That some sites can wait months or years after being created before being reviewed? That's the fundamental fact; we'd tell you that here. The article doesn't mention that.
Instead, it's just another whine about editors that do what they do instead of what webmasters want them to do. Well, that part is true enough.
The bit about "ODP is dead" is really true, in the sense of the original "God is dead" theological statement -- (i.e. not "no longer existing", but "no longer interested in any way in us".)
So, yes, the article is true. And, by the way, WebProNews is dead -- it has ceased altogether to offer valuable hymnological material to the surfer.
What's that you say? It never did? It never claimed that mission? Nobody there cares about that mission?
OK, then. Next subject. Millions of webmasters are dead, and there's nothing I'd like to do more than bury them.
What's that you say? Scriiiitch.....
It's a big web. There's room for webpronews. There's room for millions of affiliating/doorway/drop-shoving/banner-farming spammers. There's even room for millions of websites offering unique goods and services, and an ODP that links to them. We don't all have to resell SMC-klitch.