Why have my site been removed from DMOZ Directory?


Mar 15, 2004
Just being on the same server with other sites will have no effect on your listing pro or con. Probably the majority of non-corporate sites use shared hosting.

As jimnoble suggested, there are a couple of reasons a site may disappear from the directory. It no longer meets the current guidelines and was thus removed, or the site content changed and it would be better in another category in which case it will be moved and await review in the new category, the site was down when checked and was removed from public view pending a recheck. There is also the chance of a technical glitch in displaying the listing. Removal is only one possibility.


Jul 25, 2006
The thing about being on the same server with the same IP has something to do with subdommains.
The site is read as a subdomain and when the "head"domain is suggested the subdomain is removed.
I dont know much about this but this was what I was told in the google community.
Anayway, an other reason could be that the server I was on at that time was down a lot, actually several times a day some times.
Googlebot and others was somehow excluded, because of bad hosting.

has nothing to do with my site.
There's a lot of links but the links are relevant to the users.
Simply because they give the users what they search fore.

The thing about getting accepted in several categories:
October 18, 2006, 11:56 PM
jensarentoft jensarentoft is offline

It is written in danish but the moderator says that You only get accepted in one category.

About the abuse report:
The site (reportet) actually was listed with 2 different domainnames with exactly the same content.
When I reported it the first time one of them was removed from one of the categories.
Shortly after it was there again, but this time with the same domain name.

I just think it is funny that some of the crew fight so hard to keep a site with a poor navigation and content in to categories??


Mar 15, 2004
The thing about being on the same server with the same IP has something to do with subdommains.
The site is read as a subdomain and when the "head"domain is suggested the subdomain is removed.
I dont know much about this but this was what I was told in the google community.

That would depend on teh site. I have several domains on shared hosting. I also have some seperate sites on subdomains of one main domain. How they are set up,their ownership etc would determine their listability, not the simple fact that they are subdomains.

Truth in advertising: I have no sites listed in ODP/DMOZ.


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
I dont know much about this but this was what I was told in the google community.
Anayway, an other reason could be that the server I was on at that time was down a lot, actually several times a day some times.
Googlebot and others was somehow excluded, because of bad hosting.
We are not Google, and their practices are irrelevant to us.


Jan 23, 2003
The point is that we don't care what googlebot can or cannot access. It is irrelevant.

We do care if surfers cannot access your site.

If uptime is erratic, we will eventaully notice and delist the site.

Happens all the time, and to anticipate your next question, we have neither the time, nor inclination, to track delisted sites to see if their uptime improves.

We are aware of the fact, and make allowances, that some hosting environments such as Yahoo/Geocities tend to disable sites towards the end of the month if they exceed certain bandwidth quotas.


Jul 25, 2006

Do any of You want to comment the conflicting statements about getting listed in more than one category?

The thing about getting accepted in several categories:
October 18, 2006, 11:56 PM
jensarentoft jensarentoft is offline

It is written in danish but the moderator says that You only get accepted in one category.

About the abuse report:
The site (reportet) actually was listed with 2 different domainnames with exactly the same content.
When I reported it the first time one of them was removed from one of the categories.
Shortly after it was there again, but this time with the same domain name.

BTW doesn't Google own DMOZ?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Some websites are most appropriately listed in their localities - but obviously not if the locality isn't revealed or there are no locality specific services.

Others are best listed in a topical category - but probably not if they are a local taxi service for example.

Some can be appropriately listed in both - such as a mail order outfit that also has a walk in bricks and mortar store.

Other than multiple language situations, from the website suggester's point of view, that's it. Do not suggest a website to more than one topical category and one locality category - and only then if such listings would be appropriate.

Some websites have additional listings, usually topical deeplinks, but these are at editorial discretion only and must not be submitted. We only want to see root URLs from submitters.

Further, some owners spread their websites over multiple domain names. They have complete freedom to do that of course, but the subsidiary ones must not be submitted.

