Web Site Titles in DMOZ directory


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>The listing has been this way for some time...

So it has been said. But it is not a credible claim. The ODP editing logs are available to editors, and bobrat reviewed them in describing what actually happened.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
This posters website was listed in DMOZ as "Insurance Jobs Board" the site domain name is www.insurancejobsboard.com and they are known in the market as this. The title in DMOZ should be the same. It was another DMOZ editor that later changed it. The poster has not lied about this because it is FACT. The listing has been this way for some time, why change it now and why just this one site?

The title in DMOZ should not be the same as the title on the website unless the title on the website is the business name, it should be the business name as this is a listing for that business. I mostly edit in Business and Shopping, this is my comfort area, and I completely agree with this. They didn't single this site out, it looked to me like they discovered an error which *should* be corrected and he did so. I often correct description and title errors when editing and they come to my attention, it's just the responsible thing to do. So, the answer to why change it now and why just this one site is that the editor discovered the error and was responsible and changed it. He did the right thing IMO, this site wasn't singled out. :2cents:


May 3, 2005
Web Site Titles In DMOZ

For the purposes of clarification I have republished my original post in full.

Starts Here:
For the second time mine has been changed in this category


Instead of it reading. Insurance Jobs Board it now reads the co trading name instead .

Question ...who makes these changes ? as I certainly have not.

I have reported this as possible abuse because we have a good site with a good url that does what it says on the tin so to speak and this is very frustrating. I amended it myself last time this occured. but this time I shall see what dmoz have to say about it.

Does DMOZ data power alexa at all as this has also changed ? to our co name.

does it seem like sabotage to any one here? Will it affect our rankings ( we have 10s of no 1 2 3's across the search engines and hundreds of first page listings) as dmoz is important for google and other directories 

Any advices as to what I should do would be appreciated

Thank you

I thank every one for there comments I am obviously banging my head a brick wall. Read again my posting, I posted here asking for advice not slinging accusations about.

Points of Fact

I did the original submission to DMOZ cannot recall when probably March or Early April 04 ( site launched 12 March 04) Knew it was something I had to do
it wasn't a big issue just one of many sites and directories to be ticked off.

It was listed sometime when? but seemed quite quick compared ...to having now visited here and observing the many moans about time... listing as submitted with no alterations as far as I am aware as I used that copy for a number of submissions.

Then (few months later?) noticed a change on alexa actually to the E Jobs Board Ltd title contacted them to amend listing thought it was odd and searched around and found DMOZ listing has also changed and others. I am Not a techy guru so it some a while to work out where the originating source was. Initial thoughts was that somebody was 'representing us to effect the changes' Felt concerned contacted DMOZ via the amend a listing. Made the change and it was changed back. End of as far as I was concerned. thought no more about it. Site was probably as listed for another 5/6 months perhaps?

Sorry I am vauge with dates my life do not revolve around a DMOZ directory.

Then this week again via alexa noticed the change to E Jobs Board Ltd. So having learned more on this journey in the web of developing our business and acquiring the SEO knowledge that we have definately thought it was odd. And instead of requesting an amend this time there is an report abuse/ spam contact. So chose to do this instead. Never screamed abuse !!! at all asked could this potentially be so ???? as I had not requested a change. Who was doing it ?should I be concerned?

I did not know the hierarchy of editor status No editor status to me means no editor !! Not that others can do it by thier permissions status all of this is new to me... I am Miss Jo Public that just happens to run a Niche Job Board.

So this is the sceanrio

I submitted - ACCEPTED & APPROVED - By an Editor " Insurance Jobs Board"

It changed - " E Jobs Board Ltd" - I am now informed.. by an Editor

I submitted a request to amend - ACCEPTED & APPROVED - by an Editor "INSURANCE JOBS BOARD"

It changed - I submitted an abuse / spam request not heard anything yet thought here would be useful having found this forum to post here to glean some advice.

So It has been 2 approvals for " Insurance Jobs Board" by DMOZ
2 Changes to " E Jobs Board Ltd" by DMOZ ( the first one was changed v quickly - days perhaps! and the second what what I am awaiting to hear from)

I take absolute exception to being called a liar. All I have done is convey the facts as I have experienced them.

We are known as insurance jobs board, our phones, client invoices, company address, trade accounts, bank account, mobiles, insurances etc, are all held as this. Albeit we do have the E Jobs Board ref we run autonomously.

It is to be noted that we are removing the e jobs board reference from our site as the ltd company will cease as an entity w/e from next week. This was a shell that was set up as we originally intended to run a number of niche job sites across various market sectors under this umberella as Kate has pointed out many companies do this. I could name at least 50 sites that trade under these entities. All copyright and IP belongs to "Insurance Jobs Board " the company. and the copyright statement will be reflected to amend this.


