


Thanks for your response. I completely and utterly agree with what you say and that's what's so frustrating!

The YRA site makes it absolutely clear on the home page that the company dedicates itself to "Retirement and Investment Planning." Click through to the next page and it categorically states "We are the only National firm of Independent Financial Advisors dedicated to advising individuals approaching, entering, and throughout retirement." It is crystal clear to UK users what this site has to offer and it isn't cheap term insurance! Whereas the TLIP site makes it crystal clear to UK users that, it dedicates itself to offering cheap term insurance and nothing else!

I think the distinction is clear enough for any user to see and have asked other people to have a look to see if I'm losing my mind! They could clearly see the distinction and couldn't see how anyone could be confused.


I was hoping to hear some follow up from some of you about the subject to date.
Tony Perry


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
As windharp said only a few days ago, "The URL of the submission was changed to http://www.yra.co.uk/ in the first go and awaits someone to review that entry now." That is still correct.

Our editors are volunteers and only edit when they wish/are able to. Please don't assume that a discussion here guarantees faster action.

The current position is that your site is about halfway down the queue for that category. I can't estimate how long it will be before we get to it. Please be patient.


Thanks for your speedy reply. I havent presumed that. I was waiting for other editors who have made comments to reply to my last post. I'm not bothered about the YRA site as it needs a total rebuild and I never submitted it anyway! I'm more bothered about the site under discussion.
Tony Perry

I am looking into this issue, and discussing it with other editors. Please be patient.


Jul 19, 2002
Has anyone really looked at the YRA site? Half of it is under construction and has been since Feb. 2001.

After having carefully listened to the reasons exposed in this thread by tonyperry, and following extensive review of the site, a bit of investigation, and discussion among editors, we decided that this site can be listed.

The site http://www.term-life-insurance-protection.co.uk/ actually falls under the "selling multiple products from multiple vendors, offering a pricing benefit to be gained by using that site" and the products/services offered aren't already offered in the parent company's (YRA) site.

That is, we have here two companies, parent and subsidiary, sharing the same office as clearly stated in their pages (the relationships between TLIP and YRA are not "hidden", as it is in most doorway-like, lead generating sites, btw), but dedicated to two different "branches" in the insurance field. Different sites for different products/services, with no apparent overlap, thus serving the final user with different (whereas minimum -- this is really a borderline case) content.

I have therefore changed the URL of the submission back to term-life-insurance-protection.co.uk, and the site is now listed in the category.

For future reference, please notice that this doesnn't mean that any company can put online multiple duly optimized lead-generators focusing on every single product/service produced or resold by said company, and pretend to get multiple separate listings. Again, we do care about the final user (the surfer), and the usefulness and uniqueness of the information provided on a Website.


Sorry I haven't responded to your post for a week, but my wife has given birth to a beautiful baby girl and that has kept me very busy!

I would like to thank the ODP community for giving me the chance to debate the issues and put our side of the case, the sign of a truly democratic organisation. I note that it has been suggested that this kind of debate shouldn't take place within the forum. I think that would be a bad idea as it would seem (from reading the postings) that a great many people (including myself) have learnt a lot about the ODP guidelines and have come away with a clearer understanding of them. If this kind of debate wasnt allowed within the forum it would have 3 negative effects. (1) Other editors wouldnt learn from the debate (2) It may appear to some that the ODP and /or the editor concerned had something to hide and (3) Whether we all like it or not there is always going to be some editors who allow their personal feelings and opinions to influence their thinking and decisions and there wouldnt be anyone to counter this kind of behaviour. We all need to learn and understand each other and a public forum is the right place to enhance this, not a private discussion between 2 and behind closed doors!

My best regards to you all on this sad day.

Tony Perry
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