Unhappy with DMOZ


Mar 18, 2004
hi everyone!

i am completely unhappy with dmoz....and i would like to tell you why..in the hope these things could maybe change some day:

- dmoz has a big influence on the web, but it is not organinzed well enough to be able to handle this responsibility.

Some of these influences are:

- influence on whether websites are found on search engines and whether they are indexed and how fast. You can say that is none of your business, but that's the way it currently is and therefore you have a great responsibility.

- influence on whether websites are ignored or considered on websites like Alexa. Sometimes people are curious what the biggest website is in a certain category and what its competitive websites are and what the general traffic posistion is. I would for instance only place ads for selling a car on a busy classifieds site...so I look for a big website on Alexa and then see whether there are any website in the same category with smiliar traffic....

However as Alexa uses DMOZ data, often websites are not shown as related website as they did not receive a DMOZ category. There are so many website that are not listed on DMOZ although they are BIG.

- in my theory dmoz only got so much power, as people working for search engines were too lazy to start something similiar themselves. And it was easier to just take all the URLs and categories from an existing project.

- i think there should be a small fee for adding urls, but a guarantee of inclusing and precise reason why a website has not been added. And unlike Yahoo a sort of system to ensure that all websites are added unless they are against the rules or belong to dubious webmasters. Everyone should have the right to have his/her website listed withint 1 month. No "DMOZ mafia" of webmasters who want to get rid of competitive websites or who want to hide potential competitive website for search engines and alexa.

- I think DMOZ editors are always afraid of adding to many websites or too many pages of the same website....the dmoz categories do not have to be "one-page" directories with only the "best" websites. It is up to other websites/search engines/methods to deterine the quality of those websites, but at least every system should be able to notice that a website exists and to find out its category.

One example: Imagine a website with subdomains for every USA state. A typical DMOZ editor would only add the main website to some general directory (e.g. car deales) and not all 50 subdomains for "joe's cars in arizona" or even if it had its own domain name.

However if someone browses a directory of website of Arizona only he would never come across this car dealer....just as an example.

Or imagine a dating site with gay.somedomainname.com or lesbians.somedomainname.com and domainname.com or 3 completely different domain names.

It would be necessary that all subdomains are added to the directory, simply because people who are looking specifically for a gay dating site or a lesbian dating site would usually not look for general dating website....so they would not see that this website exists. And if someone looks on Alexa in the category "gay" or "lesbian" dating sites for the busiest websites, they would only see those with a DMOZ category. If it only has one entry, it would only appear under the busiest dating sites maybe but not the busiest gay websites.

- There are some dmoz categories in some languages where people add your website really quickly (and they do only allow good websites)....but there are some categories, where editors just refuse to add your website for whatever reason ("dmoz mafia") - and this is so annoying. There is no proper control system to avoid such misuse. There is no way to complain. Nobody listens and you do not get any feedback. if you now say it would be expensive to do that, just charge a low fee for adding URLs. This would still be a non-profit thing as it would be used to pay for the infrastructure


May 26, 2002
Well, thank you for your concerns but all of these topics have been discussed three times already this month, and at least ten times last month.

Although new to you, this is getting old, really old for us editors. Can I suggest you read, like, the last ten threads on this topic where you will see all the answers you require.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
the dmoz categories do not have to be "one-page" directories with only the "best" websites. It is up to other websites/search engines/methods to deterine the quality of those websites, but at least every system should be able to notice that a website exists and to find out its category.
I think you have missed ther point of DMOZ.

DMOZ aims to provide a directory made up of a selection of the best websites in each category.

We are not here to provide a directory of all websites or pages within websites. :)



Mar 18, 2004
hm...if so many people raise the same issues....there IS a problem and you can not deny it. I havent read those posts yet..but if nobody posted something similiar as someone else posted it before nobody will be made aware of that fact it is a serious issue.....


Mar 18, 2004
Eric-the-Bun said:
I think you have missed ther point of DMOZ.

DMOZ aims to provide a directory made up of a selection of the best websites in each category.

We are not here to provide a directory of all websites or pages within websites. :)


This is the problem. DMOZ is not a stand-alone website anymore.

Not many people use the DMOZ website compared to all other websites/search engines using DMOZ data added together.

Therefore DMOZ should change its focus. Try to list all websites and give them categories...and maybe descriptions. Don't do anything more apart from making sure no spammy websites or criminal websites are listed.

This is all you need to do.

It is naive to believe one or a handful of editors can handle the responsibility of selecting a few websites they deem as good.

Apart from that DMOZ just provides the data - everyone has its own system to decide which websites are good and which ones are not, e.g. Alexa is interested in the most poular/visited website. But if they are not even added in the first step, they will not be included no matter which algorithm another website/system is using.