May 3, 2005
On another point It was suggested to me by both an email and a personal call to my office that the matter did appear suspicious.

If it has all been just cirumstances that chanced upon my record to effect bonafide changes then so be it.

Kate does make some very interesting comments though one cannot help to wonder

I await advices from the proper channel to clarify this matter.

Please curtail your fericious defences I have heard them all before.

yet do not get answers on relevant comments

Like this on suggest a site


It clearly says always opt for the official name of the site

Title of Site:
Please supply a short and descriptive title.

Always opt for the official name of the site.
Do not use ALL CAPITAL letters.
Exclude promotional language in the title.

Anyways thanks again for the limited support I have recieved and to the editors that have taken the trouble to throw the rule book around. That is all well and good, but surely some of you must have a little bit of sympathy and see why I feel singled out.

You are only do your job I realise that and with a hefty workload at that I realise, so keep your hats on straight and form an orderly queue to state your cases again if you must. If you feel compelled to respond please do.

Thanks again for an interesting exchange of views



Aug 2, 2002
You must understand that as DMOZ editors we are not in the least interested in webmasters' marketing interests, and your case seems to approach the matter from that angle. We are a volunteer project and we make what we do freely available - commercial benefits only accrue from what others do with our work that is way outside our control. We also take exception when abuse is suggested, even mildly, when there is no evidence beyond speculation - abuse is taken more seriously by editors than anyone out there - it degrades everything we do and it is dealt with swiftly and without mercy. If abuse were going on it would have been dealt with instantly. Mistakes and incorrect judgements do happen and most people would ask that question first before suggesting some form of sinister wrongdoing. Unfortunately in these threads if you start off on the wrong foot it becomes somewhat difficult to backtrack sometimes. And with 4 million listings it is more or less impossible for any site to be singled out! Perhaps sometimes we forget that a webmaster only sees things from their single site aspect and webmasters don't appreciate we see things from a 4 million site aspect. So many ludicrous accusations are thrown around in this forum and others that it gets very tiresome.

So if you were asking if an error was made in retitling your site the answer is clearly no, accepting your change after the first time was an error that was corrected when spotted. Whether our guidelines need some reconsideration is another matter entirely and one for internal discussion.

For the benefit of non-British editors it is very common for company names that bear no connection to the business or its owners to be bought off the shelf ready-made for under US$100 and for the business to use a trading name instead. The legal name is never used except for official documentation. I think this is what mzb64 is saying and I can see the point. Our guidelines don't appear to take account of that, which may or may not be the best way of dealing with things, but until they change that is what we have to work with. If the company name is changing then that might be the answer to this particular problem and when it does then a further update might be considered under the existing guidelines.


Aug 2, 2002
I've done some more research and using the legal company name vs trading names has been discussed internally before. Consensus in the Business branch, where company home pages are to be found, has been for using legal company names. This might not be the preference for a small minority of businesses (possibly a bigger percentage in the UK) for whom the legal name is a complete irrelevance associated with accounting and regulation rather than trading, but it would be impossible for international editors in an international category to work by a series of guidelines that took account of hundreds of different scenarios. For the very small number of sites where this becomes an issue for the owner it might be unfortunate, in the efficient running of the largest global directory it is a necessity. The best advice I can think of is to forget your DMOZ listing entirely, there will be thousand sites doing similar things that don't have a listing at all and they must work without it; at least you have a listing albeit not to your preference.


May 3, 2005
Please note

We have made the changes mentioned in my previous posting. The company is now insurance jobs board as a sole entity.

What should be my next step to hopefully having my title restored?

Do I await the enquiry I put into to DMOZ or go through the request a change to my listing?

Appreciate your guidance on this matter

Many thanks



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Not trying to be picky or anything but
whois said:
E-Jobsboard Ltd
West Gate House
100 Wellington
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 4LT

You can always try for an Update URL request I suppose.

Of the claimed 2000+ vacancies (I didn't count them) all bar two are in the UK and one of those is in Guernsey. It would seem that a UK level listing is appropriate.


May 3, 2005
Today there are 2035 vacancies listed


with 570 being posted in the last 24 hours


It is surprising that there does not seem to be many overseas jobs at present that is certainly somewhat unusual for us as we do carry jobs postings for hong kong,singapore, bermuda, australia, new zealand, and europe very frequently most of our recruiters have international divisons and use the site to post these when the vacancies occur.

From our site :

We aim to be the No 1 destination site for recruiting and identifying experienced Insurance and Financial Services Industry professionals employed in the UK, EMEA and the rest of the world.

