Submission Status -


Mar 26, 2002
Nope, if people thought that by posting here there sites would get reviewed quicker this forum would become as backed up as the unreviewed are. We are not going to set that kind of precedent. In no way will posting in this forum quicken the review process.


Feb 21, 2003
Hi Spectregunner:

Thanks for your considered response. First of all, let me assure you that I have no intention of influencing the process. If it is bad for some who complain, it is good for some others who don't. As long as work gets done, any one particular site or submitter is not important in the process. That is nature's way of balancing out.

Please also do not think that I have any complaints. I have absolutely no complaints about my site remaining un-reviewed now or any time, because it is not my bread or butter. I have decided that only if and when you decide to list it, I will add it to my bread and butter list. I have set no time frame for that to happen. It is my own site, written and developed fully by me and no one will ever ask me why it is not listed here or there, and therefore, there is no peer pressure either.

My only intention was to understand the meaning of all the visits to the site by various editors (and scripts) at frequent intervals and its relation with it being reviewed or unreviewed. More of a mental exercise than an actual need. With the feedback from all of you, I have just understood the basics.

I am amazed at the mind-boggling amount of time all the editors of ODP put together spend on responding to and maintaining this forum ( BTW, the new forum is excellent and so is its PR effect ! ) with one million or more listed sites and another million on more waiting to be reviewed. Though my earlier comparison of time spent stands, I will try to understand it better with your clarifications on that matter.

The advice I offer is my own, I do not speak for the ODP and the ODP does not speak for me. It works out well for both of us.
US means YOU and ODP ? What about the poor souls who submit ?

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