Submitting A inner page (because it's rellevant)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I don't know how best to get the message across but I'll try.

ODP is just a bunch of hobbyist volunteers building and maintaining a directory of use to surfers just for the fun of it. It, not the website owner, determines whether or not a website would add value to the directory.

It doesn't see itself as a free public service to website owners and it has no interest in the urban myth that an ODP listing magically increases SE rankings. If there are any benefits (and I doubt it) that's just an unfortunate side effect, not part of our mission.

None of the above has any effect on whether or not your website is listable. However, an understanding of it is critical to a successful editorial career here.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Google (by their own admission on the website) loves fresh, new content. If the ODP content never, or hardly ever changes and good old Google isn't seeing any significant new listings "to crawl" in the ODP then they **might** consider looking elsewhere for credible content such as... Say the Yahoo Directory.
Just because the content in specific categories doesn't change doesn't mean that the content of the directory as a whole doesn't change. Sites are added, moved, updated, and deleted every day all over the directory


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I am confident that the ODP has some kind of automated "Rejection" routine or macro for each category...

No, it doesn't. That would defeat the purpose. You see, a suggestion isn't there to be "accepted" or "rejected". It's there to be "used."

Many, perhaps most, suggestions are to the wrong category. (No surprise, that: the ODP does have a large, complex taxonomy.) Well, a robot or a hireling would say, "it's wrong, reject." What does a human category builder do? We do the same thing we do when we find interesting slightly-off-topic sites in Google--we send the site to a better category. And the editor in THAT category may say, "yes, this is a good idea" or "no, we already list that content under another URL" or "hmm, not here but I know a still better category."

Or the editor might even say, "there's not much there there ... but the ODP doesn't have much on that subject, and I bet I could find some GOOD information with a little searching ...." (and as a result, a dozen other sites might be listed.)

You see? Every site suggestion has SOME kind of information, but there are many different kinds of information. The editors take all the information they can, and do what they can with it. And "accept/reject" is far too simplistic to do justice to the information people give us!
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