What if the editor of a cateogry is your competitor?


Aug 3, 2007
motsa said:
pvgool already gave you some advice regarding what you can do and what you can expect to happen. I'm afraid that's all we have for you.
May I know what can I do and what can I expect to happen? I do not see anything related to these 2 questions in pvgool's reply.


Jan 31, 2009
I have made some mistakes in my posting on this forum. I have read many responses and it looks like the same answers every time I hear someone ask a question. I have been trying to list my site for several years, today I went to the "Wayback Machine" and seen my site WAS listed in 2002 through 2004 but is no longer.

The site I am mentioning is in every way legitimate but was removed, it's a retail site selling a unique product that has been in production for over 20 years. I can not find a reason why nor can I get a straight answer. Did my competition remove it? Was there a mistake? Did I make a mistake and will pay for it forever? I can not get a straight answer except for the fact that DMOZ is run by volunteers and after reading so many replies they do what they and we have little to no recourse.

A little self reflection might do some people some good, sorry editors but what all of you seem to say is, you are in control and only those we choose to edit will get listed and if WE decide you site is not unique or what ever other reason you come up with it's just tuff luck and we do not have to give you any kind of real answer.

Someone (a mod or editor) asked me how I know about blackballing, well I know a previous editor and he told me all about it and showed me in a some cases. He was one of those who worked to make DMOZ a good place but got tired of the bickering and back biting. Most every editor works in their business field and there was a lot of favoritism and lack of professionalism, editors work in most every complaint was always taken over the webmasters. I was holding this comment back but was asked a question, after seeing what I saw on the "Wayback Machine" I got a little frustrated and felt it had to be posted. As I have been taught, don't ask the question is you do not what an answer!

For those who do not know about the "Wayback Machine", it archives most all websites and is very detailed, from my understanding the courts use it all the time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>May I know what can I do and what can I expect to happen? I do not see anything related to these 2 questions in pvgool's reply.

You can suggest a site that isn't already listed. (You can suggest it up to twice. More often is not helpful.)

You can expect the suggestion to be reviewed. We don't know when that will happen.

It is hardly ever useful to discuss editing actions with the webmaster. The actions aren't done for his benefit, so it's always OK if he doesn't get a benefit from them.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
it looks like the same answers every time I hear someone ask a question
Consistency is good :).
my site WAS listed in 2002 through 2004 but is no longer
Websites are listed/moved/delisted for all sorts of reasons. Sadly, AOL's servers had an enormous crash in late 2006 and most logs were lost. Even if we wanted to tell you why yours was removed, despite this forum's ToC, we probably couldn't.
you are in control and only those we choose to edit will get listed and if WE decide you site is not unique or what ever other reason you come up with it's just tuff luck
I think you'll find that we all work to our publicly available guidelines. You could use them yourself to critically evaluate your site. Websites can be re-evaluated from time to time and no site is guaranteed a permanent listing.
and we do not have to give you any kind of real answer
We learned the hard way that arguing about whether or not a particular website should be listed isn't productive - which is exactly why we won't do it any more.

Lastly, by all means suggest your website once to the one best category. Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Aug 3, 2007
Hello jimnoble,

I was trying to figure out why our main website was removed from its respective category and I have a guess that it was down for 2 days in last year due to some technical issues at the hosting company's end and your crawler might have tried to access it (website) at that time. This could be the only possible reason that I can think of. :icon_idea

Please tell me what to do as I've already submitted it once again yesterday in the same category. Can you recover the old listing or I was right in my decision to resubmit it. Would I be punished for re-submission? :confused:

Please Guide...

With best regards,

Ajay Chadha (Director)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
chadhaajay said:
Please tell me what to do as I've already submitted it once again yesterday in the same category. Can you recover the old listing or I was right in my decision to resubmit it. Would I be punished for re-submission?
The answer has already been given more than once. But I'll repeat it again.

If a site is removed temporary from public view an editor will look at the situation and decide to list it again or to remove it permanently. When that will happen is something we don't know and can't predict. There is no reason to suggest the site again.

If a site is removed permanently is was done because of good reasons (the site does not fit within our guidelines anymore). There is no reason to suggest the site again.

And please stop asking us to give special attention to your site. You have been told several times we will not discuss individual sites.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The Open Directory doesn't have any punishments, any more than a Quaker community would. If a webmaster or site promoter makes a sufficient nuisance of himself, the community can agree not to pay any attention to him anymore--he's "shunned." Nobody signed up to volunteer to deal with pests, and nobody has to.

Floggings, hanging, draws, or quarterment--to our occasional deep regret--are all right out.

But it's extremely easy to avoid being a pest. Just follow the submittal policies, and make helpful suggestions.
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