the new ODP


do you see that you're trying to pass yourself off as someone who believes their own BS?

i'll leave you to your 'community' to do your selfless deeds and to take your constructive... whatever.


Mar 26, 2002

Why bother hanging around here to insult people. Try ICQ, MSN Messenger etc you may have more fun. I for one am glad that this forum was started and find the information to be invaluable. I put in hundreds of hours of volunteer support on a computer support forum just because I enjoyed helping others and believed in the product. If you think that the dmoz editors are doing it for any other reason , I believe your wrong.

My 2-cents

I think this thread should be closed. This guy is probably just annoyed at the ODP because he couldn't get accepted. He probably just wanted to list some affiliate sites or something anyway.

And if I'm wrong and you do have interest in the ODP scott, I recommend ending what appears to be trolling. Plus, if you dislike the ODP so much, why are you even visiting our forums?


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Thank you dstanovic,

I agree with you from personal experience. Before I was an editor in ODP I spent countless hours working on a website, not for profit, but to assist others. I've done 25,000 edits in, I don't think that they have been without purpose or good intentions. Many of the most prolific editors in the directory edit simply because they enjoy the task of reviewing sites and seeing the directory grow. I would edit there with or without and all of the other search engines who utilise our data.


Mel: If you do a search in Google, some sites will come up with descriptions on them other than what Google got off the site itself. Where do you think they came from? /images/icons/wink.gif


Mar 26, 2002
Your welcome enarra,

People sometimes do not understand that volunteers have better things to do with their lives then "volunteer". They do it because they believe they make a difference, and they believe in what they are doing. I appreciate the time and effort all of you do. Keep up the good work and don't let the bad apples influence your thinking /images/icons/smile.gif

<< Many of the most prolific editors in the directory edit simply because they enjoy the task of reviewing sites and seeing the directory grow. >>

I've done that too enarra with almost 9000 edits and one day you hear about something about you, you ask a question and then bye, bye.

hoping not to get edited out again.


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002

I can be pretty certain of one thing. I remembered when I applied, I didn't have much of a website, if at all (a few joke ones that I've never even bothered to submit to DMOZ). I applied because I submitted to those ideals and thought that it'd be a cool cause. Hey presto!

Insulting people and flaming an organisation where we try our utmost to ensure that people do not abuse is a very bad idea. As ettore said, there is no point posting here if you will never believe that.

Please also take a look at <a href="">the forum guidelines</a>, where it states specifically

"Flames, slanderous/offensive comments and advertising is strictly forbidden."

Thanks. /images/icons/smile.gif

You took the time to write your post attacking everything and everyone involved in the ODP so I'm taking the time to reply.

I find it deeply insulting. I'm not there because I wan't to rub noses or kiss butt. I'm there because I'm making and taking an active role in something that I believe in.

&gt;&gt;Mel: If you do a search in Google, some sites will come up with descriptions on them other than what Google got off the site itself. Where do you think they came from?&lt;&lt;

Well I aready answered this question, but let me expound a bit. Yes Google does index ODP and use the results in its searches sometimes, just like it indexes all websites it crawls and uses those results, but I believe it likely that the results you are speaking of come from Googles directory, which is of course based on ODP.

But to go back to the original question - Do you seriously think that Google derives its search results from ODP in the same way that MSN uses Inktomi????????

The Google Directory uses pagerank to display the sites rather than the default alphabetical order used on, and it eliminates the "cool site" distinction, but I can't think of any other differences.


Do you seriously think that Google derives its search results from ODP in the same way that MSN uses Inktomi?

No, not in the same way. They do it in a much more useful way... /images/icons/wink.gif
Your own phrasing of "derives" vs. "uses" already points to the main difference.

A site that is listed in the ODP will not only be shown in the Google directory, but it is essentially garanteed a listing in the normal Google index. It also gets a jump start for its PageRank, because Googlebot will find links to it on several of the other sites that use the ODP data as well. It is not unusual to find that the majority of the top listings in a Google search have a directory description and category shown with them. Not that you should immediately expect a top position at Google just from your ODP listing, but it definitively helps.

&gt;&gt;&gt;People sometimes do not understand that volunteers have better things to do with their lives then "volunteer".

i think volunteers sometimes do not understand that they have better things to do with their lives than volunteer to contribute to corporate greed.

i am not here (leaving BTW after this) because i'm angry at the ODP for not including me - i can get accepted as an editor any day of the week (Mr. Faber says he can and does) the process for application is so silly that all you need to do is write how you're a [edited: no libel please] or pathetic [edited: no libel please] to get accepted. it's easy - anyone can do it all the time. it's playing to sexism, and it works all the time.

i'm [edited: watch your language] off at what i see to be a mistreatment of happy new editors who try to participate and are who get shut-down by rude anti-social senior editors who think they're smart for no other reason than that they were accepted as editors in the first place and have the time to make 10,000+ edits for no good reason other than to be 'above' other editors. this is the basis of the 'culture'.

i am satisfied that i no longer need to participate in this sickly culture in order to make my $$$ as an SEO because NO ONE USES THE ODP any more - ha hahahhahahhaa a ha ha ha - the reason why no one is reading DMOZ data is BECAUSE of the attitude that i'm writing about - it's antisocial and DMOZ finally suffers because of it.

you won't have ME to look for anymore, because users aren't looking for YOU!!! ha hahahha ha ha ha h


Hi Darker:

I more or less agree with what you say, but if you go back in the thread you will find a statement that AOL, Netscape and Google all "use" ODP data in their search results. I am merely pointing out that;

A. AOL no longer uses ODP data
B. Google does not return its results from ODP data, but from its own database. It is true that you get a bit of a head start in Google if you have an ODP listing, but given the time it can take to get that ODP listing, that is not the preferred way to go (unless you don't mind waiting a few months for your listing in ODP and then another few weeks for Google)

???? I don't have any questions about Google only answers!


Mar 26, 2002
Glad to see your leaving /images/icons/smile.gif
Also happy I am not one of your customers /images/icons/smile.gif


Mar 27, 2002
All I can say is only time will tell which directories and search engines will succeed and those that won’t. Time will tell! /images/icons/smile.gif


AOL no longer uses ODP data

Looks like we don't apply the term "uses" in exactly the same way. What is correct is that AOL doesn't directly return directory listings any more when you use the search box. So you could say that the ODP data is presented in a less prominent way than it was the case in the past.

But AOL has never stopped using ODP data at all. If you go to , then the ODP categories are displayed very prominently smack in the middle of the screen. And if you do any search, then you will get a "Narrow Your Search" section below the direct returns, which leads you to the relevant ODP categories. How would you call this, if not "using ODP data"?

Google does not return its results from ODP data, but from its own database.

On Google, the situation is somewhat similar. In fact, it's even more useful, as the search results contains directory entries that are explicitly marked as such, and you have an easy choice of searching the normal Google index, the ODP data, their image index, or the Usenet archive, switching between them with one click. Isn't it great to have a choice?

Nobody claimed that the ODP had completely taken over the Google search results. We have better things to do. /images/icons/wink.gif But it's definitively to the advantage of Google's users, that they use the ODP data in a way that strongly influences most searches.
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