www.cashn4profits.com confusion post not listed


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
cash4, neither you nor we can infer any useful information from the statistics you adduced. And if you had added log analyses including REFERERs from dmoz.org -- the answer would still have been the same. You aren't barking up the wrong tree, but only because you aren't on a planet where trees grow.

As for the e-mail you're getting: I'd bet it's not from editors. And I'd place a lot of money on long odds on that bet.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You know, you gotta love the chutzpah of a site that is trying to sell completely free stuff, like the CIA World Fact Book and games like Minesweeper, for $45.95 or more. LOL :rolleyes:


May 20, 2004
Making the thread understandable bobrat

bobrat said:
This thread has become difficult to understand - let me try and summarize.

1. In your last post When I reviewed the submission stats my listing indicates that it has been moved. - I have no ideas what you are saying, please clarify what you are trying to ask.

2. As far as your main URL - on 05-28-2004, 05:27 AM post #7, you were told it was not where you said, and you should resubmit it. However, the implication was that it was doubtfull your site would be listed. In post 06-10-2004, 11:54 AM you said you resubmiited - so it's much too soon to get an answer on that.

3. As far as the deep links - you were told 06-06-2004, 05:16 PM post#10 - not to submit them.
Bobrat: CASHN4PROFITS wrote
1. What I am reffering to is when I reviewed my site submission updates under the Site Submission Forum and looked at the 6/10 post that there was a statement that the post had been moved with the arrow and red hot envelope.

2. I understand that is much too soon to get a response for the resubmission dated 6/9/04 under the post for 6/10/04.

3. I understood the need to resubmit per the 6/6/04 post #10 this is why I sent a thread #9 or #11 I'm not sure, but it was resubmit on 6/9/04 under dmoz's computer/software/retail/distributo/wholesaler

For Motsa:
In reply to your comment about my chutzpah! What we are selling is a collection of material that is available to the public without having the individual to take time an effort to research individual country's CIA information as well as giving them the resource tools to gather all on one
CD-ROM. Lay you odds that the majority of the public would not how to gather this informatio and where to start.

With regard to the Minesweeping game, that is not the only game available to them we have grouped over 500 games to customers on 1 CD-ROM which I'm sure the average "joe" aka "jane" has not a clue as how to obtain or use the energy and time to compile these helpful resources.

This is what we do retrieve information for the commoners


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
. What I am reffering to is when I reviewed my site submission updates under the Site Submission Forum and looked at the 6/10 post that there was a statement that the post had been moved with the arrow and red hot envelope.
That just means the thread was moved from another forum into this one.

...without having the individual to take time an effort to research individual country's CIA information as well as giving them the resource tools to gather all on one CD-ROM. Lay you odds that the majority of the public would not how to gather this informatio and where to start.
Hmm, let's see, a search in Google on CIA World Fact Book turns up the right place in the first slot, where the book is downloadable as a single zip file, hardly difficult to obtain for the average user.

I still think it's hilarious that you're trying to sell all of this to people.


May 20, 2004
people are not patient and become quickly frustrated

motsa said:
That just means the thread was moved from another forum into this one.

Hmm, let's see, a search in Google on CIA World Fact Book turns up the right place in the first slot, where the book is downloadable as a single zip file, hardly difficult to obtain for the average user.

I still think it's hilarious that you're trying to sell all of this to people.

Well downsizing these days and the thought of got to have it yesterday makes having the World Fact CD-ROM at your fingertips usefull besides the fact if someone ever needing it for vacationing outside the USA this would be a must have. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to sell you but just stating my position and reasoning to get this CD. The majority of the public don't know the difference between .com .gov and .net. So tell me if you were illiterate to this, where you begin your research? Also to get all the information on this site you will have to be redirected to another link that people are not aware of. How many people you know about the World Fact Book CIA publication. So yes they can go to this site CIA.gov but where would they go from there? It's been nice chatting with you.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
So tell me if you were illiterate to this, where you begin your research
Uh, I'd do a search -- which would turn up the real web site long before it ever turned up your site selling CDs. And it's not rocket science to see the link on the real site that says "Download This Publication". In any case, my opinion of your "products" are irrelevent here. Feel free to come back to this thread to get a status on the submission after July 9.
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