What methods do Editors Use?

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
motsa said:
And as an editor you could be helping to clean those up. Are you?

Yes, every time I find one. But it's often difficult to convince the editor that the "well-disguised-as-a-real-store" site is in fact nothing more than a drop shipper.

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against drop shipping or drop shippers. I don't even have anything against ODP policy of not listing them since ODP is free to make whatever rules it pleases.

The problem I have is that "crappy" sites that offer nothing but a drop-shipped product get in anyway, by deception if not outright lying about themsleves, when thousands of quality sites, with quality content, run by reputable business people are turned away simply because they drop ship.
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