I'm not sure we're answering this very effectively. What we are saying is, I guess, because our real pool of unreviewed sites is every listable site that exists, not just the ones people have suggested we include, and that totals hundreds of millions, it is impossible for us as a human edited directory, or even for the likes of Google as an automated search engines, to review every possible site in any specified time span. To list them all will take hundreds of years and the result would be unusable. Therefore we are increasingly selective about what we review, where in the directory we review, and where the sites listed are sourced from.
The misunderstanding lies in the nature of the Suggest an URL link. Submitters are convinced they are using a listing service, editors view it only as a suggestion no more important than any other method of finding sites to list. Responsibility for that misunderstanding lies in our own hands at least to some extent because we are not clear enough about it on the suggestion form. If we were then perhaps fewer people would misunderstand. We should tell people not to wait, explicitely, and explain why in very simple terms.