newbie to e-commerce, I think I may have messed up

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005

We will see, when I applied I was not "so picky" as to what category I edited.
I love everything to do with gemstones, just the fact that we are wearing elements of the earth that in most cases are thousands and thousands of years old, will always intrigue me.
I love going to the factories and watching the stones be facated and crafted.
Because I was not so picky, and work with, and have seen first hand most aspects of the business I am not so sure what category I applied for, I just took what ever had "volenteer for this category" because it needed a editor and I wanted to give something back.
I will probably have to re-apply, but that is OK, I am much wiser about what is desired in a editor thanks to YOU ALL.
This time I will make sure to take note of the category.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
I submitted to the "correct" location now

I think I finally submitted to the correct category, now I will just have to cross my fingers.

I also noticed that there was a Volunteer to edit this category where I submitted.

If I do not qualify for editor positon this time around. I think I will try for one of the smaller alphabetized pages that does not have an editor.
Thanks again for everyone's help.


Jun 8, 2005
Or you could apply to edit your hometown (who else would know it best?) or a favorite hobby.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
Great idea!

It appears that my hometown may need an editor!
Under my favorite hobby, unless I am missing it, I am not seeing a Equestrian section for our hometown, maybe I could suggest this sub category, I know this a very much loved sport in our area.

Other than that travel and jewelry are my hobbies.
I am sure I could find something under one of these topics somewhere!


Jun 8, 2005
I thought there was a reason I liked you :D

I'm an editor for Sports/Equestrian/Breeds

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005

I knew there was a reason I liked you too :D

I worked for many years on a ranch in Collyville Texas (in my younger years) called Waggoner Ranch, trained and rode the "green" cutting horses. Doc Bar, and Sugar Bars blood lines.
My little girl won her first blue and red ribbons when she was about 5 years old.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
I asked my editor status on the "becoming a editor" page.

I can hardly wait to find out the response. I am pretty sure I will be rejected my first time, but I am under the impression that it is best to wait for that rejection, learn from the criticism and re-apply.

Still, I am dying to find out, and I can hardly wait! :D


May 26, 2002
My first application came back as an accept in about 30 minutes - and I have heard of people with quicker responses than that. I assume that someone interested in the topic that I had applied for, was already logged in and already going through applications when I applied. Mine popped onto the list as they were looking at it, and was approved in short order.

For spammy areas of the directory, niche topics, or languages with very few Meta editors (they are the ones that approve/decline applications) it can take several weeks. Someone will get back to you within a day or two in your other thread here. If you aren't successful this time, then read the email very carefully, and you will be better prepared to apply again (using the same proposed editor name) and for the same or a different category as last time.


Jun 8, 2005
My daughter and I breed paint horses. We've owned horses since she was 10 - boy those 10 years sure have flown by :) . She started out in 4-H and now trains, rides, shows, and breeds.

Someone will look at your application and eventually end your misery one way or another :p . And if you do get accepted to one category, you can always branch out into other areas once you've gotten your editor feet under you.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005

I began my love of horses when I was about 10 years old and a friend of mine took me to a stables.
I was given this cute little Paint colored Pinto named Mighty Mouse, (I will never forget his name) he was as stubborn as a mule.
The ride began normally enough until I went to cross a creek, he stopped dead center to take a nice long drink.
As I had absolute no experience on horses, and everyone else had just proceeded on the trail, I was all alone.
When I tried to make him go, he decided he did not feel like going.
So I gave him a little kick, and he threw me. I landed square on my back in the middle of the creek.
About that time they blew the whistle for the horses to come back to the stables.
He went back all right, all by himself!
I must have walked a mile or more back to the stables.
Battered, bruised, and more sore than I have ever been in my entire life (the whole ten years of it) I decided I loved these magnificent creatures.
His strong will reminded me very much of something I saw (and still see) in myself.
I went back to ride at those stables many times, however I must admit, I never did gain the courage to mount Mighty Mouse again.

