Unique content? for jewelry?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm refering to these two points again:

1. website with a lot of colors and unique design makes first and false impression on an editor, creating an illusion of "uniqueness", without having "unique content" at all.
You're presuming that you know how editors operate. We're not distracted by flashy designs or pretty colours. You're completely missing our concept of unique content -- read hutcheson's last post very carefully as he explains much of what you keep missing.

2. lack of Qualified editors in certain categories, who have ability to reconize Real "Unique Content" and "one of a kind" creations.
Again, I have to point out that what you feel qualifies an editor to review gemstone jewelry sites is not what actually qualifies an editor to review gemstone jewelry sites.

I'm finished here.
Excellent. Topic closed, then.
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