DMOZ is Dead...Long Live the Open Directory Movement!


Nov 7, 2006
We can argue about this stuff all day, the editors can try and downplay this all they want, the fact is something is VERY wrong. I dont see much to talk about. Be realistic this is bad, so bad that we will probably never truthfuly be told what really happend.

Actually, I don't think any of us are downplaying the situation, chaz7979, we just know our people well enough to have great confidence in their abilities to fix the problems. :)

We are just as much in the dark as anyone else, and I think we have much more at stake than you do, hours and hours of actual labor, :D , but, we're willing to be patient, and not to get all flighty faced about the sky falling. ;)

I'm sure it is a very serious situation, none of us doubt that, but there is nothing we can do about it. I grabbed my wrench and knocked on the door, but, I don't believe they need my help right now, maybe later, :rolleyes: .

But, if you think we know something more and we're just not telling you for some reason, you'd be wrong, we really don't, :) .


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
motsa said:
Looks like it's time for us to open up a "Conspiracy Theories" thread so you all can speculate to your hearts' content. :D
My theory:
motsa kidnapped all the techies and is holding them hostage until they return the Cat-nip and kitty-litter that they stole during the Halloween Party. :D


Aug 29, 2005
hutcheson said:
I'm sure you'll never believe what you're told, so that all works out.

I would hope you wouldn’t believe it either. You would be naive to do so. Why would anyone at a technical level tell Hutch what really happened? Unless the problem was induced by some rogue editor. Or some other scenario in which you guys had a chance to stop it from happening again.

Actually, I don't think any of us are downplaying the situation, chaz7979, we just know our people well enough to have great confidence in their abilities to fix the problems.

Really? Even after all of this time? Will you at least admit that your confidence is dropping by the day?

:) :D :( :eek: :p :rolleyes: :cool: :eek:


Nov 7, 2006
Really? Even after all of this time? Will you at least admit that your confidence is dropping by the day?

Not at all, chaz7979, because it really hasn't.

I do think there was a big screwup in not having a backup system in place, and I'm sure the powers that be know that too, and why, but, I'm not privy to that information, and I doubt I'd understand it anyway.

Sometimes, the only thing you can do is trust the cooks, and stay out of the kitchen, it will either get fixed or be gone. I happen to think it'll be back up and running soon, but with 4 million sites, it takes awhile to get all the data back in and check that everything is working properly.

There's no sense in rushing it, and having to fix it again.

But, I'm really curious about your reason for being here, bein as how I'm ignorant an all, are you for us, against us, or are you the appointed spokesman sent to find out what you can for some SEO outfit?


Nov 6, 2002
motsa said:
Looks like it's time for us to open up a "Conspiracy Theories" thread ...
Having read the comments posted here, I think a simple retitling of this one would serve the purpose.


Aug 29, 2005
OK so no one is losing confidence. Maybe that was the wrong question. Do those same people think that this amount of downtime is acceptable?

crowbar said:
But, I'm really curious about your reason for being here, bein as how I'm ignorant an all, are you for us, against us, or are you the appointed spokesman sent to find out what you can for some SEO outfit?

I am for the internet and the good of all. That being said, sometimes I am for the ODP and sometimes I am against it.

I have never worked for any SEO company. I am a firm believer in that correctly constructing a website is all the SEO you should need.


Apr 5, 2004
I am for the internet and the good of all
My word. A noble purpose indeed.

If only there were other people with the same ideals.

If only some of them were willing to devote their leisure time to helping other internet users - without any thought of personal gain.

If only there were some sort of organised project along those lines.
Nov 15, 2006

Its good to see this healthy discussion. Ive been confused as to whats been going on. Not sure I have any more clarity but its nice to commiserate. I am hopeful they work these issues out. I have a new site and am unable to even submit.


Nov 7, 2006
Most of us editors are also in the dark about the exact details of the outage, but, we have great faith in our fixeruppers abilities, and we're patiently waiting to get back to work, :) .

There seems to be a lot of silly, unwarranted rumors flying around the Internet that we really have no patience or desire to engage in, and some people, bein the spicious fellows that they are, are convinced that someone, somewhere, must know something and we're just trying to hide the truth, :D ,
which is of course silly. What purpose would that serve?