As for my misery, I am pretty sure that I know the answer already.
The sooner it happens, the sooner I can begin the task of presenting a better resume for my future employers. ;)

Thank you, this information is encouraging. I bet the category that I applied for has many people who have applied to edit, and it may be too spammy for me, in the view of the editors. I know that there are a good number of jewelry sites out there that re-direct to "other things" I have seen this for myself. This may be a small part of the reason for the delay.
Reguardess, I am hopeful!


May 26, 2002
Well, another quality required(*) of editors is the ability to spot things that "aren't right". Editing isn't about processing the unreviewed pile, but contributing to a category by finding sites from any source to add to it, and finding stuff within it that should no longer be listed, deleted, or moved elsewhere.

(*)"Required" isn't really the right word, as it is a skill that you learn as you go along, and gain a sense for, the more spam and sneaky stuff that you see.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
Yes, I understand and agree.
I think this may be the "most" fulfilling part of being an editor.
Being able to put things "in their proper place".
My philosophy, everything in its place, everything has its place.
There is a place for almost every type of site, however, there are some spam and re-directing practices that are utterly disgusting.
I like to find the correct things by keyword.
I hate the thought of children who surf the web every day for school work, or even just to find game sites (for example) and end up somewhere else.
Being a part of the clean up could be very fulfilling!
I am sure that is a huge part of what they are searching for in editors, and probably why it takes so much time to find them. Finding team players can be difficult in any work environment especially when there is no face to face interview.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
Has anyone seen this before?

ODP Sponsored Links

ODP Sponsored Links is a brand new feature of
BLIP. It is an excellent option for site owners who want more targeted visitors to their own business website and want to increase the incoming links to their website from an authoritative source. Using ODP Sponsored Links you have the option to put a link, and a short description of your website on a category of your choice.

For example if your website is about Beverages, you would certainly want to put a link into the following page: http://www./odp/index.cgi?show=/Business/Food_and_Related_Products/Beverages/.

Sponsored Links always stand out from the rest of the links, they are presented in distinctive red / bold characters.

How to submit a Sponsored Link?
To Add a Sponsored Link, please select the best matching category for your site / URL. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects / categories you can choose among. You should submit your Sponsored Link to the most relevant categories. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected.
To start your submission please Browse through the categories and simply click on Add Sponsored Link on top of the the selected page.

Select a Main Category: -- Select -- Arts Business Games Health Home Kids and Teens News Recreation Reference Regional Science Shopping Society Sports World <<-- Make your Selection
ODP - DMOZ Directory

Special Introductory Pricing until 30 September 2005.
1 month: $10.00 instead of $12.00, Your Saving: $2.00
3 months: $20.00 instead of $25.00, Your Saving: $5.00
6 months: $30.00 instead of $45.00, Your Saving: $15.00
12 months: $40.00 instead of $80.00, Your Saving: $40.00.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
Sorry I hit accidentally hit enter before I was ready.

I recieved the previous e-mail in my box. Is there anyone who knows what this means?
I know what it "sounds" like, but is it worth it?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
They can do what they want with their copy of the ODP. I very very much doubt if there's anybody on earth that it's worth it for, except the person getting the money.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
I thought there was only ONE ODP.
Ok, so it is "not THE ODP" you are paying to be sponsored in.
Their page is EXACTLY like ODP.
WOW - thats scary.
They even use the same colors to highlight the words Kids and Teens.

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
The e-mail

The e-mail came as "Get listed in the ODP fast!)
This is clearly a case for Buyer beware, and read, read, read.
Thanks Hutcheson :)

Rhonda Tatum

Aug 24, 2005
I was wondering

Does anyone have a rough idea of how many editors there are within the ODP?
I am just being curious.


Mar 25, 2002
Rhonda, the "Open" part of the Open Directory Project is there because it is possible for anyone to use the data for the directory for their own purposes, as long as adequate credit is given (and this is laid out in a public document). (and, as it turns out, the company you are talking about http: // br. tradeholding. com/ odp/ is violating the terms of that agreement)

So that more prominent listing would only be in that "clone" of the ODP, nowhere else.

You don't have to be an ODP editor to set up one of these clones, either. Anyone can.

As for how many editors - many thousands - although it depends whether you count how many editors over time have made a contribution to the project, how many have active log-ins or how many editors are "active"...
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