24/7 365 days of the year Insurance Jobs Board is operating delivering the best career opportunities for the Insurance and Financial Services markets.

there just cannot be that many international jobs around at present it does sometimes go in spurts though often we are listing them far and wide.

Ireland is listing a good few

The insurance industry is diverse and the professional qualifications in the uk are recognised internationally and similarly countries such as australia, new zealand, south america have similar qualifications that enables them to repatriate easily to the uk. Alot of candidates have ancesteral visa staus that enables them to work in the uk despite having qualified abroard. This status also applies to candidates indiginous to the uk wishing to move abroad.

P.S The who is has just not updated yet thats all


May 3, 2005

rest assured it will all be in order :)

I still do not know what is the best way forward to hopefully get our site title re instated what do you suggest that I should do ?

Just the title would be good I never moaned that the description had been edited too :rolleyes:

I am sorry that it got off on the wrong foot here all I ever wanted was advice I did not scream abuse I just asked why had it happened I was thinking it was somebody trying to pass off as us requesting the changes.

You do a good job that is why people place importance on hopefully being accepted into the directory so keep up the good work but please try to remember that sometimes we 2 ( yes site owners!) are sensitive souls and also take accusations and batterings to heart :rolleyes:




Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Since the site is listed, you should use the Update option (Update listing, in the top part of the screen). Keep in mind that the reviewing editor almost certainly won't have seen this discussion, so you may want to point out in the reasons for updating that the ltd company no longer exists.


May 3, 2005
Thank you for the responses

I will maybe try an update listing as suggested ... ( bit unsure though if that is the best route, do not want to get up anyones back any further- Despite not intending to so :) )

If I Do: you think that I should refer the editor concerned to this forum as it has been mentioned that he/she may not be aware of what has gone on? and why I felt the need to update our listing re status of company etc?

I have to admit I do feel a little wary of requesting an update as I do not want to be seen as a spammer or whinger I will await further advice before I move forward

Thanks again it is appreciated


advices please


Jan 23, 2003
You are welcome to provide a link to this discussion, but the editor is under no obligation to check here.


May 3, 2005
Thank you

I will do an amendment submission with a link here and see what happpens



Mar 25, 2002
I just wanted to comment on this from item 16:
you do have to question why an editor would visit a category where no editor is currently appointed and pick just on this one site and change the title whilst the others remain unchanged.
The reason this listing was singled out is because there was an update request submitted. Often editors who process update requests are not as familiar with each category as the original listing editor. That's why there was an error in accepting the update request, which was subsequently corrected. No conspiracy. :)


May 6, 2004
Just an update on his discussion.

I have reviewed the requested update, and this site is now in compliance to have it's title changed to "Insurance Jobs Board". The copyright notation has been changed on all pages and all mention of E-Jobs Board, Ltd. has been removed from the site. In addition, a review of http://www.whois.sc/insurancejobsboard.com shows:

Insurance Jobs Board
West Gate House
100 Wellington
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 4LT

And as Lissa said, we had recieved an update request which caused an editor to re-review your listing. We do not change any info on a listing, nor update it, without a thorough visit to the site. This is done to protect the site owner from a competitor making changes and to verify compliance. I can guarantee that the change back to E-Jobs Board, Ltd. was not done as any sort of conspiracy or malintention, but rather as a standard by which we prefer to list sites in the Business category.


May 3, 2005
Thank you... for the update on the situation

I am still a little confused though re the last two comments was this last change ( before my request here) ie - the second change to E Jobs Board as a consequence of a "request a change amendment" because that what I seem to be reading it as ?

Thanks again for keeping me informed.



Mar 25, 2002
The basic sequence of events (based on discussion in this thread) was:

1. Site was suggested with title "Insurance Jobs Board"
2. Site was reviewed and listed with title "E-Jobs Board, Ltd." per guidelines
3. Update request to change title to "Insurance Jobs Board" was made
4. Update request was accepted in error by an editor and the title was changed to "Insurance Jobs Board"
5. Error was noticed by another editor and the title was changed back to "E-Jobs Board, Ltd."
6. This thread was started. :)
7. Site and associated business references were changed to reflect the business name "Insurance Jobs Board"
8. Update request to change title to "Insurance Jobs Board" was made
9. Update request was accepted.

Shows a little bit of the bee-hive in action I think. ;)


May 3, 2005
Thank you

All clear now :)

Keep up the good work everyone ... despite what you may sometimes think it is appreciated and prized hence why anyone that cares about their site and its content values a listing and approval from an editor for inclusion.

I wish you all well for the future in whatever you do.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.