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I work for a company that was categorized in DMOZ several years before I arrived. I know that having a correct category in DMOZ for your website can be a very beneficial thing, so I was pleased when I found we were included in the directory. To my dismay, I found that the category we were placed in was not quite correct.


I have tried to perform my due diligence and figure out a successful procedure of asking for a re-categorization. I thought that I might chronicle the steps I took here so that if anyone is in a similar situation they can use this procedure to expedite their re-categorization. Also I am hoping that anyone with experience in getting re-categorized could add to this thread and fill in any hole I had in my procedure.


My idea is to elaborate on the short description of how to ask for a re-categorization:

If you are dissatisfied with the category in which your site is listed, you may send an e-mail to an editor for the category explaining your disagreement. Be polite and civil -- threatening or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.


Pasted from "Updating Your Site" section from



Step 1: Know your domains history


Find out which category your domain is currently associated with. This is easily done by doing a search for your domain name on http://dmoz.org . After performing your search (assuming that you have actually been accepted into the ODP) you should see a page that tells you which category (or categories) this domain name is currently associated with.


Copy down the exact category that your company is associated with: I will call this <CURRENT_INCORRECT_CATEGORY>



Step 2: Find your correct category


So now that you know what category you currently exist in. You copied it from the ODP in step 1 as <CURRENT_INCORRECT_CATEGORY>. At this point you should do the leg work and try to find where you actually belong. Note that the key term in this sentence is "actually" belong. Don't try to put yourself somewhere you don't belong, these editors are smart and you will only hurt yourself by attempting this. What I did for my company is I did some simple searches for our current competition, I mean people that we are neck and neck with in terms of information offered on our site. Not the site that we "WANT" to be like after 5 years and a lot of capital for content. Suggesting the correct category is important, as this sticky thread suggests. http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41558



Identify the single best category for your site. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed.


Note: Some categories do not have "suggest URL" or "update URL" links. These categories don't accept submissions, so you should find a more specific category for your site.


Pasted from "Step Three" Section on



So once you find the category that you want to be in. Copy this category down as: <DESIRED_CATEGORY>



Step 3: Make a compelling argument for the re-categorization


Some questions I asked myself included:

  1. Why were we categorized with that in the first place?
  2. What has changed to make this category inappropriate?
  3. Why is the new category 'better' ( more accurate to what this site represents )?
  4. What links and examples from my website can I include to support my arguments?


(... snip Edited out Bad advice of sending an email, thanks Editors! snip....)


Step 4: In your <CURRENT_INCORRECT_CATEGORY> click on the "update listing" link in the upper right hand corner


You will see after clicking on this link that this is the prefferred way to update your category


Suggest a category more appropriate for this site


Follow the prompts given with the information you have created:


  1. Use your <DESIRED_CATEGORY> when appropriate.
  2. Add a short note explaining your request.


Here is a template note that is similar to the one the one I posted during my "update listing" step:




I work for a company that I believe has been incorrectly categorized in your directory and I would like to request we be reviewed for a different category.


I believe that this category is the appropriate category for us for several reasons including:





Please let me know if you agree with this re-categorization or if there is anything else I can do to help this process. Thank you for your time.



<YOUR Contact Info Here>

<YOUR Email Address>




Step 5: Be patient, and wait for a response!



Note that my own companies re-categorization is currently in-progress so I can't guarantee that this procedure will work.


Good Luck with your re-categorization requests!

  • Editall/Catmv

Two things:


(1) Be sure to read the description of both the category the site is listed in and the location where you think the site should be listed - it sometimes makes a huge difference.


(2) DON'T email - use the UPDATE LISTING link.


Don't email, please don't email, I beg you no email.


I get thousands of email a day, I don't need anymore. It's also much more work to do what's in an email that process an update.


I check my ODP categories daily, and give the updates priority. Note that I find that less than 10% of updates are acceptable - so it does not mean the update gets done.


Thanks Editors...


Thanks lmocr and bobrat for your replies to this thread. I have edited the above guide to reflect your suggestion of using the "update listing" link instead of sending an email to the editors.


I don't know who controls the content on http://dmoz.org/add.html but I think that the "Updating Your Site" section should be reworded to more clearly explain what users should do when they want to re-categorize.


Specifically the sentence:


If you are dissatisfied with the category in which your site is listed, you may send an e-mail to an editor for the category explaining your disagreement. Be polite and civil -- threatening or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.


This is what INCORRECTLY led me to believe that your first resort when attempting re-categoriztion would be to email the appropriate editor for your category. I was under the impression that the "update listing" link was only for changes to your title and description in the directory.


Do you agree that this is confusing, or am I just easily confused :) ?

I agree it's confusing - having the site tell you to send emails to editors and having editors tell you a different story.

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