Spectre, we love active editors like you.
Wanna do more?
Chris and Dave, you've been asking some really great questions, and receiving a number of stimulating responses. Thanks! Have either of you considered becoming an editor? I'll try and respond to some of your earlier questions/comments:
Like you, I've been volunteering for a number of years (in the US) under guidelines/requirements based on past experiences and knowledge. ODP has strict guidelines too, but they have to take into account that this project is not solely limited to the US. What is common here is not necessarily common in other parts of the world - we've got editors from Nunavut to South Africa to Indonesia and elsewhere. Also, covering how to handle what's done in every teeny tiny or extreme circumstance we'd need to borrow the Library of Congress buildings to hold all the volumes. Considering we already get complaints of the lengthiness of the guidelines, adding significantly more is not necessarily the option we want to go with.
In reviewing a (listable) site, we try to look through a significant portion of what's there, and that can take anywhere from 5-20 minutes *or longer*, and that doesn't necessarily include load times or researching potential abuse. In parts of the world where editors are still paying
by the minute to use the internet, we welcome their efforts, however limited they might be. Local and subject knowledge can make a big difference. Truthfully, the only "quota" stipulation ODP editors are given can be found in
this paragraph, as summarized by someone else earlier. That "quota" is both a blessing and a curse, depending on the situation and the viewpoint.
"Senior" editors (cateditalls, editalls, catmods, metas, staff) don't like finding abuse - by editor or spammer - but most frequently we're the final stop for dealing with it. We all have our horror stories, but the general common factor is that often our personal add stats decrease once we get promoted due to dealing with other increased responsibilities. Other responsibilities that in effect make things easier/more accessible for the editing populace at large - including shuffling sites incorrectly submitted much, much too high down to where the appropriate editors can reach them.
- We currently have a total of *2* paid staff members. One is part time, and I'm not completely certain on the other. Like the rest of us editors, they give many hours of their personal time to this project. They do a d*mn fine job in any case.
- The total number of sites (and editors) displayed on the main page is inaccurate. The number of sites used to include a few hidden/semi-hidden cats that have since been dropped from the tally (they're still around, but no longer included). Theseeker wrote of the editor numbers earlier. They've fluctuated between 9500-11000 active logins for awhile now though (more like 500-1000 are actual routinely active editors like spectre).
- I can tell you the combined submissions for Business, Computers, and Shopping presently account for 39% of total unreviewed. Any guesses which 3 of the 17 Top level cats have the highest rate of spam? I've edited in two of those areas, and can tell you we have a *tough* time getting good quality editors - without ulterior motives - to spend time there and stick around for the long haul. Is it any wonder those same trees have higher burnout and abuse rates?
- Since 17 Nov 2002, ODP has a net growth of 11% and we're presently sitting at 3813444 sites. This despite countless server issues causing an increasing number of editors to get fed up and leave. Soon, this too shall pass, and I suspect we'll see a greater jump in numbers once things are up and running the way they used to several years ago.
- In the past month (Jul 1-30) we've grown roughly 75000 sites, despite not having edit-side access _at all_ for a week. The editor forums being down have also had an effect on editing, but not as much.
I can't fully cite my sources for the stats as they are accessible only to editors and/or metas, but they *are* accurate. You're welcome to apply (once that option reopens) and find out what's what on the editor side of the fence. We've heard from several of our RZ recruits how their perspectives altered once they saw what we've been dealing with for so long. I can't guarantee application acceptance, but I think you've got a decent chance.