Why do you deleted posts?


Apr 4, 2005
Eric-the-Bun said:
If you keep track of the '5,184,181 sites - 70,251 editors - over 590,000 categories' section at the foot of the main ODP directory page, you can track how many new editors are accepted. Certainly when I looked in July it was below 70,000.
Just don't come complaining if it does not change every day or if two pages give you different figures. The public pages are updated frequently, but not necessarily all at the same time :)

The web is a dynamic place and that is especially true of the ODP.


Nov 16, 2005
hutcheson said:
>how many reviews average an editor per day?

Any statistically astute person will, I believe, assume that the pattern of editor activity fits an inverse logarithmic curve ... from which it immediately follows that "average" is simply not a meaningful concept.

Wow what a waste of time. Just say in plain english "can't be predicted"


Nov 16, 2005
spectregunner said:
I think that you incorrectly refer to them as submissions.

People are invited to suggest sites to the directory. You asked why some people have waited a year for us to review their submissions/suggestions.

Does it sound familiar to you?

again, I don't have used the word submission or suggestion.

Simple question, in plain english:
Why some people have waited a year, some of them more than a year for someone "editor" review their site (website)?

This is my question, I don't want to put words on your keyboard, but just start your answer like this:
These people have waited that time because...... ... and ...... and.....

That's it!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>These people have waited that time because ...

Let me ask you a question. I have waited one year (since November of last year) for you to publish the e-text of Ramsey's "Physical Geography of Asia Minor" on your website.

Now, I demand that you tell me why I did that.

Now, don't tell me that no significant event (for your website plans) happened last November, so there was no reason for me to start waiting there as opposed to any other time. And don't tell me that you have no interest in doing what I'm waiting for. And don't tell me that you don't have any idea why I'd so such a blamed stupid thing.

Just answer my question. Why did I wait for a year from a date that meant nothing to you, for you to do something I had no basis for believing you had an interest in doing? Why?

And we'll know how to answer your question.


Jun 8, 2005
These people have waited that time because...... ... and ...... and.....

Because they didn't feel like doing anything else besides wait? We're not psychic - surely you don't expect us to know why people are waiting for something to happen?

Now if you're asking - how long will it take before a suggestion is reviewed - the answer is: It Depends.

If i remember correctly - someone has pointed you to the FAQ. If not it's located right up there (blue letters - FAQ). Here's a link too (just in case) http://resource-zone.com/forum/faq.php?


Mar 20, 2003
These people have waited that time because...... of reasons known only to them ... and ...... if you need further help with your question you could try here .


Aug 2, 2002
Some meaningless stats. 800 sites added a day, 8000 active editors, 1 site added per active editor on average every 10 days. Say half the sites added from suggestions - 1 suggested site added per editor on average every 20 days. Number of categories say 600,000 - number of sites added in a year 300,000 - on average 1 site added to each category every 2 years. So if you wait 2 years and a day and don't see a new site added to a category then it is below average. Does that help you? If so please tell me how!


Oct 18, 2005
FiredUp said:
These people have waited that time because...... ... and ...... and.....
Since you are asking for a blunt answer:

These people have waited that time because the volunteer editors at ODP are under no obligation, implied or otherwise, to review any suggestions and people suggesting a URL should read the guidelines before assuming, unjustly, of any due consideration and you should also not only read the guidelines but also understand the founding principals of ODP.

Please do not claim that you have read the guidelines and understood them. You will not be so reluctant to admit the realty if you had.


Apr 15, 2003
These people have waited that time because they have no other goals in life than getting listed in dmoz and fail to take the opportunity to market their sites in diverse ways.


Aug 2, 2002
I'm not sure we're answering this very effectively. What we are saying is, I guess, because our real pool of unreviewed sites is every listable site that exists, not just the ones people have suggested we include, and that totals hundreds of millions, it is impossible for us as a human edited directory, or even for the likes of Google as an automated search engines, to review every possible site in any specified time span. To list them all will take hundreds of years and the result would be unusable. Therefore we are increasingly selective about what we review, where in the directory we review, and where the sites listed are sourced from.

The misunderstanding lies in the nature of the Suggest an URL link. Submitters are convinced they are using a listing service, editors view it only as a suggestion no more important than any other method of finding sites to list. Responsibility for that misunderstanding lies in our own hands at least to some extent because we are not clear enough about it on the suggestion form. If we were then perhaps fewer people would misunderstand. We should tell people not to wait, explicitely, and explain why in very simple terms.


Aug 31, 2005
FiredUp said:
I see many people been rejected, I don't have saw a single editor accepted for a long time. You know, it's just a manner of do the math.
Well if it helps you to know: I was approved as an editor in the last few months. As were many others. We just did not see the need to post about it here. Instead I have been spending my time editing this category: http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Religio...nations/Anglican/Anglican_Church_of_Australia

Hope that helps!

By the way, since you wanted me to do the math, the mathematical term for the logical error you made is "sampling bias".
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