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Aug 2, 2002
Maybe we can do business?
Sorry, I deal direct with the communities and artists, not through intermediaries.

I may be relying upon a possible competitor to provide the all important listing in dmoz. Is it just me or can anyone else see how the system could be played to keep competitors from being listed?
You might, except my affiliations are properly declared and in my editing "career" will have been checked numerous times by meta editors and by the editor in chief and by Admins to ensure there are no favours or disfavours. As gimmster said, all my edits are open to every editor for scrutiny - it is impossible for me to succeed in blocking competitors without it being picked up, resulting in me being ejected as an editor.

Besides, I don't see anyone as a competitor in this field, only colleagues - I don't do what I do as a commercial venture, I do it because I am an enthusiast and love the art, and want to promote it to the widest possible audience and contribute something back to the artists and their communities. As far as I'm concerned the more sites that promote Aboriginal art the better: I became an editor precisely to build up the category not to block anyone, though I am adept at spotting scams which, as a dealer, you will know is not uncommon in this area.

The positive side is that had I looked at the site and thought it was an instant reject then I would have told you so. I didn't, I said it would probably be moved. I can't say what the final outcome will be, if I eventually review the site I will do so properly and give it all the time it needs to come to a proper conclusion. Equally the same will happen if another editor does the review.
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