
Re: lizards lying behind-lines

“...and it's called 'Guidelines'“

“Guidelines” Which are enforced unequally, without the accountability of open, fair, process--so as to preserve and protect the controlling agenda.

Re: lizards lying behind-lines

From :
"You must read the guidelines and agree to follow them before registering."

There are lots of forums without guidelines elsewhere on the web. If you don't want to follow these guidelines, post elsewhere, not here.

Feel free however to discuss the guidelines (in a separate thread).

Best regards,
ODP editor jabesse

Re: lizards trying to blind me

"discuss the guidelines"

I might be stupid enough to put my finger in this "light bulbless" internet hole--But I ain't stickin no needle in my eye.


Re: lizards trying to blind me

>SEO controlling [arttworks comment about editors]

It might be amusing to you to find a 15 year old girl with no financial ties to the Internet/SEO industry edits Computers/Internet.

Next time, do your research. /images/icons/wink.gif


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Re: In stores soon, Internet Barbie

Suffice it to say that personal attacks are not really welcome per our <a href="">forum guidelines</a>.

"Flames, slanderous/offensive comments and advertising is strictly forbidden."

Also read what jabesse wrote above.

Besides, if any editor, never mind who, got a post as editor of <a href="">Computers/Internet</a>, I would dare say that she would have had to have a good track record of editing in accordance with the guidelines, in particular in this area. This applies to every editor, including metas, editalls down to newbies. I'm pretty certain if I applied for that category now I'd be rejected straight off by any other meta or category moderator.

I think that I can tell you that to succeed in DMOZ you need to have displayed good teamwork and an understanding of that area, in terms of the requirements of editing such sites as well as the taxonomy of the area. I've seen that age is not a good indicator of understanding, especially as one can learn a lot just by using and participating in the internet.


Mar 27, 2002
Re: In stores soon, Internet Barbie

To get a bit back on topic. The two suggestions that arttworks stated are very good suggestions. I have always thought that it would be nice to have these features. Unfortunately it would cause many problems that have been mentioned above.

Even if we decided we wanted these ideas there still is a bit of a problem as mentioned above also. Us editors beg for things that we can’t even get done. We would like faster servers and software improvements that would help us edit faster. But unfortunately it’s not possibly. Remember we are a volunteer project. We all should be thankful for the staff and hardware that Netscape gives us (yeah, yeah, it sounds weird but what would you do without a company like Microsoft to keep everyone on their toes).

If you feel it could be done better why don’t you start your own directory? We’ll even let you use our content to get it off the ground! /images/icons/smile.gif

lizards with growing noses

This start your own directory BS might mean something if it came with the offer of providing OPEN access to the ODP/aol/google site submission stream. As for your "very good suggestions-but..." insincere double speak--anyone with a little technical literacy and common sense is not going to be fooled by this "just to difficult" cop-out.

[edited for ungood spelling (nothing like the content changes meta made to his post)]


Yeah right

<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>This start your own directory BS might mean something if it came with the offer of providing OPEN access to the ODP/aol/google site submission stream.<p><hr></blockquote>

Why should that be necessary? ODP didn't need the Yahoo site submission stream to get started.


Feb 28, 2002
Re: lizards with growing noses

&lt;As for your "very good suggestions-but..." insincere double speak--anyone with a little technical literacy and common sense is not going to be fooled by this "just to difficult" cop-out.&gt; which seems to be a reply to jordancpeterson's post...

IT support and projects for the directory are prioritized much as any major business or large company. As our main purpose here is to grow the directory for the user, IT projects, in turn, are weighted by how these projects help to meet that goal. Each suggested improvement has to "get in line" and be measured with the others waiting there. With the number of active editors with "good ideas" constantly suggesting changes and ways to improve the process and efficiencies, you might imagine the size of this list.

You've presented your case to people who can take that information back and make a proposal for change. Some of them have agreed with you and it is up to them to formalize those suggestions if they wish.

I think you've misinterpreted jordan's comment to be a sort of "we can't get there from here" kind of response when that wasn't what he meant at all.

Re: lizards lying lazily lipping lists

Why should that be necessary? ODP didn't need the Yahoo site submission stream to get started. only had the support of the company that “had” complete dominance in the world browser market and for a time the most visited site on the internet. Fact is, millions of people are exposed to your “join us” solicitation every day and you convert that into how many “working” new editors a year? ...10? Fact is, internet users would be better served if pages like this
got just one days worth of your ad views.

As our main purpose here is to grow the directory for the user, IT projects, in turn, are weighted by how these projects help to meet that goal

I suppose it is your contention that the foolish, April foolery, was for the “benefit of the user.” It looks from where I am sitting like ODP “It” has some time to burn and not a very pressing “list”


Get your facts straight

<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p> only had the support of the company that ?had? complete dominance in the world browser market and for a time the most visited site on the internet.<p><hr></blockquote>
Not from the start. ODP existed as first GnuHoo and then NewHoo before it was bought by Netscape.

Re: Get your facts straight

...And as "GnuHoo and then NewHoo" it was completely irrelevant-hoo



NewHoo managed to collect more than 100 000 links before it became ODP.
So why don't you go away and build your own directory?


Mar 1, 2002
Re: Poking

I apologize for not being explicitly clear.
  • If you choose to act in an immature manner, you're not welcome here.
  • If you choose to post in violation of the Forum Guidelines, you're not welcome here.
  • If your purpose for posting is to insult, attack, or flame any of our members you are not welcome here.
    We are more than happy to answer any question about the ODP, as long as it is asked in a mature manner.

    Otherwise, Don't waste our time
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