A personal experience



Re: A personal experience (former editor)

I'm not accustomed to the need to ask others in order to help others. /images/icons/smile.gif

I will have another look at the new application, and consider re-applying for the Visual Arts > Education category.

Many Regards,
General Manager: The-Group.org
Webmaster: Visualcues.com


Re: A personal experience (former editor)

Now I recall that I could not use the form because my email address had changed and I did not recall the password. Since they could not email me the password....


Re: A personal experience (former editor)

better yet,

Maybe your organization can contact me when you do need an editor for the Visual Arts > Educaton section. /images/icons/laugh.gif

I realize this is a very old post (in internet time), but I'm very curious whether Phil is still an editor. Phil - are you out there? How's it going?

The journey is actually more interesting to me than the outcome. I enjoyed seeing you gain a new perspective on the situation and I really enjoyed all the feedback from the editors. I hope I get accepted (when the newapp form is actually working), but if I don't I will certainly keep this entire thread in mind. (It took long enough to read - I would hope I'd learned something from it!) /images/icons/smile.gif


Phil's still here - he's up to about 8 categories.

I think Phil was the first person we sucked in, er, persuaded to join us, from this public forum. We should celebrate by sending him naughty postcards or something.


Hi Angela.

The odd thing (to me) about this thread is that when I started it, I told a friend of mine that there was no real reason for anyone to respond much at all. I forget my reasoning but it turned into the biggest thread by far. I wonder if it will be surpassed /images/icons/smile.gif

Anyway, yup I'm still "out there" and still an editor. In fact I was joint winner in the recent Best New Regional Editor poll - quite a contrast from how it started here.

If you do become an editor, Angela (and I wish you well on that), you'll find it very different on the inside to how it appears from the outside. I think the biggest surprise to me is the way in which websites are regarded. They are like jewels that are prized and musn't be lost. That's how it appears to me, anyway.

For instance, you'd think that a listed website that disappears from the web would simply be deleted, wouldn't you? Not so. It might have moved to a new domain name so try to find it if possible, are the instructions.

From the outside it looks like DMOZ editors don't give a damn about websites, but they do. More specifically, they care a lot about the directory and about building it up with as many websites as possible (not counting mirrors, affiliates and such). It's quite an eye-opener.

Btw, nice piccy /images/icons/smile.gif


Great to hear!

You know, one of the things I've caught a glimpse of on this public forum is the sense of community among the editors. A few years ago I was part of a team that managed a forum on an Adult (kind of) site that dealt with a lot of social issues. People had strong feelings about those issues. It was a difficult job for the moderators to manage the expectations of the members. There isn't any way for them to know the amount of effort behind the scenes, and some of them would get quite "verbose" (how's that for politically correct?) about their opinions.

All this to say I'm really glad to see you still working as an editor, many of us members appreciate your efforts.

(ps - thanks re: the pic!)

Yeah, my luck I'd send some completely inappropriate postcard and get banned for life. /images/icons/tongue.gif How about we pretend to send you naughty postcards and you just imagine what they might say!


LOL. There's one thing I never do - ban ladies from my inbox /images/icons/smile.gif However, I'll try your 'pretend and imagine' method.................

ANGELA!!! Wow!!! Where did you find that one??? Got any more like that? I don't think I'll sleep tonight /images/icons/smile.gif

LMAO! I have a feeling that I have PLENTY of the "pretend and imagine" postcards to send!

Oops, that's right, we're supposed to be civil and appropriate in inter-editor communications. So I'll just post a naughty link here for everyone: http://www.livenudecats.com/

Phil's right, we do value websites highly. The reason it may appear otherwise is that the most vocal people on public forums are often those who are trying to get (how shall I put it?) less desirable commercial sites listed, under the mistaken impression that we're a form of advertising. This leads to, um, conflict.

You don't hear as much from the folks who are building really good sites, because they're busy writing articles, taking pictures, exchanging links, testing software, and making their sites accessible to everyone. But about 4,000 of them get listed in ODP every day. (If they'd just learn to use redirect pages when they move their sites, we'd have nothing more to wish for /images/icons/wink.gif )


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
>> hope I get accepted (when the newapp form is actually working), but if I don't I will certainly keep this entire thread in mind.<<

Just wanted to be the first to welcome Angela to the ODP. /images/icons/smile.gif

{do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!}

I like the idea of naughty postcards for everybody! It's like giving gifts to everyone at the party when it's your birthday. /images/icons/smile.gif



...I had to blink at seeing the new posts in this thread...it started out being a big heated discussion, and now its deteriorated into nude postcards and kitty pr0n.

* kujanomiko likes it!

Thanks Dave! /images/icons/wink.gif

And Kujanomiko, are you trying to bypass adult word checks or do you watch a lot of pr0n? heheh (Really, you need to get out more!) /images/icons/smile.gif


Mar 27, 2002
This thread sure brings back memories. /images/icons/smile.gif By the way Phil, I don’t think I ever told you congratulations on your award. Well I do now.


Thanks Jordan. And it was won when I'd ground to a virtual halt due to other urgent things cropping up. I should be up and running again shortly.

Well done Angela! Is that your editor name - Angela? May I remind you (gloat) that I did say "when" and not "if" /images/icons/smile.gif

I'm not altogether sure that I approve of naughty postcards being sent to everyone. Initially, they were just meant for ME. I do have feelings ya know /images/icons/frown.gif

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