We don't knowingly list mirrors.

Does that clarify things?


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Google uses our data under the terms of the Open Directory License. As long as they (or anyone else for that matter) complies with the license they can do what they like with the data, and the ODP has no control of influence over it.


Jul 25, 2006
Submitting several sites on same server/IP


Some years ago I got my main site excludede because I submitted a new site that was present on the same server.
I think Servages clustered structure was the problem.

Since then I got my own root server, with only 1 IP available.
I moved my mainsite to this server and submitted the site again.
About a ½ year later I submitted it again.
I have submitted one more site from that server.

I dont get it, none of them were accepted.
Even my favourite mainsite which was accepted once.

That makes me thinking, could it be that the editor reading my submissions have some kind of old info that tells that it is still placed on the old clustered server?
Did I get some kind of bad status and if so, how can I find out?
Is it a problem that several sites share the same IP?
Do anybody in here have a personal problem with me? I know it sounds weird, but I dont see any valid reason for my sites getting denied.

I have been reading the guidelines, the sitecontent is not dublicate and it has nothing to do with affiliates or referrals.

I have 3 links that is worthy for being here, they all have been submitted but not accepted.
Is it in any way possible that I can PM an editor these links?
I know it is much to ask for, but please?


Apr 5, 2004
As you were told two years ago in another thread you started here to ask about your site(s)
The hosting arrangements for a site are pretty much irrelevant as far as an ODP listing is concerned.
The rest of the explanations you were given at the time still hold, so it might help to go back and read them.
I have therefore merged the two threads, as they are essentially the same topic.


Jul 25, 2006
Well, that leaves me with nothing else than saying thanks for nothing...

The web continues to grow at staggering rates. Automated search engines are increasingly unable to turn up useful results to search queries. The small paid editorial staffs at commercial directory sites can't keep up with submissions, and the quality and comprehensiveness of their directories has suffered. Link rot is setting in and they can't keep pace with the growth of the Internet.

Instead of fighting the explosive growth of the Internet, the Open Directory provides the means for the Internet to organize itself. As the Internet grows, so do the number of net-citizens. These citizens can each organize a small portion of the web and present it back to the rest of the population, culling out the bad and useless and keeping only the best content.

The fact is that you have a ****load of useless content in your directory.
When looking through the categories I still find sites with poor navagation and and clode to nothing content.
We dont even have to look hard.

And no, the questions were not answered in the old thread.
Else I wouldnt have asked them here ;)


Apr 5, 2004
We provide two ways for everyone to help with quality control, and you are welcome to use either of them. The dedicated forum thread here is probably the easiest, so please post details of the problems you have found. Thanks. :)

You made a number of statements and questions in your first post today which indicated you had not read the answers and links you had been given. If indeed you have seen them, I suggest you re-read them, and then if you still have questions, by all means ask them here (in this thread please).


Jul 25, 2006
Still have not got any answer on my question, which basicly are why my sites doesnt get included in the directory.
No, you dont discuss that.
I have asked permission to PM some links to an editor so I can get an explanation why my sites isnt included.
No, you dont do that.

So after all my questions has been answered.

So there is really nothing left to ask except why you think you are in lack of editors on dmoz and why you have been this for years?
Have you ever asked yourself why?
Have you changed anything to improve this?

When all comes down to it, is DMOZ anything else than a tool for the socalled SEO Marketing Business and how big a percentage of the DMOZ editors do you think get paid by them or even worse, are imployed in that business?

Is the DMOZ directory really a quality listing providing anything usable for the internet users, or is it just a directory very badly maintaned and full of crap?
I mean, you dont need to browse more than 15 minutes to find sites that uses URL cloaking and sites with no content.

Isnt it the truth that a poor maintaned directory like DMOZ, with the "powers" it have was to be shut down?
You are not even close to achieve your goals, you are getting further away from achiving it each month.

