USA version of already submitted site


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Everything you wrote about ranking and search engines is of no relevance to DMOZ.

A site may be suggested
- once in a topical category for each language
- once in a regional category for each language
For both ofcourse the site must fullfill the other requirments to be listed in such a category.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
No one has yet explained why some of the listed businesses have multiple listings, and no one has yet said what will happen to them, (will they only be able to list one site, will they be banned)?
And no one will. As I said, if anything needs to be done, it will. But we're not going to discuss it here.

I am now still also unclear about which overseas sites I can include in the DMOZ, as the rules confuse. I can submit to a regional site, in the UK, but in Holland I can submit as the site is in Dutch, (this is positively encouraged), but I cant submit my new USA site, even to a USA regional directory? I have to be honest, this baffles the heck out of me. I will post a seperate post about this question.
Just submit the one URL to multiple languages. Don't worry about the Regional listings.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you are confused about the nuances that editors are describing, then fall back on the clarity and simplicity of the submittal policy. Submit one site, once, to one category.

To review the nuances: a listing in, say, World/Nederlands is of no use to monolingual French speakers. So it would be helpful of you to suggest your site in a French-language category as well as a Dutch-language category (if it has content in each language.) This applies to as many languages as the site contains native content in, but NOT to computer-generated translations).

A site that is of special relevance to a particular area may be listed in Regional. This might be because a company has offices ONLY in a particular regional area (big or small: East End of London, or Belgium, or North America). It might be because a company ships mail-order products ONLY within a country or province. So you can help the editors by suggesting to the appropriate category. (This rule applies separately in each language that has the relevant regional categorization -- that is, probably not Danish or Catalan, possibly Dutch, probably French and Spanish, certainly English).

A site that represents the sole representation of a business may sometimes be listed once (usually in either Business or Shopping). This does not apply to all businesses: some kinds of very common, inherently local businesses are listed ONLY in regional.

Further complexities? If you can't understand these, then don't even try to go further. Leave those to the editors who DON'T worry about business advantage, so we can focus on the best way to build a directory for users (NOT for webmasters!)


Apr 21, 2005
I agree with what you are syaying, but I believe that you are giving out differing messages. I have regional sites that can be listed because the Dutch site is obviously in Dutch, but the fact that we have an office opening in the US is irrelevant, even though the US office will only be dealing with the US, and therefore by definition is regional. I just dont get it?

Still people are abusing the system, but the response has been met with a 'leave it to us' barrage. I dont believe that this is dealing with the subject, and yes, as being a webmaster, I want the best for my sites, but I want to do it fairly. When I point out inaccuracies in the system, I am not been given a reasonable answer - I appear to be told to shut up and go away, leaving it to be 'dealt' with by you guys.

The sites I mentioned, are still on the directory, some sites have got 3 entries for the same URL. I believe that this is seriously breaching the DMOZ guidelines and ruining the integrity of the DMOZ.




Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You've reported your concerns, both here and in your abuse report. Anything that is out of order will be dealt with but I'll repeat that it has nothing to do with your sites and you'd be best advised to let it go now that you've reported it. All you'll get for worrying about it is heartburn; it's not going to speed up the process or necessarily result in what you want.


Apr 21, 2005
Fair enough. I will wait and see. Thanks for all the time and effort you have put in trying to explain this too me.

Although I understand that rankings and optimisation are dirty words to you and your fellow editors/moderators, I also think believe that although you dont worry too much about this, you must have some annoyance that some of these issues of duplicate/triplicate/quadricate(?) site submissions benefit the specific sites, and undermind the DMOZ to a certain degree. People can financially gain by getting multiple submissions to the directory.

Its people like me who are trying to get a fair chance in business, and as such HAVE to inform yourselves. We both want the same thing - that the DMOZ works as well as it theoretically can, you for the reasons of goodness on the web, me for professional business reasons, (and believe it or not because I also believe in this Directory too).

Wishing you all the best,



Sep 28, 2006
Banning rules are not clear

I have two websites, one for the UK, whereas the other is destined for other location with different languages including German, Italian & English.
Seemingly the UK web <url removed> has been accepted, whereas the worldwide web <url removed> has been either banned or rejected!!
Would you kindly elaborate on the reasons behind the rejection. Thanks


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>would you kindly elaborate on the reasons behind the rejection. Thanks

No. Not ever in this forum, check out the TOS for why.

I will address the "seemingly" part. Since a site suggestion doesn't force anyone to do anything in any particular time frame, you should not assume that anyone has done anything in any particular time frame.

You've suggested the site.

If a site IS rejected, the reason would be because (1) the webmaster had been REALLY abusive, or threatened serious abuse (and where that applies, which isn't often, the only rational solution would be to avoid further contact at all costs, right?) , or (2) because the site didn't seem to contain unique content (and the webmaster always knows the uniqueness of his content better than the editor can, so there's nothing we can tell you that you don't know already.)

The third possibility, that the editor made a mistake, can best be handled by waiting a time (I'd suggest six months) and resubmitting. Once. That will get a re-review WITHOUT providing an opening for the webmasters with abusive tendencies (which, unfortunately, we can't tell from the others. And true, the vast majority of webmasters don't get physically abusive, but ... fact is, the vast majority of rejected sites aren't errors either. Bitter experience says entering discussions about rejected sites is much more likely to find abusive webmasters than editing mistakes.)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
UniRecovery said:
whereas the worldwide web <url removed> has been either banned or rejected!!
or is still waiting review
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.