
Hi - I submitted my site: www.rbauthority.com over 2 months ago to DMOZ. I submitted it to SHOPPING:SPORTS:RACQUETBALL.

Can someone check on the backlog or what the status is for me?

Well... I did that just so I could keep track of all of the different search engines and advertisement methods. If that is not allowed on DMOZ, thanks for changing it. If it is, can you please change it back for me? If its at the top of the queue, how long until it is approved?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I did that just so I could keep track of all of the different search engines and advertisement methods.

Lots of people try that. It's not allowed, which is not an issue now that it's gone.

No blood, minor foul.


Jul 7, 2002
Nobody knows, but the category Shopping/Sports/Racquetball doesn't look like it's worked on regularly. Sites are lining up for quite a long time. I think it would really help to have a specialized editor for it. Would you volunteer?

(Note that I don't decide about editor applications, so I don't know whether an application would be successful or not.)


Mar 25, 2002
Anything from a few minutes to several months. We are not able to give precise times as all editors volunteer their time.

Oh, no category is 'editor-less'. Any editor that has permissions for that category or any of its parent categories can edit it. Plus we have 'editall' editors (like myself) that can edit anywhere. A good example is: this category which does not have an editor, but can be maintained by editors of this category , this one, this one, this one , that one and Regional/ , but also all the people on the editall list (that are marked 'root', 'editall' or 'Catmod:Regional'). That's 35 editors without counting the editalls.

Well... I did apply to be an editor but was rejected - they said that I would be better off in the "Racquetball" non-shopping category, which is not where I want to edit. Can someone who has editall priviledges please just go in there for me and approve?


Mar 25, 2002
We don't accept editors who only join to promote their own site(s) - and, unfortently, the Shopping/ branch of the ODP does attract quite a few potential editors who join for just that reasons. I'm sure the recommendation for you to start in the non-Shopping category ( Sports/Racquetball/ at a guess) was to ensure that you applied for the correct reasons and had knowledge of the field. I know this does sound a bit negative, but personally I'll prefer a potential editor to be rejected then an abusive editor joining for a day and then several editors having to spend months clearing up the mess they made. If you do decide to join in another category, you may find that after just a month or so of good editing you'll be granted the category you were after originally - and, you never know, by the end of a year you could be a meta editor and approving new editors yourself (if you wanted to aim for that).

>> Can someone who has editall priviledges please just go in there for me and approve? <<

Ok, if you are referring to meing approved as an editor - only Meta editors can do that (see Types Of Editors). If, however, you are asking for an editor who has editing permissions in Shopping/Sports/Racquetball/ to approve your site (they don't need to be an editall, anyone that edits in Shopping/Sports or Shopping/ can do so), then I'm sorry - but you are just going to have to wait. The guidelines to this forum state: Please note that posting in this forum will not lead to site listing in itself. An editor will get round to reviewing your site, but they will do so in their own time: posting in this forum will not get your site reviewed any faster.

It took about 1 month to just be rejected as an editor in the first place, I dont want to go through that process again. I have been waiting for 2 months and my client is becoming extremely upset, why can't somebody just help me out a bit? It does say on dmoz.org that it should only usually take a few weeks for your site to be listed. Someone in the post earlier said I'm also at the top of the queue. Can someone explain to me how long it will take my site to be listed if im at the top of the queue with an editor-less category.


It's probably best not to promise a client anything with respect to ODP. It's an informational resource not an ad directory like LookSmart. ODP doesn't operate like commercial directories.

It has already been suggested that by volunteering to help the ODP out a bit in non shopping cats and putting in some volunteer service, you could work your way up to editing in a shopping category.

OK - I made a mistake - I apologize. Please check on the status for me though.


Mar 25, 2002
>> Please check on the status for me though. <<

See post 2 in this thread where dfy gave you a status ("still awaiting for review").

When asking for a status check there are a few answers we can give:
  • Site is already listed in this category. Please refresh your browser and check you are visiting http://dmoz.org/
  • Site is awaiting review with around XX other sites.
  • Site does not appear in the unreviewed queue of that category. Are you sure that's where you submitted?
  • Site was moved to another category (X) for review
  • Site was declined a listing for reason Y
  • This site WILL NOT be listed anywhere in ODP because of reason Y

    If you want any further information, then we can only really offer generic advice. This forum is not a method to get your site reviewed before anybody elses. All sites _are_ reviewed, but depending on the backlog of categories (and the category your site is _relevant to_ [not necessarily the category you submitted to]) this can take some time.


Aug 2, 2002
>> where dfy gave you a status ("still awaiting for review") <<

<img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> How dare you, I would never use such terrible grammar. I would have said it's "still waiting for review", or "still awaiting review". <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

I took your advice and applied for the regular racquetball category editor. This did not work. I was rejected in a matter of hours. I applied under name: digital7118.

&gt;&gt; Anyone know why?

Any one of the reasons listed in the reply mail you got telling you that you have been rejected.


Mar 25, 2002
Since I'm not a meta editor (a senior editor that can accept new applications to become an editor), I can't see the details of your application - but I can make the following advice:
  • Yep, you may feel that a list of generic reasons doesn't help: but at least it's a status update. Metas are (like all ODP editors) volunteers to the project and therefore have limited time to spend on it. If they have to reject an application and the reason for reject falls in the 'generic list', then it's a lot easier to just tick a box then re-word the same thing over and over again.
  • Read the editor guidelines and check the 3 URLs you submit comply with the guidelines. Try comparing descriptions in the category with the ones you are submitting. Are yours significantly longer or shorter? More filled with keywords? etc etc
  • Be truthful on your application. Declare any and all affiliation(s)/connection(s) you may have with either the category, the site(s) you are submitting etc etc.
  • Spell check and grammar check your application. Yes, we do all make tipos, but if your application is fuLl hof cr3at1v3 spewlings and dont write read - then the meta editor will reject you.
  • SAVE your application. Write it first in Notepad, Word etc etc, save it and then cut'n' paste it into the application form. That way, if you lose your connection or something equally bad happens, you won't lose your hard work. It may even be an idea to write the application one evening, read it again the following morning and then submit it that evening - giving you enough time to think "Maybe it'll be better if I do X, Y or Z": thinking that after you've clicked "Submit" is a bit too late.
  • Read through some threads in Becoming an editor which may give you further ideas on how to improve your application.
  • Make sure you aren't applying for too large a category. Personally, I wouldn't recommend a category larger than 100 sites (including all subcategories). Categories with less than 30 sites would be an ideal starting ground for a new editor in my opinion (Meta editors have accepted new editors for 'large' categories before, but 'human nature' means that they are more likely to accept an 'unknown' person to an area why they can do little damage)
  • Apply for the correct reasons. "Because I want to get my site listed" is not the correct reason. Neither is "I know the son of the CEO of AOL Time Warner".
  • Get to know an editor. They may be able to give your application a 'once-over' before you submit to try and point out potential stumbling blocks. It won't be a guarantee you will/won't be accepted: but it may help point out mistakes you've missed.

    Hope it helps!
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