I know isn't always what can be known, which isn't the same as what actually is.
I think you have lost sight of the definition of "taxonomy', because the sentence in this quote has no identifiable reference point. In short, I have no idea what you are talking about.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
OK, enough is enough.

You've been given explanations as to why your page as it currently exists is unlistable. Debating will not make it more listable. End of story.

You're right that this thread has gone on much longer than it should have so I'm closing it. Note that this is NOT an invitation to start the discussion in another thread.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.