>I don’t believe that one’s indecision to act diminishes any said powers. It may just be the opposite.
You must be thinking of some organization like the SS or Mafia (or Microsoft) where, as you get "higher" in the "company". you can tell more people what to do (and shoot them or throw chairs or fire them if they don't do what you want. And you always tell how high you are by how many people you can kill.
But the ODP isn't that way. It's all worker bees -- you do what you think is important, and the bee next to you does what IT thinks is important. Which boils down to -- reviewing sites, basically. (A few dozen volunteers also review applications and set editor permissions. But once an editor receives permissions, so long as he doesn't abuse the fundamental rules (i.e. doesn't harm the directory), there is no mechanism for telling him what to do. So your "hierarchical" power doesn't exist.
Your only power is what you've been empowered to do yourself. And what can you do? There are, let us say, twenty million websites out there. Can you exercise power over them? Nonsense. Two hundred sites reviewed would be an EXTREMELY busy day for most editors. So even the most active editor fails to review twenty million websites daily. And that ... that is no more than you can do yourself! And, whether or not you review a site, you cannot tell another editor to review it again (or not to review it).
So the only difference between you and the inactive ODP editor is ... a useless credential: you both fail to review all of those 20 million sites every day.
And the only difference between you and that ACTIVE ODP editor is not the sites you both don't review, it's the sites the editor DID review.
And does reviewing ten thousand sites give an editor power (to tell anyone else what to do?) No, the only power an experienced editor has, is the same as the inactive editor has: the privilege of reviewing sites on his own monitor and typing descriptions with his own fingers. The same twenty million sites are there, waiting for both of them. The same temporal limitations are there, keeping either of them from reviewing more than a few hundred sites.
Oh, sure, every affiliate doorway spammer in the planet is off nursing a grudge saying, "yet another day in which THE editor selected MY site, out of all those twenty millions of sites, NOT to review! And that only because, out of the billions of the people of the planet to have a personal grudge against, HE picked ME! He's oppressing me personally, and my website technologically, with his super-ODP-editor powers!"
But the fact is, there are too many spamming jerks, and there are not enough ODP editors, and they do not have enough buckets, to carry all those grudges. And if there were enough buckets, there wouldn't have been time to carry the grudges AND add well over five million categorized listings. And it's never just one editor, it takes hundreds or thousands to carry each grudge. And how do you synchronize grudges -- you have the Captain tell the infantry whom to begrudge what, eh? But there's no orficers with that privilege.