

Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Do you think that 10000 editors on 583 000 categories is the reciepe for good quality?!?!

I think one of the most important ingredients in the recipe for good quality is to ignore irrelevant statistics? Is the number you mention too high? too low? How would YOU know?

>Obviously not.

Two words. Two errors. That's efficiency.

>Why dont you shorten them a little bit or assign more editors.

There are no editors assigned to any category, and there never have been any editors assigned to categories. I'm not sure why you think editors are too "tall:" or is English not your native language?

That you seem to think Frontpage is at all in any way difficult to learn ... speaks worlds. But not about the ODP.


May 26, 2002
>> assign more editors <<

The ODP already lets every person that appears to want to help, can demonstrate that they "have a clue", and has suggested three sample sites, loose in the directory to edit in one category to start with.

When they have outgrown their starting place, they are given wider privilidges.

Explain to me again why forever restricting an editor to one category that gets 5 submissions a year, is preferable to that editor having access to several thousand categories and doing several edits per week spread across all of them, 'cus I just cannot see your logic?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You know what? I'm going to put us all out of our misery here. This "conversation" (such as it is) is going nowhere fast...and spinning in circles while it does it. We're repeating ourselves ad nauseum so it's time for the thread to end ('cos you know leaving it open is just too tempting).

Please DO NOT start up a new thread to continue discussing your suggestions. Thanks.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.