The honest truth is that we've shared everything we know, which is very little, and when we know more, we'll be happy to tell you. :)


Nov 7, 2006
Do those same people think that this amount of downtime is acceptable?

Well, I hope not.

I am for the internet and the good of all. That being said, sometimes I am for the ODP and sometimes I am against it.

Then, you should join us and become an editor, you don't have to be a yes man, most of us are free thinkers, and every editor has an equal opportunity to agree, disagree, or to try to get a concensus for change.

I have never worked for any SEO company. I am a firm believer in that correctly constructing a website is all the SEO you should need.

That's very refreshing to hear, I'm beginning to actually like you (if it matters), :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Do those same people think that this amount of downtime is acceptable?

Well, what I most absolutely refuse to accept is someone else's definition of what is acceptable.

If I'm willing to wait and let someone else do something--anything--, then, by definition it's acceptable, however long it takes them and however badly they do it.

This ESPECIALLY applies, a fortiori, when (as in this case) I wait for someone else to do something because I respect their ability and zeal, and I think they might do it better than I could, even if I tried. And in the Open Directory community, I think any honest volunteer will often feel that way about many of the people around him.

And it most especially applies when (as in this case) I am perfectly confident that the workers are, more than anyone else, acutely aware of how, um, eagerly the volunteers are waiting to get their tools back.

But, when it comes down to it, the ODP is not the only project that draws on online volunteers to add to the sum of human knowledge online. I know some ODP volunteers participate in Wikipedia and Project Gutenberg; some maintain websites pro bono for local educational, charitable, or religious organizations. We don't have to, and we aren't going to, "wait" until the ODP comes back. We may work on the second, third, ... tenth items on our priority list, but volunteerism is still active.

So ... there's no need, ever, for ME to tell YOU that YOUR work is unacceptable -- I will either tacitly accept it, or I'll just start doing it better, all by myself.

And ... I don't ever care who thinks my work is unacceptable. Anyone who wants to do it better -- and can show some evidence they CAN -- will find me cheering them on, just before I check THAT item off MY to-do list and go on to the next.

There's plenty of work for everyone; and there's plenty of work done, that every fair person will appreciate, and ... that's not just acceptable, that's just marvelous.


Nov 16, 2006
I Am Not Able Register My Website In Dmoz

I AM NOT ABLE REGISTER MY WEBSITE IN DMOZ please help me how to reg <url removed>


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
alexhacom said:
I AM NOT ABLE REGISTER MY WEBSITE IN DMOZ please help me how to reg

Please see this announcement.

When that post changes to say that the servers are back, you will be able to suggest your site for review. Thank you.

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
shadow575 said:
My theory:
motsa kidnapped all the techies and is holding them hostage until they return the Cat-nip and kitty-litter that they stole during the Halloween Party. :D

That was no Halloween party. I hear it was a rite for inducting new demons into the club.


Apr 12, 2005
chaz7979 said:
True they can, they can also be fixed much more quickly. It's not even comparable. Some of the recovery is even automated at this point. Something that was not imaginable years ago.

Chaz, which division of the government did you work for??? I happen to work for a particular division that we may have all the technological advancements but things always going incredibly wrong and always take weeks to fix, of course that is partly because of politics and partly because of the inept people that we have operating our servers, but I have never seen anything like this run smoothly or quickly...

Just my 2 cents.

I just hope that it is fixed soon.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Editors are getting impatient also, I think everyone wants to see it fixed. I do, however, want to see it fixed correctly. I miss editing but I can honestly say I'm amazed at some of the predictions of doom that are on here. I have complete faith that they will get this fixed as soon as possible, they are fixing it as I type this. If they just did it halfway and let us back in, what good would that do anyone? Errors, missing sites, or whatever...they need to fix it so that it works. I also have no doubt that a lot was learned from this and it will never happen again.

I, for one, appreciate the work that is going on behind the scenes to restore the ODP. Some people are always going to seen gloom and doom wherever they go, but that doesn't change the fact that things will be back up and running as soon as everything is correctly restored. :eek:


Apr 5, 2004
If you mean there is a lot of work to be done in many categories, you are absolutely right, and we hope you will apply to help us.
If you mean you have found dead or misplaced sites yourself, we hope you will tell us about them in the Quality Control thread.
If you mean the current technical problems are very disappointing for everyone, we agree with you.

So in other words, what is it we won't admit? ;)
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