Isnt it the truth that the abuse of DMOZ actually is leading it in the wrong direction supporting the sites that shouldnt be here?

As source for my questions I can only refer to your directory.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Still have not got any answer on my question,
Maybe you did not realise you did get the answer or did not understand it.

> which basicly are why my sites doesnt get included in the directory.
This is answered in our FAQ.
It all comes down to.
There are 2 possible reasons why a suggested site is not listed
1) it is still waiting review
2) it is rejected

> No, you dont discuss that.
Correct. We do not discuss individual websites.

> I have asked permission to PM some links to an editor so I can get an
> explanation why my sites isnt included.
You can PM as much as you want but you won't get an answer. If we would give you this service we must give it to everybody. And we just don't have the time to do so.
Like anybody else you just will have to wait and be patient,

> So after all my questions has been answered.
See. You already get it ;)

> So there is really nothing left to ask except
> why you think you are in lack of editors on dmoz and why you have been
> this for years?
Lack of interest of qualified people I think.
If a qualified person who is intersted in the goods of the directory and who shows that he/she understands our guidelines and is willing to follow them that person will be accepted as an editor.

> When all comes down to it, is DMOZ anything else than a tool for the
> socalled SEO Marketing Business and how big a percentage of the DMOZ
> editors do you think get paid by them or even worse, are imployed in that
> business?
DMOZ is, never has been and never will be a tool for SEO purposes. That is why people like you get so frustrated, they are not able to manipulate DMOZ to do the SEO thing they want it to do.

> I mean, you dont need to browse more than 15 minutes to find sites that
> uses URL cloaking and sites with no content.
Be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Report them and you are part of the solution.
Keep complaining without prove and you are part of the problem.

> Isnt it the truth that a poor maintaned directory like DMOZ, with the
> "powers" it have was to be shut down?
Which powers? Only SEO indoctrinated people think DMOZ has any special power. If you get real knowledge about the subject you will see it was all a myth.


Jul 25, 2006
You can PM as much as you want but you won't get an answer. If we would give you this service we must give it to everybody. And we just don't have the time to do so.
Like anybody else you just will have to wait and be patient,
Then you are not interested in finding out if there is a problem.
Something about being part of the solution ;)

Lack of interest of qualified people I think.
If a qualified person who is intersted in the goods of the directory and who shows that he/she understands our guidelines and is willing to follow them that person will be accepted as an editor.
I do have a couple of years experience with open source and such projects and I do know there is only 2 reasons for not being able to get people support your project.
1. People doesnt like the way the project is running
2. The project itself is just not worth it.

DMOZ is, never has been and never will be a tool for SEO purposes. That is why people like you get so frustrated, they are not able to manipulate DMOZ to do the SEO thing they want it to do.
Oh boy, Let me google that for you

Be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Report them and you are part of the solution.
Keep complaining without prove and you are part of the problem.
I do understand that I am annoying. But you have to look in the mirror.
I am not the problem, you are.
I cant provide the solution, you can.

Which powers? Only SEO indoctrinated people think DMOZ has any special power. If you get real knowledge about the subject you will see it was all a myth.
Getting your sites listet on DMOZ gives several high ranked linkbacks.
It does make a difference and is not in any way related to being SEO indoctrinated people :D


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Getting your sites listet on DMOZ gives several high ranked linkbacks.
It does make a difference and is not in any way related to being SEO indoctrinated people

If that were true, and if it mattered, it would be a very good reason for focusing all the volunteers' effort on non-SEO'ed sites--to help "level the playing field". To do things like spending less time on doing ANYTHING with self-suggested sites, and much more time trying to find the non-self-promoted sites. To provider fewer services to SEO professionals and more to ... well, to everyone else on earth.

It's really not worth arguing with you about whether your statement is true or not....or if it matters to you. It OUGHT not to matter to an ODP editor. For an ODP editor to even consider it when deciding what to do, would be abuse.
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