It is easy to drop websites when you build your own search engine - but it is hard to find websites that have not beed included that might be relevant for search results anyhow...and how do you want to find out its category unless some editors has done that?

Either DMOZ needs to do that or a new project similiar to DMOZ needs to be launched - making DMOZ redundant in the long term.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
hm...if so many people raise the same issues....there IS a problem and you can not deny it.

No, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. If several hundred people think something which is not true, and argue from what they think rather than what is actually true, that doesn't change facts! There are many examples of this in society, as I'm sure you know. This place is no different.


May 26, 2002
No. There are a lot of people who have read nothing that has been written before, don't know what we are actually doing, and trying to achieve at the ODP -- and then criticise us for things that we already said we don't do (but which they hadn't read).

Your posts are like you walking into a butcher's shop and venting because you want to buy bread, milk, and a new doorbell and you accuse the butcher of hiding them... so he must be corrupt.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Therefore DMOZ should change its focus. Try to list all websites and give them categories...and maybe descriptions. Don't do anything more apart from making sure no spammy websites or criminal websites are listed.
Um. I don't see any big difference between that and what we do today. Well, we do try to make sure all sites have decent titles and descriptions, that's part of our responsibility as editors.

What is it you mean the ODP does, or tries to do, today which is different from what you just said?

[edited to add: Of course, your definition of "spammy" may be diferent from ours. We try to think like users -- what would be useful to us if we were looking for this or that kind of resource, and what is just a duplication of what's already on other sites? Maybe you feel that we should add all sites? That's right out, I'm afraid.]


May 26, 2002
>> a new project similiar to DMOZ needs to be launched <<

Go ahead. Launch it.

If it really is "better, faster, cheaper" then you will quickly have a large flock of volunteers all wanting to help your mission.

Within weeks you will have thousands of editors, and millions of sites being suggested per month.


Mar 18, 2004
I know you are taking the piss...but backed by some big organizations and search engines, this is possible...


May 26, 2002
So out of the millions of people who could have done this at any time in the last decade, tell me why none of them have actually done it...


Mar 18, 2004
giz said:
So out of the millions of people who could have done this at any time in the last decade, tell me why none of them have actually done it...

Because people with great ideas usually have lots of ideas. They can not do everything and need to concentrate on some few projects.

There are also millions of projects to spend your time with..........do you know how many open source projects exist out there?

it is a personal decision what is more exiting and rewarding. but a directory like that is not very challenging from a technical point of view....you need to put more energy in marketing it and getting people to use it then to develop it.


May 26, 2002
I don't think that anyone has ever "marketed" the ODP...


Mar 18, 2004
giz said:
I don't think that anyone has ever "marketed" the ODP...

because it was unique..once you are trying to establish an alternative to an existing system you need to do "marketing" and convince people.

this is also the reason why right now I would not put much energy into it as i generally dislike the idea of re-inventing the wheel along the lines of "you idiots, see how it is done properly"....i rather believe in making suggestions and hoping people notice themselves.

starting something unique and new is usually better ,,, and there are many things to do that nobody has ever done before.


May 26, 2002

Yahoo, JoeAnt, Skaffe, Gimpsy, OneMission, ......


Mar 18, 2004
giz said:

Yahoo, JoeAnt, Skaffe, Gimpsy, OneMission, ......

If Google&Alexa stopped using DMOZ data, everything would change really quickly....


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
dermotz said:
hm...if so many people raise the same issues....there IS a problem and you can not deny it. I havent read those posts yet..but if nobody posted something similiar as someone else posted it before nobody will be made aware of that fact it is a serious issue.....
Yes. And the problem is always: "DMOZ is not doing what I want it to do and it is not doing it now". If people would take the time to investigate what DMOZ is realy about they shouldn't be making these suggestions and they wouldn't be frustrated. DMOZ does what it is intended to do (building a directory) and not what other people want it to do (promote their website). Ofcourse you are free to start your own project with your own goals and your own set of guidelines. You just have to do it.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
dermotz said:
If Google&Alexa stopped using DMOZ data, everything would change really quickly....
Not for DMOZ or the editors. We would continue building the directory and providing the RDF dump for everyone to use. Maybe the number of spam we receive as suggestions would drop, but that is a positive change and probably not what you meant.


Mar 18, 2004
pvgool said:
Not for DMOZ or the editors. We would continue building the directory and providing the RDF dump for everyone to use. Maybe the number of spam we receive as suggestions would drop, but that is a positive change and probably not what you meant.

But I think the majority of editors would not be as motivated as nowif that was the case....most like the idea that their work is visible on many websites.
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