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Was going to report this in Quality forums, but remembered we needed to report K & T sites here!


Pets! Had a lot of fun browsing these websites, great category filled with nice websites. Even though some "pets" were scary, like stick insects! Brrrrrr!




Rebecca's Site on Small Animals [EDIT]

inappropriate content / website must have changed topic


Mypetstop.com [EDIT]

404 / closed


Help Pets [EDIT]

404 / website seems empty, both in Firefox and IE?






Family.com: Caring For Your Cat [EDIT]







English Cocker Spaniels [EDIT]

moved / moved, english page is at the link below

New url: http://www.aliir-cockers.hotmail.ru/main-page.htm


How to Love Your Dog [EDIT]


New url: http://www.loveyourdog.com/






Andi's Bunny Barn [EDIT]

moved / http://www.freewebs.com/fisherbrookrabbitry/






Mouse @ Horns: the Pet Mouse FAQ [EDIT]







Aquatic Web Page [EDIT]







Wild Horses, an American Romance [EDIT]


New url: http://net.unl.edu/artsFeat/wildhorses/


Hippology: Studying the Horse [EDIT]

404 / user is redirected to new page, which then returns a 404 error



Generated by Report Bad Sites Tool


Thanks everybody!


Hello, some more links I could find.




Sitterbyzip.com [EDIT]



Babysitters Club 2 [EDIT]

hijack / spam engine





Babysitting Tips [EDIT]

404 / user is redirected to url below, which returns just a 404 error

New url: http://www.babysitting.8m.com/





#1 Teenage Suicide.com [EDIT]

404 / domain expired, there is just a placeholder





Peer Skills [EDIT]

404 / domain seems to be inactive; I tried looking for alternative webpages of this project, with no luck


Generated by Report Bad Sites Tool


[EDIT] [Redirect: http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/species/our_solutions/endangered_species/tigers/] Tiger In The Wild


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Blue Whale


[EDIT] [New URL: http://www.speciesatrisk.gc.ca/search/speciesDetails_e.cfm?SpeciesID=129 ] Species at Risk: Grey Whale


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat


[EDIT] [404 Not Found] Wombats


[EDIT] [404 Not Found] Crocodiles and Alligators


[EDIT] [Redirect: http://www.hcp4.net/jones/jjpwlanl.htm ] American Anole


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Komodo Dragon


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Komodo Dragon


[EDIT] [Redirect: http://www.umass.edu/nrec Redirect: http://www.umass.edu/nrec/snake_pit/pages/cgarter.html ] Common Garter Snake


[EDIT] [New URL: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561532/Python_(snake).html ] Python


[EDIT] [Not Found] Tuatara Facts


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] Green Sea Turtle


[EDIT] [Redirect: http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/species/our_solutions/endangered_species/marine_turtles/hawksbill_turtle/ ] Hawksbill Turtle


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project


[EDIT] [404 Not Found] MarLIN Sealife Heritage Rockpool


[EDIT] [Redirect: http://www.motherjones.com/news/special_reports/coral_reef/ ] Action Atlas: Coral Reefs


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms


[EDIT] [404 Not Found] Plant Nutrient Team


[EDIT] [Domain Not Responding] Red Tide and Harmful Algal Blooms


Hello! I have triple-checked these links, but I am not too sure about the status of the last Epylepsy link.




In Your Face [EDIT]

404 / nor this website, nor the website http://www.oxy.ca seem to be working





http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Health/Teens/ [EDIT]






Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) For Teenagers [EDIT]


New url: http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/guides/rhinitis.htm


When Writings a Problem: Dysgraphia [EDIT]

moved / just a minor url change; title should also probably be changed to "Dysgraphia" or "About Dysgraphia"

New url: http://www.dyslexia-ca.org/dysgraphia.html





Illustrated Guide to Epilepsy [EDIT]

404 / the subsections of this website seems to not be working for some reason, both in Firefox and IE


Epilepsy Foundation: Kidsclub [EDIT]

404 / this and the other link to this website in the category (http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/efforums/forum/categories.cfm?catid=5&entercat=y) are not working. Yet, google cache of 31 January 2006 shows a working website; plus, for what it's worth, Alexa rankings show the popularity of this website has increased over the last month...


Generated by Report Bad Sites Tool


Thanks Mark!


Here are a few more links I could find today; just one question: I have a couple more links of websites that were not responding today. Yet, google cache showed they were still active a couple of days ago. What should I do with these websites? Should I report them or wait? I understand that a lot of websites in these categories are run by volunteers and/or with very limited funds, so it's difficult for webmasters to monitor them 24/24h everyday.


Also, I had the same link ishtar reported in his huge list, so I removed it - just one thing, the new URL for that website would be http://www.kmc.org/additionalservices/volunteers_teen.htm .




KidsHealth: Infectious Mononucleosis [EDIT]


New url: http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/common/mono.html





CancerSourceKids.com - Kids' Homepage [EDIT]

moved / like the other link from this website in the category (edit) these sections are now integrated into the same website

New url: http://www.cancersource.com/





I Have Diabetes Too! [EDIT]

404 / all images in the page are not working





Kellogg's Nutrition Camp [EDIT]

404 / seems like this section cannot be found anymore on Kellogg's websites


Generated by Report Bad Sites Tool


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