Upset about Submissions?


May 19, 2007
Thanks wing, I will follow your instructions!

wing said:
This could be where the problem is. Everytime you submit the same website it moves to the end of the queue. Plus, continually resubmitting the same site could get you flagged as a spammer.

Submit your website once and once only submitting more will only serve to increase the time it takes to get reviewed.

Sorry, we do not discuss individual websites in these forums. Submit your website once to the category which you believe to be the most relevant. If you accidentally send it to the wrong category then an editor will move it to the correct place for you.


Jun 1, 2007
I am nervous on this issue as well. I am more a newbie to submitting links, etc. I didn't even know that I submitted more than once because some of the directories serviced by DMOZ asked me to submit a site.

I hope I didn't shoot myself so hard in the foot. It seems like DMOZ is very successful and as such as growing pains. I would love be on there faster, but now I just hope to get on. I don't spam and just hope they can see that.

I gotta say, this whole internet marketing, directory stuff is tripping me out but fun at the same time. I am really enjoying focusing on my website and adding content, etc. It is fun to see more people coming in and actually tracking what they like. So while DMOZ might take a while, it has geared me to really pay more attention to my site, which has been frustrating but really fun at the same time.



Jun 1, 2007
Thanks for your comment. I thought I was pretty smart at times, but I keep having to go back and organize, organize, organize. I think when I eventually come out of this, I will truly know my site inside out, which is how I should know it. I have had some great ideas for it, now I just have to make some time.

Thanks again for the though. I am loving this forum.


Jan 17, 2007
This is a very interesting discussion as I am one of thousands that doesn't have any idea what is happening with his/her submission. I operate a small regional directory for Costa Rica and I can just imagine the kind of junk they get in their queues. Even on a small scale like me I receive 10 - 20 spam entries each day.

I'm sure if Google had no weight on the links in DMOZ then half the people would have interest in it, as stated earlier people like to use DMOZ & 100's if not 1000's of other directories for their own SEO purposes with no consideration for what it really is supposed to be.

If you are serious and have the budget for it spend a little bit of money on some other large directories, dmoz is not the only one.

I am unfortunate enough to have obtained a site that was in DMOZ before and is no longer there. I bought the site in January and who knows what happened for it to be removed in the past. (I have submitted only once since January and am waiting patiently).

I think a nice page that one could enter their domain and 1 of 3 statuses are returned queued, declined, approved. Upon the decline status they are provided a link to a decline page which explains some popular reasons and basically have no ability to rebut. This would mearly tell those what is going on with their submission and help them decide weather they need to make changes and try their submission again.

Just my 2 cents..



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Just my 2 cents..
If we add up all of those 2 cents spent making exactly the same suggestion, we'd have around oh $30 by now :).

Seriously though, it's been discussed innumerable times here but it's not goig to happen any time soon. We don't see any advantage that it would give the directory but we do see quite a few snags - and have bitter memories of some of them.
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